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大兵张嘎 · 2024年08月10日


解析错误 评论根本没有关联,不同的选项也全是相同的套话,这种解析有什么意思呢?对我们学员没有什么帮助
1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2024年08月10日





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NO.PZ2024021801000008 问题如下 Whiof the following ESG screening methologies is criticizefor not consiring stewarhip anengagement activities? A.Relative basis screening only B.Absolute basis screening only C.Both relative anabsolute basis screening Incorrebecause the criticism is also levelethe absolute basis screening approach. spite the cleorganizationbenefits of ESG screening, whether on absolute or relative basis, its approaes carry severchallenges. One common criticism is its rective approach. In other wor, its quantitative measure es not consir softer forms of ESG, sustewarhip anengagement activities.Incorrebecause the criticism is also levelethe relative basis screening approach. spite the cleorganizationbenefits of ESG screening, whether on absolute or relative basis, its approaes carry severchallenges. One common criticism is its rective approach. In other wor, its quantitative measure es not consir softer forms of ESG, sustewarhip anengagement activities.Correbecause spite the cleorganizationbenefits of ESG screening, whether on absolute or relative basis, its approaes carry severchallenges. One common criticism is its rective approach. In other wor, its quantitative measure es not consir softer forms of ESG, sustewarhip anengagement activities. In fact, investor whose portfolio focuses on long-term stewarhip opportunities in poorly rateESG companies in orr to improve performanwill likely suffer from the poor optiof these companies the portfolio level. 这题不是很理解,请说明下

2024-05-26 17:51 1 · 回答