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奔跑的西红柿cuhk · 2017年03月16日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016010802000219 [ CFA I ]







这道题我不太明白,公式X-M=(S-I)+(T-G),既然有trade surplus就证明左边大于0,等式成立,那就右边也应该大于零,可是右边加起来是account deflicit吧?那就右边也要大于0,可是赤字为正证明支出是大于收入的,右边的项都是收入减去支出,如果支出是大于收入的话那就不可能为正啊?

1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2017年03月16日

如果货币升值能有效的减少经常性账户盈余,那么同时资本性账户的赤字必然是下降的。资本性账户赤字的下降必然伴随着外资的流入。我不太明白你描述问题的意思,等式右边依然等于经常性账户啊,因此其数字也是盈余状态。你说的右边加起来ACCOUNT DEFICIT是什么意思?你说的ACCOUNT是什么ACCOUNT指代什么,资本账户,经常性账户还是财政收支账户?如果你的疑问还没解除的话请重新组织下文字再次提问。

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NO.PZ2016010802000219问题如下 A country with a persistent tra surplus is being pressureto let its currenappreciate. Whiof the following best scribes the austment thmust occur if currenappreciation is to effective in recing the tra surplus?A.mestic investment must cline relative to saving.B.Foreigners must increase investment relative to saving.C.Globcapitflows must shift towarthe mestic market.is correct.The tra surplus cannot cline unless the capitaccount ficit also clines. Regaress of the mix of assets bought ansol foreigners must buy more assets from (or sell fewer assets to) mestic issuers/investors.考点The Tra Balance解析经常性账户和资本账户是此消彼长的两个账户。经常账户与资本平衡。经常性账户盈余的消失那么资本账户赤字也必须消失,这就代表外资流入。C正确。依据公式(X-M)=(S-I)+(T-G)。投资I减小,等式右边变大,左边也会相应变大,经常性账户盈余还会增加,A错误。外国人要增加对于经常性账户赤字出口国的投资才行。外国人只投资自己国家不解决问题,所以B错误。为什么贸易顺差会让货币升职?

2023-05-10 21:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000219问题如下A country with a persistent tra surplus is being pressureto let its currenappreciate. Whiof the following best scribes the austment thmust occur if currenappreciation is to effective in recing the tra surplus?A.mestic investment must cline relative to saving.B.Foreigners must increase investment relative to saving.C.Globcapitflows must shift towarthe mestic market.is correct.The tra surplus cannot cline unless the capitaccount ficit also clines. Regaress of the mix of assets bought ansol foreigners must buy more assets from (or sell fewer assets to) mestic issuers/investors.考点The Tra Balance解析经常性账户和资本账户是此消彼长的两个账户。经常账户与资本平衡。经常性账户盈余的消失那么资本账户赤字也必须消失,这就代表外资流入。C正确。依据公式(X-M)=(S-I)+(T-G)。投资I减小,等式右边变大,左边也会相应变大,经常性账户盈余还会增加,A错误。外国人要增加对于经常性账户赤字出口国的投资才行。外国人只投资自己国家不解决问题,所以B错误。请问降低盈余可否理解为升高赤字,(X- M)的差值变小?

2022-12-04 01:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000219 问题如下 A country with a persistent tra surplus is being pressureto let its currenappreciate. Whiof the following best scribes the austment thmust occur if currenappreciation is to effective in recing the tra surplus? A.mestic investment must cline relative to saving. B.Foreigners must increase investment relative to saving. C.Globcapitflows must shift towarthe mestic market. is correct.The tra surplus cannot cline unless the capitaccount ficit also clines. Regaress of the mix of assets bought ansol foreigners must buy more assets from (or sell fewer assets to) mestic issuers/investors.考点The Tra Balance解析经常性账户和资本账户是此消彼长的两个账户。经常账户与资本平衡。经常性账户盈余的消失那么资本账户赤字也必须消失,这就代表外资流入。C正确。依据公式(X-M)=(S-I)+(T-G)。投资I减小,等式右边变大,左边也会相应变大,经常性账户盈余还会增加,A错误。外国人要增加对于经常性账户赤字出口国的投资才行。外国人只投资自己国家不解决问题,所以B错误。 外国人要增加对于经常性账户赤字出口国的投资才行。外国人只投资自己国家不解决问题,所以B错误。出口国经常性账户赤字=资本账户盈余,外国人增加了对出口国的投资,相当于资本账户盈余增加,经常性账户赤字更大了,也可以说经常性账户盈余更小了,这个理解哪里出错了呢?

2022-11-17 14:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000219 问题如下 A country with a persistent tra surplus is being pressureto let its currenappreciate. Whiof the following best scribes the austment thmust occur if currenappreciation is to effective in recing the tra surplus? A.mestic investment must cline relative to saving. B.Foreigners must increase investment relative to saving. C.Globcapitflows must shift towarthe mestic market. is correct.The tra surplus cannot cline unless the capitaccount ficit also clines. Regaress of the mix of assets bought ansol foreigners must buy more assets from (or sell fewer assets to) mestic issuers/investors.考点The Tra Balance解析经常性账户和资本账户是此消彼长的两个账户。经常账户与资本平衡。经常性账户盈余的消失那么资本账户赤字也必须消失,这就代表外资流入。C正确。依据公式(X-M)=(S-I)+(T-G)。投资I减小,等式右边变大,左边也会相应变大,经常性账户盈余还会增加,A错误。外国人要增加对于经常性账户赤字出口国的投资才行。外国人只投资自己国家不解决问题,所以B错误。 请教老师这道题B哪里看出说的是foreigner投资forigener自己国家阿

2022-08-05 13:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000219 经常性账户盈余意味着出口>进口,即经常性账户有钱流入,为了保持国际收支平衡,需要资本账户的钱流出。如果按照答案所说,资本账户钱再流入本国,那么不就会导致国内钱太多,而导致本笔升值而无法达到平衡吗? 请老师帮看看,这样理解是哪里出现了问题?

2022-03-12 18:47 1 · 回答