In an investment firm, where no specific legal guidelines for record retention exist, the firm's internal policy mandates a five-year retention period. Additionally, a regional investment organization advises an eight-year retention, while key clients suggest keeping records for a decade. Based on professional standards, what is the minimum duration for record retention the firm should adhere to?
A.5 years, as per the firm's internal policy.
B.8 years, following the regional investment organization's advice.
C.10 years, in line with key clients' suggestions.
Option A is correct. As per Standard V(C), Record Retention, when there are no legal mandates for record keeping, a firm’s internal policy takes precedence. In this scenario, the firm's policy of a five-year record retention period is the guiding standard. Recommendations from the regional investment organization or client preferences, while informative, do not override the firm's established policy.为啥以公司解释为准?不是以客户为先吗?