Grey’s statement regarding the impact of RiteVal’s inflation scenario is most likely:
A.incorrect because of his comment about real estate. B.correct. C.incorrect because of his comment about equities.解释:
A is correct. In deflation, real estate experiences downward pricing pressure (negative) and bonds benefit from improving purchasing power (positive). Unexpectedly low inflation (or deflation) will put downward pressure on expected rental income and property values, especially for less-than-prime properties, which may have to cut rents sharply to avoid rising vacancies. Therefore, Grey’s comment about real estate is incorrect. In equilibrium, inflation at or below expectations is a positive for equities. The comment about equities is correct.
B is incorrect. Grey’s statement is wrong as stated above.
C is incorrect. Grey’s statement about equity returns is accurate.
就算是deflation,对质量高的房地产也没损害啊,deflation不只是对low quality的real estate有损害吗。。。。