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Zoe · 2024年09月06日


解析错误 题干未提及人民币 解析说人民币
1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2024年09月06日




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NO.PZ2023041102000019 问题如下 Rishi Chatterjee believes thveloping the islans golposits will affethe relative value of its currency, the sona (Sn). The current exchange rate of the sona against the US llis Sn8.50/US Chatterjee states thincreaseF will cause the sona to strengthen against worlcurrencies. Tourism will harmebecause goo anservices pricein sonwill appemore expensive to the non-mestic visitors who make up the bulk of the tourist tra. Chatterjee’s statement about tourism anthe currenexchange rate of the sona is best scribeas: A.correct. B.incorrect, because increaseF will likely leto a weakening of the son C.incorrect, because a stronger sona will make Goln Islanappeto a less expensive tourist stination for non-mestic visitors. Holng all other factors constant, increaseF will strengthen a currency. The stronger currenwill affetourism making goo anservices pricein thcurrenappemore expensive, least in the short run.在所有其他因素不变的情况下,增加的外国直接投资将使一种货币走强。至少在短期内,货币走强会使以人民币计价的商品和服务显得更加昂贵,从而影响该国的旅游业。 衍生一个问题经济增长,国民收入增加,Inflation上升,为什么会引发出口下降?

2024-06-02 20:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023041102000019 问题如下 Rishi Chatterjee believes thveloping the islans golposits will affethe relative value of its currency, the sona (Sn). The current exchange rate of the sona against the US llis Sn8.50/US Chatterjee states thincreaseF will cause the sona to strengthen against worlcurrencies. Tourism will harmebecause goo anservices pricein sonwill appemore expensive to the non-mestic visitors who make up the bulk of the tourist tra. Chatterjee’s statement about tourism anthe currenexchange rate of the sona is best scribeas: A.correct. B.incorrect, because increaseF will likely leto a weakening of the son C.incorrect, because a stronger sona will make Goln Islanappeto a less expensive tourist stination for non-mestic visitors. Holng all other factors constant, increaseF will strengthen a currency. The stronger currenwill affetourism making goo anservices pricein thcurrenappemore expensive, least in the short run. No.PZ2023041102000019 (选择题)来源: 经典题Rishi Chatterjee believes thveloping the islans golposits will affethe relative value of its currency, the sona (Sn). The current exchange rate of the sona against the US llis Sn8.50/US Chatterjee states thincreaseF will cause the sona to strengthen against worlcurrencies. Tourism will harmebecause goo anservices pricein sonwill appemore expensive to the non-mestic visitors who make up the bulk of the tourist tra. Chatterjee’s statement about tourism anthe currenexchange rate of the sona is best scribeas:这道题我好像解题方法完全有问题我以为他是要增加黄金挖掘黄金产量提高,金价下降,货币强势好像也能做出来

2024-04-11 11:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023041102000019问题如下Rishi Chatterjee believes thveloping the islans golposits will affethe relative value of its currency, the sona (Sn). The current exchange rate of the sona against the US llis Sn8.50/US Chatterjee states thincreaseF will cause the sona to strengthen against worlcurrencies. Tourism will harmebecause goo anservices pricein sonwill appemore expensive to the non-mestic visitors who make up the bulk of the tourist tra. Chatterjee’s statement about tourism anthe currenexchange rate of the sona is best scribeas:A.correct.B.incorrect, because increaseF will likely leto a weakening of the sona.C.incorrect, because a stronger sona will make Goln Islanappeto a less expensive tourist stination for non-mestic visitors.Holng all other factors constant, increaseF will strengthen a currency. The stronger currenwill affetourism making goo anservices pricein thcurrenappemore expensive, least in the short run.F是什么?在哪里有

2024-01-28 15:47 1 · 回答