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yan · 2024年09月23日

deviate from 是指偏离出上下限的意思么?

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2. Which of Capara’s statements regarding tactical asset allocation is correct?



Statement 1


Statement 2


Statement 3


A is correct.

The Sharpe ratio is suitable for measuring the success of TAA relative to SAA. Specifically, the success of TAA decisions can be evaluated by comparing the Sharpe ratio realized under the TAA with the Sharpe ratio that would have been realized under the SAA.

考点:tactical asset allocation

解析:Statement 1考查的是结论,Sharpe ratio可以用来评估TAA的表现是否优于SAA,正确。Statement 2描述的是systematic TAA而不是Discretionary TAA ,错误。Statement 3错在deviate from这个词,意思是偏离,原文的意思是TAA 可以偏离出IPS的上下限,说反了,TAA 可以偏离但不能超过IPS限定的上下限。因此正确选项A。

deviate from 是指偏离出上下限的意思么?

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2024年09月24日



deviate from 是偏离的意思,在 statement 3的描述中,deviate from the IPS asset-class upper and lower limits 指的就是,TAA会偏离出某一类资产在IPS中设定好的范围(上下限)。这种描述是错误的,因为无论有再好的短期机会,TAA的调整,都不能超过IPS中设定好的 range,比如IPS中已经设定了对国内股票的权重范围是25%-35%,这个是SAA,现在股票的权重是28%,如果投资经理预期在短期内股票市场会大幅波动,那么它可以调高股票的权重到35%,或是调低到25%,但是不能偏离出这两个界限。


SAA (Strategic)是和tactical AA相对的,SAA是长期战略,TAA是短期的在可控范围内的战术偏离


SAA(strategic Asset allocation)是长期战略资产配置,主要的就是指的大类的资产类别之间进行配置,而配置的基础就要根据客户对收益和风险,投资期,特殊偏好等特征来进行,在这一步能够获得的expected return premium,是一个事前的收益。

TAA(Tactical Asset allocation)是短期的在可控范围内的战术资产配置,在已经配置好的SAA基础上,如果投资经理能够抓到短期机会,就会对SAA的配置权重做出短期的变化,从而获得α。

SS(security selection)选股,就是需要通过投资经理的个人分析和判断,从已经选定的大类资产中,去进一步选择具体投资的证券。


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NO.PZ201805280100000102 问题如下 RebecMayer is asset management consultant for institutions anhigh-net-worth invials. Mayer meets with SebastiCaparthe newly appointeInvestment Committee chairmfor the Kinkaren University Enwment (KUE), a very large tax-exempt funCapara anMayer review KUE’s current anstrategic asset allocations, whiare presentein Exhibit 1. Capara informs Mayer thover the last few years, Kinkaren University hfinanceits operations primarily from tuition, with minimneeof financisupport from KUE. Enrollment the University hbeen rising in recent years, anthe Boarof Trustees expects enrollment growth to continue for the next five years. Consequently, the boarexpects very most enwment support to neering thtime. These expectations lethe Investment Committee to approve a crease in the enwment’s annuspenng rate starting in the next fiscyear.Exhibit 1. Kinkaren University Enwment—Strategic Asset Allocation Policyaitionsourof alphMayer proposes tactically austing KUE’s asset-class weights to profit from short-term return opportunities. To confirm his unrstanng of tacticasset allocation (TAA), Capara tells Mayer the following:Statement 1: The Sharpe ratio is suitable for measuring the success of Trelative to SAA.Statement 2: scretionary Tattempts to capture asset-class-level return anomalies thhave been shown to have some prectability anpersistence.Statement 3: Tallows a manager to viate from the IPS asset-class upper anlower limits if the shift is expecteto prohigher expecterisk-austereturns.Capara asks Mayer to recommena Tstrategy baseon excess return forecasts for the asset classes in KUE’s portfolio, shown in Exhibit 2.Exhibit 2. Short-Term Excess Return ForecastFollowing her consultation with CaparMayer meets with Roger Koval, a member of a wealthy family. Although Koval’s baseline nee are securea family trust, Kovha personportfolio to funhis lifestyle goals.In Koval’s country, interest income is taxeprogressively higher income trates. vinincome anlong-term capitgains are taxelower trates relative to interest anearneincome. In taxable accounts, realizecapitlosses cuseto offset current or future realizecapitgains. Kovis in a high tbracket, anhis taxable account currently hol, in equweights, high-yielbon, investment-gra bon, anmestic equities focuseon long-term capitgains.Kovasks Mayer about aing new asset classes to the taxable portfolio. Mayer suggests emerging markets equity given its positive short-term excess return forecast. However, Kovtells Mayer he is not interestein aing emerging markets equity to the account because he is convinceit is too risky. Kovjustifies this belief referring to significant losses the family trust sufferering the recent economic crisis.Mayer also suggests using two mean–varianportfolio optimization scenarios for the taxable account to evaluate potentiasset allocations. Mayer recommen running two optimizations: one on a pre-tbasis ananother on after-tbasis.2. Whiof Capara’s statements regarng tacticasset allocation is correct? A.Statement 1 B.Statement 2 C.Statement 3 A is correct. The Sharpe ratio is suitable for measuring the success of Trelative to SASpecifically, the success of Tcisions cevaluatecomparing the Sharpe ratio realizeunr the Twith the Sharpe ratio thwoulhave been realizeunr the SAA.考点tacticasset allocation解析Statement 1考查的是结论,Sharpe ratio可以用来评估TAA的表现是否优于SAA,正确。Statement 2描述的是systematic TAA而不是scretionary T,错误。Statement 3错在viate from这个词,意思是偏离,原文的意思是T可以偏离出IPS的上下限,说反了,T可以偏离但不能超过IPS限定的上下限。因此正确 错在哪里?不是可以short time viates的嘛

2023-08-20 23:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000102问题如下2. Whiof Capara’s statements regarng tacticasset allocation is correct?A.Statement 1B.Statement 2C.Statement 3 A is correct. The Sharpe ratio is suitable for measuring the success of Trelative to SASpecifically, the success of Tcisions cevaluatecomparing the Sharpe ratio realizeunr the Twith the Sharpe ratio thwoulhave been realizeunr the SAA.考点tacticasset allocation解析Statement 1考查的是结论,Sharpe ratio可以用来评估TAA的表现是否优于SAA,正确。Statement 2描述的是systematic TAA而不是scretionary T,错误。Statement 3错在viate from这个词,意思是偏离,原文的意思是T可以偏离出IPS的上下限,说反了,T可以偏离但不能超过IPS限定的上下限。因此正确请问A在讲义哪里呢

2022-05-23 20:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000102 我理解SHARP RATIO是衡量TAA和BENMARK 之间的差距,怎么理解这里SAA就是指BENMARK呢。谢谢

2022-01-01 22:09 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201805280100000102 咋看出来statement2说的是systematic TAA啊

2021-06-29 12:05 1 · 回答