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aljy · 2024年09月07日

Multinational Operations 题目没看懂

Mark Crawley is an analyst at a London-based private equity firm and is reviewing the firm’s file on Thames Air Plc (Thames), a company it provides financing for. Thames uses International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the preparation of its financial statements. Thames is a relatively new airline based in the United Kingdom specializing in flights and vacation packages to Mediterranean locations, primarily Spain. Thames sells most of its flights and vacation packages to British residents in Britis……以下略

有一小问是:The most likely effect of the change in the exchange rate between the EUR and GBP arising from Thames’s investment in Tagus in 2015 will be a translation:

A. loss reported in net income.

B. gain reported in net income.

C. adjustment reported in other comprehensive income.

A Correct. Thames is using the temporal method for its translation of Tagus, and the initial exposure is a net liability exposure (monetary liabilities of EUR13,500 exceed the monetary assets of EUR4,000). The EUR strengthened against the GBP during the six-month period (from GBP0.7200/EUR to GBP0.7500/EUR). The net effect of having a net liability position in a strengthening currency will be a translation loss for Thames, which, under the temporal method, is reported in net income.

没有读懂问题,我以为它说的Thames对Tagus的股权投资,在2015年会因为汇率变化而导致什么样的外汇结算损益?但答案开始说net exposure的事情,不是很明白和这道题问的有什么联系,我的理解哪里有问题?谢谢。

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年09月07日


但是要解决这个问题,就要首先知道Thames对Tagus的这笔投资份额有多少——题目表格1下面就写了“Thames acquired 100% of Tagus SA (Tagus), a Spanish company that owns a small vacation hotel and a few villas. ”那说明是100%的控股关系,那此时就需要合并报表而不是认为是一笔简单的FVPL,FVOCI之类的投资。100%控股也就是要100%合并子公司的资产和负债

其次就要判断这个报表的合并用temporal method 还是current rate method,表格下面第二段就直接说了“Crawley notices that Thames is using the temporal method to translate Tagus’s financial statements prior to consolidation and asks another analyst, ”

题目问汇率变化对投资的影响,那只有用current rate转换的资产负债才会受汇率变化的影响,用历史汇率转换的资产负债其实永远都是固定值,是不受汇率变化影响的

既然用temporal method对子公司报表进行转换报表,而该方法下只有monetary asset 和monetary liabilities的转换会用到current rate,结合我们学过的知识点,也就是以下讲义截图,自然就到了net exposure这个知识点了

net exposure这个知识点计算的就是合并报表过程中面临汇率风险的金额的净值,和本题的问题就重合了

aljy · 2024年09月07日


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