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Jimmyz · 2024年08月11日

DW检验值与critical value的关系

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Luke examines West Texas Intermediate (WTI) monthly crude oil price data, expressed in US dollars per barrel, for the 181-month period from August 2000 through August 2015. The end-of-month WTI oil price was $51.16 in July 2015 and $42.86 in August 2015 (Month 181).

He then runs the following regressions using the WTI time-series data.

Linear trend model: Oil pricet = b0 + b1t + et

Log-linear trend model: ln Oil pricet = b0 + b1t + et

In Exhibit 1, at the 5% significance level, the lower critical value for the Durbin–Watson test statistic is 1.75 for both the linear and log-linear regressions. Based on the regression output in Exhibit 1, there is evidence of positive serial correlation in the errors in:



the linear trend model but not the log-linear trend model.


both the linear trend model and the log-linear trend model.


neither the linear trend model nor the log-linear trend model.


The Durbin–Watson statistic for the linear trend model is 0.10and, for the log-linear trend model, 0.08. Both of these values are below the critical value of 1.75. Therefore, we can reject the hypothesis of no positive serial correlation in the regression errors in both the linear trend model and the log-linear trend model.

老师可否总结一下,是否只有DW检验值小于critical value,就拒绝原假设。除此之外,t检验,F检验等其他检验值需要大于对应的critical value,就拒绝原假设?

1 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2024年08月12日





第二步:计算DW统计量,公式为: DW=2*(1-r)

式中,r——残差项的自相关系数 。根据这个公式我们可以看出

  1. 若r趋近于0,则表示无序列相关,此时DW趋近于2,说明不存在序列相关现象。
  2. 若r趋近于-1,则表示负序列相关,此时DW趋近于4,说明残差之间存在非常显著的负相关关系。
  3. 若r趋近于+1,则表示正序列相关,此时DW趋近于0,说明残差之间存在非常显著的正相关关系。





三、F检验是你说的,需要大于对应的critical value,就拒绝原假设

因为F检验是一个单尾检验。我们依据给定的置信水平、分子自由度、分母自由度查询F分布表得到临界值。F检验的决定法则如下:当 检测值> 较大的临界值时,我们就拒绝原假设 。这就代表回归模型中至少存在一个自变量,它的系数显著性不等于零,即回归模型中至少有一个自变量对解释因变量是有效的。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 64


NO.PZ202304050200003402问题如下 In Exhibit 1, the 5% significanlevel, the lowercriticvalue for the rbin–Watson test statistic is 1.75 for both the linearanlog-lineregressions. Baseon the regression output in Exhibit 1, thereis evinof positive sericorrelation in the errors in: A.the linetrenmol but not the log-linetrenol.B.both the linetrenmol anthe log-linetrenol.C.neither the linetrenmol nor the log-lineartrenmol. The rbin–Watson statistic for the linetrenmol is 0.10an forthe log-linetrenmol, 0.08. Both of these values are below the criticalvalue of 1.75. Therefore, we crejethe hypothesis of no positive serialcorrelation in the regression errors in both the linetrenmol anthe log-lineartrenmol. 请问Low criticvalue是指吗?叫high criticvalue?

2024-07-02 21:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202304050200003402 问题如下 In Exhibit 1, the 5% significanlevel, the lowercriticvalue for the rbin–Watson test statistic is 1.75 for both the linearanlog-lineregressions. Baseon the regression output in Exhibit 1, thereis evinof positive sericorrelation in the errors in: A.the linetrenmol but not the log-linetrenol. B.both the linetrenmol anthe log-linetrenol. C.neither the linetrenmol nor the log-lineartrenmol. The rbin–Watson statistic for the linetrenmol is 0.10an forthe log-linetrenmol, 0.08. Both of these values are below the criticalvalue of 1.75. Therefore, we crejethe hypothesis of no positive serialcorrelation in the regression errors in both the linetrenmol anthe log-lineartrenmol. 做题的时候没有用到这几个数字耶

2024-05-12 10:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202304050200003402 问题如下 In Exhibit 1, the 5% significanlevel, the lowercriticvalue for the rbin–Watson test statistic is 1.75 for both the linearanlog-lineregressions. Baseon the regression output in Exhibit 1, thereis evinof positive sericorrelation in the errors in: A.the linetrenmol but not the log-linetrenol. B.both the linetrenmol anthe log-linetrenol. C.neither the linetrenmol nor the log-lineartrenmol. The rbin–Watson statistic for the linetrenmol is 0.10an forthe log-linetrenmol, 0.08. Both of these values are below the criticalvalue of 1.75. Therefore, we crejethe hypothesis of no positive serialcorrelation in the regression errors in both the linetrenmol anthe log-lineartrenmol. 小于关键值不是应该接受原假设吗?原假设是没有序列相关。

2023-08-26 12:18 1 · 回答