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绿水精灵 · 2024年12月21日


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Q. The costs least likely to be included by the CFO as inventory are:


A.storage costs for the chocolate liquor.

B.excise taxes paid to the government of Brazil for the cacao beans.

C.storage costs for chocolate and purchased finished goods awaiting shipment to customers.


C is correct. The storage costs for inventory awaiting shipment to customers are not costs of purchase, costs of conversion, or other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition and are not included in inventory. The storage costs for the chocolate liquor occur during the production process and are thus part of the conversion costs. Excise taxes are part of the purchase cost.


1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年12月21日




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NO.PZ202308140300007501问题如下Hans Annan, CFa fooanbeverage analyst, is reviewing Century Chocolate’s inventory policies part of his evaluation of the company. Century Chocolate, basein Switzerlan manufactures chocolate procts anpurchases anresells other confectionery procts to complement its chocolate line. AnnvisiteCentury Chocolate’s manufacturing facility last year. He learnethcacbeans, importefrom Brazil, represent the most significant rmaterianththe work-in-progress inventory consists primarily of three items: roastecacbeans, a thipaste procefrom the beans (callechocolate liquor), ana sweetenemixture thnee to “conche to prochocolate. On the tour, Annlearneththe conching process ranges from a few hours for lower-quality procts to six ys for the highest-quality chocolates. While there, Annsthe facility’s climate-controllearea where manufacturefinisheprocts (cocoa anchocolate) anpurchasefinishegoo are storeprior to shipment to customers. After touring the facility, Annha scussion with Century Chocolate’s CFO regarng the types of costs thwere incluin eainventory category.Annhaskehis assistant, Joanna Kern, to gather some preliminary information regarng Century Chocolate’s financistatements aninventories. He also askeKern to calculate the inventory turnover ratios for Century Chocolate ananother chocolate manufacturer for the most recent five years. Annes not know Century Chocolate’s most recompetitor, so he asks Kern to some researanselethe most appropriate company for the ratio comparison.Kern reports bathCentury Chocolate prepares its financistatements in accornwith IFRS. She tells Annththe polifootnote states thrmaterials anpurchasefinishegoo are valuepurchase cost, wherework in progress anmanufacturefinishegoo are valueproction cost. Rmateriinventories anpurchasefinishegoo are accountefor using the FIFO metho anthe weighteaverage cost methois usefor other inventories. allowanis establishewhen the net realizable value of any inventory item is lower ththe value calculatepreviously.Kern provis Annwith the selectefinancistatements aninventory ta for Century Chocolate. The ratio exhibit Kern preparecompares Century Chocolate’s inventory turnover ratios to those of Gorn’s Gooes, a US-basecompany. Annreturns the exhibit antells Kern to selea fferent competitor threports using IFRS rather thUS GAAP. ring this initireview, Annasks Kern why she hnot incatewhether Century Chocolate uses a perpetuor a perioc inventory system. Kern replies thshe learnethCentury Chocolate uses a perpetusystem but not inclu this information in her report because inventory values woulthe same unr either a perpetuor perioc inventory system. Anntells Kern she is wrong anrects her to researthe matter.While Kern is revising her analysis, Annreviews the most recent month’s Cocoa Market Review from the InternationCocoa Organization. He is awn to the statement th“the ICily price, averaging prices in both futures markets, reachea 29-yehigh in US llterms ana 23-yehigh in speciawing rights (Ss) terms (the S unit comprises a basket of major currencies usein internationtra: US llar, euro, pounsterling, anyen).” Annmakes a note thhe will neeto factor the potenticontinuation of this treninto his analysis.Exhibit 1: Century Chocolate FinanciStatementsQ. The costs least likely to incluthe CFO inventory are:A.storage costs for the chocolate liquor.B.excise taxes paito the government of Brazil for the cacbeans.C.storage costs for chocolate anpurchasefinishegoo awaiting shipment to customers.C is correct. The storage costs for inventory awaiting shipment to customers are not costs of purchase, costs of conversion, or other costs incurrein bringing the inventories to their present location ancontion anare not incluin inventory. The storage costs for the chocolate liquor occur ring the proction process anare thus part of the conversion costs. Excise taxes are part of the purchase cost.做错两遍,第三遍还是错了。题干我没找到chocolate liquor,解析的意思也看得模棱两可。麻烦助教点拨一下思路。

2024-10-03 11:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202308140300007501问题如下Q. The costs least likely to incluthe CFO inventory are:A.storage costs for the chocolate liquor.B.excise taxes paito the government of Brazil for the cacbeans.C.storage costs for chocolate anpurchasefinishegoo awaiting shipment to customers.C is correct. The storage costs for inventory awaiting shipment to customers are not costs of purchase, costs of conversion, or other costs incurrein bringing the inventories to their present location ancontion anare not incluin inventory. The storage costs for the chocolate liquor occur ring the proction process anare thus part of the conversion costs. Excise taxes are part of the purchase cost.谁能看进去啊啊啊啊 真的读不了

2023-11-19 22:27 2 · 回答