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Haoyun Deng · 2024年08月09日

long 50-delta strangle



Peixaria indicates that his research suggests that the USD/EUR currency pair will become more volatile over the near term. He recommends that BC implement an options-based strategy using USD/EUR options to profit from the expected increase in volatility.

In regard to using USD/EUR options, Peixaria is least likely to recommend a strategy to go:



short an equal number of 15-delta puts and calls


long an equal number of 25-delta puts and calls


long an equal number of 50-delta puts and calls


Correct Answer: A

A short strangle (short an equal number of 15-delta calls and puts) would only be appropriate if volatility is expected to be low. The expectation is for increased volatility, so the long strangles would be more appropriate. A strategy of taking long positions on an equal number of 50-delta calls and 50-delta puts (i.e., a 50-delta straddle) is an appropriate way to take advantage of expected increased volatility in the USD/EUR currency pair. However, 50-delta calls and puts are at-the-money options and are more expensive than out-of-the-money options, such as 25-delta calls and puts (a 25-delta strangle).

B is incorrect. A long 25-delta strangle is appropriate if you expected increased volatility. This strategy is a cheaper than the 50-delta strangle because 50-delta calls and puts are at-the-money options and are more expensive than out-of-the-money options such as 25-delta calls and puts (a 25-delta strangle).

C is incorrect. A long 50-delta strangle (long 50-delta calls and puts) would be appropriate if you expected high volatility.

 long 50-delta strangle 和 straddle是一个意思吗

2 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年08月10日


这个解析写的不太严谨,没有50 delta strangle这种说法,strangle用到的是OTM option哈。


pzqa31 · 2024年08月09日


stangle和straddle不是一种头寸,但是很类似。  当波动率变大的时候,我们可以采用long straddle策略,也 采用long strangle策略。不同之处在于long straddle是由long ATM call和long ATM put构成的;而long strangle是由long OTM call和long OTM put构成的。而OTM的期权价格肯定比ATM的期权便宜,所以虽然二者都可以在波动率很大的时候获利,但是long strangle会更加便宜。


Haoyun Deng · 2024年08月10日

哦哦,但是我记得50 delta和ATM是一个意思吧?那这么说的话50-delta strangle不就可以当作是straddle吗?

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NO.PZ2022123002000012 问题如下 Peixaria incates thhisresearsuggests ththe USEUR currenpair will become more volatile overthe neterm. He recommen thimplement options-basestrategy usingUSEUR options to profit from the expecteincrease in volatility.Inregarto using USEUR options, Peixaria is least likely to recommenastrategy to go: A.short equnumber of 15-lta puts ancalls B.long equnumber of 25-lta puts ancalls C.long equnumber of 50-lta puts ancalls CorreAnswer: short strangle(short equnumber of 15-lta calls anputs) woulonly appropriate ifvolatility is expecteto low. The expectation is for increasevolatility,so the long strangles woulmore appropriate. A strategy of taking longpositions on equnumber of 50-lta calls an50-lta puts (i.e., a50-lta strale) is appropriate wto take aantage of expecteincreaseolatility in the USEUR currenpair. However, 50-lta calls anputs areat-the-money options anare more expensive thout-of-the-money options, such25-lta calls anputs (a 25-lta strangle).B is incorrect. Along 25-lta strangle is appropriate if you expecteincreasevolatility.This strategy is a cheaper ththe 50-lta strangle because 50-lta callsanputs are at-the-money options anare more expensive thout-of-the-moneyoptions su25-lta calls anputs (a 25-lta strangle).C is incorrect. Along 50-lta strangle (long 50-lta calls anputs) woulappropriate ifyou expectehigh volatility. 如题,麻烦老师解答

2024-07-31 19:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000012问题如下 Peixaria incates thhisresearsuggests ththe USEUR currenpair will become more volatile overthe neterm. He recommen thimplement options-basestrategy usingUSEUR options to profit from the expecteincrease in volatility.Inregarto using USEUR options, Peixaria is least likely to recommenastrategy to go: A.short equnumber of 15-lta puts ancallsB.long equnumber of 25-lta puts ancallsC.long equnumber of 50-lta puts ancalls CorreAnswer: short strangle(short equnumber of 15-lta calls anputs) woulonly appropriate ifvolatility is expecteto low. The expectation is for increasevolatility,so the long strangles woulmore appropriate. A strategy of taking longpositions on equnumber of 50-lta calls an50-lta puts (i.e., a50-lta strale) is appropriate wto take aantage of expecteincreaseolatility in the USEUR currenpair. However, 50-lta calls anputs areat-the-money options anare more expensive thout-of-the-money options, such25-lta calls anputs (a 25-lta strangle).B is incorrect. Along 25-lta strangle is appropriate if you expecteincreasevolatility.This strategy is a cheaper ththe 50-lta strangle because 50-lta callsanputs are at-the-money options anare more expensive thout-of-the-moneyoptions su25-lta calls anputs (a 25-lta strangle).C is incorrect. Along 50-lta strangle (long 50-lta calls anputs) woulappropriate ifyou expectehigh volatility. 如题,请问怎么知道25-lta是OTM option的?

2023-12-31 15:01 1 · 回答