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yan · 2024年10月23日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



Based on Li’s description of the deferred compensation plan, which of the following risks should she least likely consider significant?


A.Plan design

B.Workforce characteristics

C.Correlation between the sponsor’s business and plan investments


SC is correct. There is no apparent correlation between the sponsor’s business (banking) and the plan investments (fixed-income securities), and Li has not expressed a concern for them in her description of the plan.

C is correct. There is no apparent correlation between the sponsor’s business (banking) and the plan investments (fixed-income securities), and Li has not expressed a concern for them in her description of the plan.

A is incorrect. The defined benefit plan’s design effectively allows for excess contributions through asset forfeitures from terminated employees and has a reduced risk of accumulated benefits growing too large because of the tendency of employees to leave the company after a limited number of years.

B is incorrect. The ability to withdraw vested benefits after separation from employment also works to keep accumulated benefit obligations from growing for a longer period of time. At the same time, it offers an incentive for employees to remain at least six years, twice the average employee tenure for similar firms.


1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2024年10月23日



这是官网题,又是一道“阅读理解题”,这道题出的比较差。想考察的知识点主要是C选项,Sponsor的经营收入与DB Plan投资收益之间的Correlation。

一般来讲,Sponsor的经营收入与DB Asset投资之间的Correlation越低越好。相关性越低,说明DB Fund的风险承受能力越强。

例如,当DB Asset投资收益很差时,由于相关性低,那说明企业的经营收入比较好。为了简便,可以把Correlation相关性拉到最低-1,那这样的话,就是DB Asset投资收益很差时,企业的经营收入却很好。那就说明,即便DB Fund收益不好,企业也有足够的实力给DB Fund里面充钱(Contribution),维持DB Fund的Status。

所以,DB Asset与Sponsor business之间的Correlation越低越好。

针对这道题的题干,DB Asset投资的是Fixed-income产品,而Sponsor是网络银行(Mobilebank),那其实两者的相关性不是太强,于是C选项的Correlation是Least likely siginificant考虑的因素。

其实这道题出的不好,因为Sponsor是银行,经营主要面临利率风险,而DB Asset投资的是固收产品,面临的也是利率风险,两者之间其实有较高的相关性。但是从本题的全文看,题干没有描述Correlation,所以这道题认为DB与Sponsor之间的Correlation就不存在问题。


In addition to a defined contribution plan offered to all employees, Pure offers an additional deferred compensation plan to our technical employees, which is designed to mimic a defined benefit plan.

上面这句是说,他们公司除了给员工提供DC Plan之外,还额外给技术员工提供了一个叫做Deffered compensation plan,而这个Deffered compensation plan是很像DB Plan的。

所以,这道题虽然描述的是Deffered compensation plan,但其实考察的是DB Plan的知识点。

It is a so-called non-qualified retirement plan, not eligible for favorable tax treatment but also not subject to the typical pension regulatory requirements.”

这个Deffereed compensation plan,其实不能完全算作Retirement plan,因为企业原本已经有了DC Plan,这个Deffered compensation plan只是补充福利,所以不能再额外享受养老金的税收优惠,也不会受到养老金的监管。

The plan’s benefit is defined as a percentage of each year’s compensation subject to a fixed 4% annual interest rate credit accumulating each year to a total lump sum. 


Pure, which has sufficient cash flow, has a policy of contributing an amount sufficient to cover accumulated vested plan benefits annually into a corporate trust.

上面这句说,这家公司有足够的现金流,然后每年给Corporate trust里面缴纳足够的金额。

The plan’s trust portfolio is entirely composed of fixed-income securities. The employee gradually accrues rights to the full amount of the benefit from the beginning of Employment Years 3 through 6. Upon separation from employment, the employee may receive distribution of the entire vested benefit or leave it in the plan to accumulate further. 


当员工离职时(Separation from employment),员工要么拿到全部已经累计的Benefit,要么员工还不够资格拿走Benefit,所以这部分Benefit就会继续沉淀在Plan里、那这部分金额就属于继续在职员工的了。

Those who do not remain employed long enough to become fully vested forfeit some or all of the benefit. 


Pure uses these forfeited funds to reduce its future contributions to the plan’s trust. 

接下来说,如果员工提前离职,那么作废的Benefit就继续沉淀在Plan里,供在职的员工使用,那这样的话,相当于企业可以用这些沉淀的Forfeited funds来抵扣一部分给在职员工缴纳的Contribution。即,因为员工离职还未干满3年,原本属于他们的Benefit他们还没资格拿走,那就继续放在Plan里供在职员工使用,企业可降低为在职员工缴纳的Contribution。

A majority of the participating technical employees remain at least five years, and we lose only about 20% of our staff within the first four years.


 The average tenure of our technical staff is 5.5 years. 


结合上面的解释,其实这个Plan的设计有一定特点,会影响到这个Plan,所以A选项Plan design是一个重要影响因素。

B选项的Workforce characteristics也是一个重要的影响因素,因为员工的离职率,员工的平均年龄等,都会影响到有多少的Liabiltiies是有效的。

那这样的话,就只有C选项不符合本题的意思。因为Plan的投资主要集中在Fixed-income上,而公司的经营是网络银行,原文也没有重点提出Correlation的问题。所以C选项不属于Significant consideration。


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NO.PZ202206210200000205问题如下 Baseon Li’s scription of the ferrecompensation plan, whiof the following risks shoulshe least likely consir significant? A.PlsignB.WorkforcharacteristicsC.Correlation between the sponsor’s business anplinvestments SC is correct. There is no apparent correlation between the sponsor’s business (banking) anthe plinvestments (fixeincome securities), anLi hnot expressea concern for them in her scription of the plan.C is correct. There is no apparent correlation between the sponsor’s business (banking) anthe plinvestments (fixeincome securities), anLi hnot expressea concern for them in her scription of the plan.A is incorrect. The finebenefit plan’s sign effectively allows for excess contributions through asset forfeitures from terminateemployees anha recerisk of accumulatebenefits growing too large because of the tennof employees to leave the company after a limitenumber of years.B is incorrect. The ability to withvestebenefits after separation from employment also works to keep accumulatebenefit obligations from growing for a longer perioof time. the same time, it offers incentive for employees to remain least six years, twithe average employee tenure for similfirms. 好难的阅读理解,几乎都没怎么读懂

2023-05-15 17:51 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210200000205问题如下 Baseon Li’s scription of the ferrecompensation plan, whiof the following risks shoulshe least likely consir significant? A.PlsignB.WorkforcharacteristicsC.Correlation between the sponsor’s business anplinvestments SC is correct. There is no apparent correlation between the sponsor’s business (banking) anthe plinvestments (fixeincome securities), anLi hnot expressea concern for them in her scription of the plan.C is correct. There is no apparent correlation between the sponsor’s business (banking) anthe plinvestments (fixeincome securities), anLi hnot expressea concern for them in her scription of the plan.A is incorrect. The finebenefit plan’s sign effectively allows for excess contributions through asset forfeitures from terminateemployees anha recerisk of accumulatebenefits growing too large because of the tennof employees to leave the company after a limitenumber of years.B is incorrect. The ability to withvestebenefits after separation from employment also works to keep accumulatebenefit obligations from growing for a longer perioof time. the same time, it offers incentive for employees to remain least six years, twithe average employee tenure for similfirms. 如题,麻烦具体解答一下

2022-12-04 01:17 1 · 回答