What is the least likely reason a fund manager will use an ESG research firm, like MSCI, to evaluate the portfolios it manages?选项:
A.To test its own approach to ESG against a database
B.To prepare for clients’ questions about their ESG integration
C.To have access to the high quality of data from the research firm
C is correct. The least likely reason to use an ESG research firm is to have access to high quality data. The data in a research firm’s database are subject to issues arising from the quality and consistency of the data. Fund managers may not believe the outside data are a fair representation of the firm’s portfolios and ESG integration. A fund manager might choose to use a service like MSCI to test its own approach to ESG integration and to prepare for client questioning.
C是不是有点牵强,已经是high quality data,为何还会可能因数据质量和一致性问题而受到影响。谢谢