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Amy_ywh · 2024年08月18日


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Your colleague’s discounted cash flow model expenses service cost and net interest expense in free cash flow and deducts the company’s net pension liability from enterprise value to arrive at an estimate of equity value. You most likely recommend that your colleague:



make no changes.


remove service cost from free cash flow because it is a non-cash expense.


remove net interest expense from free cash flow because the net pension, at present value, is already deducted from enterprise value.


C is correct. Net interest expense for a DB plan represents the unwinding of

the discount with the passage of time. The discounted cash flow model values a

company at the present time. Service cost is correctly expensed in the model as

it represents increases in the pension obligation unrelated to the time value of



EV = FCF - service cost - net pension liability = Equity Value?

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年08月18日


FCFF = CFO + interest*(1-t) - FCinv—— FCFF计算的起点是CFO,而CFO其实衡量的是公司的各种现金的收入和现金的费用,也就是如果是非现金费用一般应该是加回去的,但是由于psc和csc虽然不是现金费用但本质和未来公司的现金支出非常的等价,所以就不需要加回去,就还是应该像一般的现金费用一样被剔除掉

而关于养老金费用计算的interest cost则不应该被计入FCFF的计算,因为本质interest cost = PBO 期初*discount rate,interest cost本身是PBO多向后一年折现而产生的一笔费用,而不是真实的现金流出,所以上面那个粉色公式就不应该考虑养老金的interest cost

用估计的FCFF利用估值模型(请看下面Equity 的讲义截图),就可以计算得到firm value,而把firm value 减去 负债debt(PBO本身就是debt的一部分,这里已经考虑了PBO也就考虑了养老金interest cost的影响),就可以得到equity value

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NO.PZ202401310100000501 问题如下 Your colleague’s scountecash flow mol expenses servicost annet interest expense in free cash flow ancts the company’s net pension liability from enterprise value to arrive estimate of equity value. You most likely recommenthyour colleague: A.make no changes. B.remove servicost from free cash flow because it is a non-cash expense. C.remove net interest expense from free cash flow because the net pension, present value, is alrea ctefrom enterprise value. C is correct. Net interest expense for a plrepresents the unwinng ofthe scount with the passage of time. The scountecash flow mol values acompany the present time. Servicost is correctly expensein the mol asit represents increases in the pension obligation unrelateto the time value ofmoney. 不是servicost 要从F里减掉,而net interest expense 不用。 那应该选B啊

2024-03-20 13:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202401310100000501 问题如下 Your colleague’s scountecash flow mol expenses servicost annet interest expense in free cash flow ancts the company’s net pension liability from enterprise value to arrive estimate of equity value. You most likely recommenthyour colleague: A.make no changes. B.remove servicost from free cash flow because it is a non-cash expense. C.remove net interest expense from free cash flow because the net pension, present value, is alrea ctefrom enterprise value. C is correct. Net interest expense for a plrepresents the unwinng ofthe scount with the passage of time. The scountecash flow mol values acompany the present time. Servicost is correctly expensein the mol asit represents increases in the pension obligation unrelateto the time value ofmoney. 请问这是哪个知识点。我不太理解题目的意思

2024-03-17 10:55 1 · 回答