Johnson analyzes an
event-driven strategy involving two companies, AAA and TTT. AAA’s management, considering that its own shares are
overvalued, so uses its shares to acquire TTT.Johnson‘s customer concern about
this type of strategy because of the potential for loss if the acquisition
unexpectedly fails. Johnson tell his customer that he can use derivatives to
protect against this loss.
Which of the following set of derivative positions will most likely satisfy the customer’s concern about the event-driven strategy involving AAA and TTT?
A.Long in-the-money puts on AAA shares and long out-of-the-money calls on TTT shares
Long out-of-the-money calls on AAA shares and long out-of-the-money puts on TTT shares
Long out-of-the-money calls on AAA shares and short out-of-the-money calls on TTT shares
B is correct
event-driven strategy是一种股票对股票的并购套利策略。在该策略中,由于收购公司(AAA)的管理层认为其股票被高估,它将以特定比例提供AA股份以换取目标公司(TTT)的股份。并购套利基金经理随后将按照与要约相同的比例买入TTT股票并卖出AAA股票,希望在交易成功完成后赚取价差。
为了管理收购失败的风险,基金经理可以购买 AAA 股票的虚值看涨期权(以保护空头头寸)并购买 TTT 股票的虚值看跌期权(以防止TTT公司价值损失) )。这样的头寸将提供保护,可以满足对这种策略的损失的担忧。
是不是因为万一收购成功了short call就大亏特亏