Peter Friedland, CFA, is an equity analyst concerned with earnings quality. He gathers information from the company’s regulatory filings regarding the assumptions related to option valuation in Exhibit 5.
Exhibit 5. Option Valuation Assumptions
Compared to the reported 2009 financial statements, if Stereo Warehouse had used the 2007 expected volatility assumption to value its employee stock options, it would have most likely reported higher:
选项: income.
compensation expense.
deferred compensation liability.
A higher volatility assumption increases the value of the stock option and thus the compensation expense, which, in turn, reduces net income. There is no associated liability for stock options.
关于rf: 2007年是小于 2009年的那么ρ应该变小,根据公式S0(1 + rf) ^T =FP option应该是变便宜,但是V是变大的,option应该变,这道题是不是有点矛盾呢?还是我哪里理解错误?