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mandy · 2024年11月01日

capital loss



On page 6, the final page of his presentation, Moynahan plans to discuss the tax implications of fixed-income investing. He wants the class to understand that the management of taxable portfolios is more complicated than that of tax-exempt portfolios. He outlines the following key considerations for managing taxable fixed-income portfolios:

  1. Minimize interest income relative to capital gains.

  2. Minimize capital gains relative to capital losses.

  3. Forego attractive trading opportunity because of tax implications.

Which of the considerations outlined by Moynahan on page 6 of the presentation is least likely correct?



Consideration A


Consideration B


Consideration C



B is correct. When managing taxable fixed-income portfolios, Moynahan should not minimize capital gains relative to capital losses because capital losses are generally only used to offset capital gains.

A is incorrect. When managing taxable fixed-income portfolios, Moynahan would want to minimize interest income relative to capital gains because capital gains are typically taxed at a lower effective tax rate.

C is incorrect. When managing taxable fixed-income portfolios, Moynahan may want to dismiss attractive relative value trades due to tax implications.

这道题没太理解,可以请老师分析一下吗?taxable investor不是应该realize 更多的capital loss避免交税吗?为什么B选项不对呢

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年11月02日

选项B:Minimize capital gains relative to capital losses

这个说法的意思是:应该尽可能实现Capital loss,尽可能降低minimize capital gains。

这个说法有点本末倒置了。对于Investment,我们应该是先尽可能扩大自己的利润,包含capital gains,然后再有利润的基础上,才去讨论如何去做税收规划。才考虑用capital loss去抵挡一部分capital gains,尽可能降低税费。

而不是说一上来就直接最大化capital loss、Minimize capital gain,如果都没有capital gain,再多的capital loss都没有用,无法抵税。

选项B改一下,改成:公司有capital gain的基础上,然后再去讨论实现capital loss来降税,这个说法是正确的。