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Betty · 2024年12月31日




Which of the following statements is most accurate with respect to infrastructure investments? Investors should:


A.screen investments for an ESG tilt as engagement is not possible. B.allow general partners to directly engage with the infrastructure company. C.make ESG information and expertise available to the project company to help it develop capacity.


A. Incorrect ESG tilts are preferred for sovereign debt, not for infrastructure investments, as engagement is possible in the latter case.

B. Incorrect because with private equity investments, direct ESG engagement will be undertaken by the general partner (GP, the private equity house) rather than the limited partner (LP, the asset owner), although individual LPs may wish to engage with their GPs on the ways in which they are monitoring and acting on ESG issues across their portfolios. Therefore, this argument applies to private equity investments, not for infrastructure investments.

C. Correct because PRI recommends that investors consider eight potential mechanisms to act as engaged owners in infrastructure, including (where possible) to make ESG information and expertise available to the asset or project company to help it develop capacity.


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NO.PZ2024021802000020问题如下Whiof the following statements is most accurate with respeto infrastructure investments? Investors shoulA.screen investments for ESG tilt engagement is not possible.B.allow generpartners to rectly engage with the infrastructure company.C.make ESG information anexpertise available to the projecompany to help it velop capacity. IncorreESG tilts are preferrefor sovereign bt, not for infrastructure investments, engagement is possible in the latter case.Incorrebecause with private equity investments, reESG engagement will unrtaken the generpartner (GP, the private equity house) rather ththe limitepartner (LP, the asset owner), although inviLPs mwish to engage with their GPs on the ways in whithey are monitoring anacting on ESG issues across their portfolios. Therefore, this argument applies to private equity investments, not for infrastructure investments.Correbecause PRI recommen thinvestors consir eight potentimechanisms to aengageowners in infrastructure, inclung (where possible) to make ESG information anexpertise available to the asset or projecompany to help it velop capacity. 为什么A不对呢?不是要做好尽职调查等吗?

2024-09-07 01:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021802000020 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is most accurate with respeto infrastructure investments? Investors shoul A.screen investments for ESG tilt engagement is not possible. B.allow generpartners to rectly engage with the infrastructure company. C.make ESG information anexpertise available to the projecompany to help it velop capacity. IncorreESG tilts are preferrefor sovereign bt, not for infrastructure investments, engagement is possible in the latter case.Incorrebecause with private equity investments, reESG engagement will unrtaken the generpartner (GP, the private equity house) rather ththe limitepartner (LP, the asset owner), although inviLPs mwish to engage with their GPs on the ways in whithey are monitoring anacting on ESG issues across their portfolios. Therefore, this argument applies to private equity investments, not for infrastructure investments.Correbecause PRI recommen thinvestors consir eight potentimechanisms to aengageowners in infrastructure, inclung (where possible) to make ESG information anexpertise available to the asset or projecompany to help it velop capacity. 为什么B不对?B讲的就是普通合伙人去做决策

2024-06-03 21:33 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021802000020 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is most accurate with respeto infrastructure investments? Investors shoul A.screen investments for ESG tilt engagement is not possible. B.allow generpartners to rectly engage with the infrastructure company. C.make ESG information anexpertise available to the projecompany to help it velop capacity. IncorreESG tilts are preferrefor sovereign bt, not for infrastructure investments, engagement is possible in the latter case.Incorrebecause with private equity investments, reESG engagement will unrtaken the generpartner (GP, the private equity house) rather ththe limitepartner (LP, the asset owner), although inviLPs mwish to engage with their GPs on the ways in whithey are monitoring anacting on ESG issues across their portfolios. Therefore, this argument applies to private equity investments, not for infrastructure investments.Correbecause PRI recommen thinvestors consir eight potentimechanisms to aengageowners in infrastructure, inclung (where possible) to make ESG information anexpertise available to the asset or projecompany to help it velop capacity. 为什么B不对?为什么B是applies to private equity investments, not for infrastructure investments?

2024-05-21 11:00 2 · 回答