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139****0905 · 2024年09月20日




Which of the following statements is most accurate? The 'materiality map' developed by the Sustainability and Accounting Standards Board (SASB):


A.quantifies financially material ESG factors across different industries and sectors.

B.identifies and compares ESG disclosure topics across different industries and sectors.

C.assesses the impact of financially material ESG factors on the investment performance of a company.


Bis correct because "SASB provides an interactive proprietary toolthat identifies and compares disclosure topics across different industries andsectors, described as a ‘materiality map’." "The [sustainabilityaccounting] standards identify financially material issues that are reasonablylikely to impact the financial condition or operating performance of a companyand therefore are most important to investors."

Ais incorrect because the 'materiality map' does not quantify financiallymaterial ESG factors across different industries and sectors. "SASBprovides an interactive proprietary tool that identifies and comparesdisclosure topics across different industries and sectors, described as a‘materiality map’."

Cis incorrect because "The research stage [not materiality map] typicallycontains a materiality assessment to identify the ESG issues that are likely tohave an impact on the company’s financial performance." "After theresearch stage and any relevant risk and materiality mapping... , practitionersassess the impact of material financial and ESG factors on the corporate andinvestment performance of a company."


1 个答案

pzqa38 · 2024年09月20日




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NO.PZ2024021801000066问题如下 Whiof the following statements is most accurate? The 'materiality map' velopethe Sustainability anAccounting Stanr Boar(SASB):A.quantifies financially materiESG factors across fferent instries ansectors.B.intifies ancompares ESG sclosure topiacross fferent instries ansectors.C.assesses the impaof financially materiESG factors on the investment performanof a company. Bis correbecause \"SASB provis interactive proprietary toolthintifies ancompares sclosure topiacross fferent instries anectors, scribea ‘materiality map’.\" \"The [sustainabilityaccounting] stanr intify financially materiissues thare reasonablylikely to impathe financicontion or operating performanof a companyantherefore are most important to investors.\"Ais incorrebecause the 'materiality map' es not quantify financiallymateriESG factors across fferent instries ansectors. \"SASBprovis interactive proprietary tool thintifies ancomparessclosure topiacross fferent instries ansectors, scribea‘materiality map’.\"Cis incorrebecause \"The researstage [not materiality map] typicallycontains a materiality assessment to intify the ESG issues thare likely tohave impaon the company’s financiperformance.\" \"After theresearstage anany relevant risk anmateriality mapping... , practitionersassess the impaof materifinancianESG factors on the corporate annvestment performanof a company.\" 考点组要掌握哪些知识点

2024-09-19 15:40 1 · 回答


2024-08-23 15:08 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2024021801000066问题如下 Whiof the following statements is most accurate? The 'materiality map' velopethe Sustainability anAccounting Stanr Boar(SASB):A.quantifies financially materiESG factors across fferent instries ansectors.B.intifies ancompares ESG sclosure topiacross fferent instries ansectors.C.assesses the impaof financially materiESG factors on the investment performanof a company. Bis correbecause \"SASB provis interactive proprietary toolthintifies ancompares sclosure topiacross fferent instries anectors, scribea ‘materiality map’.\" \"The [sustainabilityaccounting] stanr intify financially materiissues thare reasonablylikely to impathe financicontion or operating performanof a companyantherefore are most important to investors.\"Ais incorrebecause the 'materiality map' es not quantify financiallymateriESG factors across fferent instries ansectors. \"SASBprovis interactive proprietary tool thintifies ancomparessclosure topiacross fferent instries ansectors, scribea‘materiality map’.\"Cis incorrebecause \"The researstage [not materiality map] typicallycontains a materiality assessment to intify the ESG issues thare likely tohave impaon the company’s financiperformance.\" \"After theresearstage anany relevant risk anmateriality mapping... , practitionersassess the impaof materifinancianESG factors on the corporate annvestment performanof a company.\" c为什么错了,没看懂

2024-07-22 18:24 1 · 回答