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rainieli · 2024年12月20日




Q. Which of the following would most likely signal that a company may be using aggressive accrual accounting policies to shift current expenses to later periods? Over the last five-year period, the ratio of cash flow to net income has:


A.increased each year. B.decreased each year. C.fluctuated from year to year.


B is correct. If the ratio of cash flow to net income for a company is consistently below 1 or has declined repeatedly over time, this may be a signal of manipulation of information in financial reports through aggressive accrual accounting policies. When net income is consistently higher than cash provided by operations, one possible explanation is that the company may be using aggressive accrual accounting policies to shift current expenses to later periods.


1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年12月20日

同学你好,题目是问:公司如果用很激进的会计政策来递延一些费用的确认,就会使CFO/NI这个 ratio的值如何变化

所谓很激进的会计政策来递延一些费用——举个最典型的例子,在无形资产那个章节我们学过,公司本来按照要求应该把当期的譬如100万研发费用全部费用化,当期就全部计入I/S表的R&Dexpense ,从而就会显著减少当期的NI;但是公司采用了更激进的会计策略,把这100万费用全部都资本化了,在后面的几年再慢慢摊销为每一期的amortization expense——这样当期公司的R&D expense这个I/S表项目就是0了,那NI就会看起来更高

但是无论是资本化还是费用化,这100万现金公司确实支出了,那CFO就会真实的下降100万。而通过资本化NI却完全不体现这100万的费用,NI就会比CFO多很多——CFO/NI 这个ratio就会由于分母过大而显著的下降

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NO.PZ2023081403000130 问题如下 Q. Whiof the following woulmost likely signtha company musing aggressive accruaccounting policies to shift current expenses to later perio? Over the last five-yeperio the ratio of cash flow to net income has: A.increaseeayear. B.creaseeayear. C.fluctuatefrom yeto year. B is correct. If the ratio of cash flow to net income for a company is consistently below 1 or hclinerepeatey over time, this ma signof manipulation of information in financireports through aggressive accruaccounting policies. When net income is consistently higher thcash provioperations, one possible explanation is ththe company musing aggressive accruaccounting policies to shift current expenses to later perio.

2024-04-30 11:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023081403000130 问题如下 Q. Whiof the following woulmost likely signtha company musing aggressive accruaccounting policies to shift current expenses to later perio? Over the last five-yeperio the ratio of cash flow to net income has: A.increaseeayear. B.creaseeayear. C.fluctuatefrom yeto year. B is correct. If the ratio of cash flow to net income for a company is consistently below 1 or hclinerepeatey over time, this ma signof manipulation of information in financireports through aggressive accruaccounting policies. When net income is consistently higher thcash provioperations, one possible explanation is ththe company musing aggressive accruaccounting policies to shift current expenses to later perio. 为什么是下降的。。。

2023-11-29 20:35 2 · 回答