开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


C_M_ · 2024年08月25日




A pension fund invests in a variety of asset classes including bonds, equities, commodities and currencies. To meet growing pension liabilities, the fund’s board has been putting a lot of pressure on the chief investment officer (CIO) to increase returns. One proposal that came up at the last board meeting was to invest in hedge funds. The chief risk officer (CIO), in preparing a quarterly report to the board, is concerned about giving an accurate and appropriate representation of the risk the fund faces, responding to several requests from the CIO for information to be included in the report, and investigating the issue of risks related to investing in hedge funds.The pension fund currently has significant credit exposure to Europa and Asia The CRO recommends changing the assumptions in the fund’s risk models by increasing the default correlation between bonds issued in Europe and bonds issued in Asia. If the default correlation is increased and all the other parameters are kept the same, which of the following is correct?


A.The fund's expected loss will increase.

B.The fund's unexpected loss will decrease.

C.The fund's expected loss will decrease

D.The fund's unexpected loss will increase

为什么不是expected loss

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年08月25日


没明白你的问题,A选项说的是expected loss啊。还是说你想问的为什么不选A?

因为EL的计算是只通过pd和lgd的。unexpected loss计算才会考虑相关性(所影响的组合方差的大小)。

本题条件改变的是相关性,也就是进而改变波动率,影响unexpected loss。


C_M_ · 2024年08月25日

是的 想问为什么不选A,谢谢老师的解答

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