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西红柿面 · 2024年12月20日

Norway Model也可以投资alternatives吗 ?



Bern Zang is the recently hired chief investment officer of the Janson University Endowment Investment Office. The Janson University Endowment Fund (the Fund) is based in the United States and has current assets under management of $12 billion. It has a long-term investment horizon and relatively low liquidity needs. The Fund is overseen by an Investment Committee consisting of board members for the Fund. The Investment Office is responsible for implementing the investment policy set by the Fund’s Investment Committee.

The Fund’s current investment approach includes an internally managed fund that holds mostly equities and fixed-income securities. It is largely passively managed with tight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40% fixed income, and 5% alternatives. The Fund currently holds private real estate investments to meet its alternative investment allocation.

Identify the investment approach currently being used by the Investment Committee for managing the Fund. Justify your response.

Justify your response.



Norway Model is currently used by the Investment Committee

The investment approach currently used to manage the Fund’s assets is the Norway model. This approach is characterized by a heavy allocation to public equities and fixed-income securities with little allocation to alternatives and largely passively managed assets with tight tracking error limits.

Norway Model也可以投资alternatives吗 ?这道题说还有5%的RE投资,所以说Norway model也是可以投?

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NO.PZ2019100901000008 问题如下 Bern Zang is the recently hirechief investment officer of the Janson University Enwment Investment Office. The Janson University Enwment Fun(the Fun is basein the UniteStates anhcurrent assets unr management of $12 billion. It ha long-term investment horizon anrelatively low liquity nee. The Funis overseen Investment Committee consisting of boarmembers for the Fun The Investment Offiis responsible for implementing the investment poliset the Funs Investment Committee.The Funs current investment approainclus internally managefunthhol mostly equities anfixeincome securities. It is largely passively managewith tight tracking error limits. The target asset allocation is 55% equities, 40% fixeincome, an5% alternatives. The Funcurrently hol private reestate investments to meet its alternative investment allocation.Intify the investment approacurrently being usethe Investment Committee for managing the Fun Justify your response.Justify your response. NorwMol is currently usethe Investment CommitteeThe investment approacurrently useto manage the Funs assets is the Norwmol. This approais characterizea heavy allocation to public equities anfixeincome securities with little allocation to alternatives anlargely passively manageassets with tight tracking error limits. 按照内容不是说挪威模式就是死板的六债四权益的模式么、

2024-04-21 17:08 1 · 回答

老師 做了上午的IPS writing的題目,是不是能歸類pension的return objective基本上都是liabilities的scount rate, fountion的return objective 通常都是 spenng rate + inflation + expense rate? 謝謝老師

2020-09-15 18:56 1 · 回答