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Veronica0073 · 2024年08月11日


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(3) Would there be any translation effects for Consolidated Motors if the functional currency for Consol-Can were changed to the Canadian dollar?

Templeton should reply that if the change is made, the consolidated financial statements for Consolidated Motors would begin to recognize:



realized gains and losses on monetary assets and liabilities.


realized gains and losses on non-monetary assets and liabilities.


unrealized gains and losses on non-monetary assets and liabilities.


If the functional currency were changed from the parent currency (US dollar) to the local currency (Canadian dollar), the current rate method would replace the temporal method. The temporal method ignores unrealized gains and losses on non-monetary assets and liabilities, but the current rate method does not.

我在transaction的上课视频里听到老师区分了realized G/L和unrealized G/L,这里老师又说没有realized G/L,因为translation里面(不论用什么转化法)的这一项都只是为了配平,没有实际含义,请问要怎么理解?怎么区分?怎么判断?

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年08月11日


只有母公司真的把子公司卖出去了,实实在在获得了这个汇率差异带来的收益的现金,才叫做realized gain,

拿不到现金拿不到实实在在好处的,都是公司预估的收益,都只能是unrealized G/L

所以无论是temporal还是current rate method,只要没有真的把子公司买了,母公司都无法确认realized G/L,I/S表和OCI都只能记为unrealized G/L

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NO.PZ202304050100007603 问题如下 ConsoliteMotors is a US-basecorporation thsells mechanicengines ancomponents useelectric utilities. Its Canasubsiary, ConsolCan, operates solely in Cana. It wcreateon 31 cember 20X1, anConsoliteMotors terminethtime thit shouluse the US llits functioncurrency. Templeton explains thConsol-Cuses the FIFO inventory accounting methoanthpurchases of C$300 million anthe sell-through of thinventory occurreevenly throughout 20X2. (3) Woulthere any translation effects for ConsoliteMotors if the functioncurrenfor Consol-Cwere changeto the Canallar?Templeton shoulreply thif the change is ma, the consolitefinancistatements for ConsoliteMotors woulbegin to recognize: A.realizegains anlosses on monetary assets anliabilities. B.realizegains anlosses on non-monetary assets anliabilities. C.unrealizegains anlosses on non-monetary assets anliabilities. If the functioncurrenwere changefrom the parent curren(US llar) to the loccurren(Canallar), the current rate methowoulreplathe tempormetho The tempormethoignores unrealizegains anlosses on non-monetary assets anliabilities, but the current rate methoes not. Translation G/L和Exposure是一个意思,对于TemporMetho说 ,用Historical计量的Non-Monetary A/L没有Exposure,只有monetary A/L有Exposure;对于Current Metho说所有A/L都是用Current Rate计量,所以都有Exposure,而又是因为并表产生的,所以没有体现经济实质,所以是UnrealizeG/L。但我有个疑问,如果C改成unrealizegains anlosses on monetary assets anliabilities还对不

2024-08-08 20:46 1 · 回答