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粉红豹 · 2018年09月25日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018062009000040 [ CFA I ]









记得有一道题说 newsletter 说这种募捐可以,但是email 不可以,怎么区分?

1 个答案

品职辅导员_小明 · 2018年09月28日


我们发邮件的时候要看,是不是发给了all 客户, 发的内容有没有充分披露了利益关系,有没有损害了雇主的利益


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NO.PZ2018062009000040 问题如下 Luna attena class reunion recently anone of her classmate got cancer, so they wanteto raise money for her classmate. The next week Luna sent a regulemail to all clients, inclung her classmate’s situation anthe ia of raising money. Luna most likley: A.not violate the Co anStanr. B.violatethe Co anStanr raising money from his clients. C.violatethe Co anStanr not getting approvof his employer before she sent email to clients. A is correct.Luna sent email about raising money for her classmate whisclousethe relationship between her anthe classmate to her clients. She also not proviclients’ informations to her classmate, the nation is voluntary. She not mage employer’s interest. So, Luna not violate the Co anStanr.Luna给自己的客户发送邮件,说明了募集资金的事情,并且披露了她和她同学的关系。Luna没有提供自己客户的信息给她的同学,且捐赠属于自愿性行为。Luna也没有损害雇主的利益,所以她没有违反准则的规定。 我不理解。为什么这里就不需要经过客户同意就可以发邮件告诉所有人这个客户的私事

2023-08-31 07:36 1 · 回答

violatethe Co anStanr raising money from his clients. violatethe Co anStanr not getting approvof his employer before she sent email to clients. A is correct. Luna sent email about raising money for her classmate whisclousethe relationship between her anthe classmate to her clients. She also not proviclients’ informations to her classmate, the nation is voluntary. She not mage employer’s interest. So, Luna not violate the Co anStanr. Luna给自己的客户发送邮件,说明了募集资金的事情,并且披露了她和她同学的关系。Luna没有提供自己客户的信息给她的同学,且捐赠属于自愿性行为。Luna也没有损害雇主的利益,所以她没有违反准则的规定。 虽然是regulemail,但是还是利用了公司资源(客户名单)去做了和本职工作无关的事情,如果这个信息是发在socimea上的就ok,但是利用公司资源也不违反,我就无法理解了。

2021-02-05 20:21 1 · 回答

violatethe Co anStanr raising money from his clients. violatethe Co anStanr not getting approvof his employer before she sent email to clients. A is correct. Luna sent email about raising money for her classmate whisclousethe relationship between her anthe classmate to her clients. She also not proviclients’ informations to her classmate, the nation is voluntary. She not mage employer’s interest. So, Luna not violate the Co anStanr. 老师,我分不清单独发邮件和邮件里顺带提一嘴有什么实质性区别?我看你回答其他同学的时候说,后者不违反但前者违反,可我觉得两者没有实质性区别,都需要披露呀?

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