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666666 · 2024年08月06日




Working as an analyst at an independent firm, Jacob Marley, CFA, does not handle client assets. During his review of Azure Mines, Marley comes across unconfirmed reports that the CEO of Azure Mines, Johnathan Greer, has been diagnosed with an advanced stage of a neurological disorder, not known to the public. This condition often results in the loss of environmental interaction, speech, and movement control. Greer, a driving force behind Azure Mines' growth, has transformed it into a key player in the sector. In line with the CFA Institute's Ethical and Professional Standards, what should Marley's most appropriate course of action be?


A.Issue an immediate sell directive for Azure Mines.

B.Validate Greer's medical status before releasing his analysis.

C.Urge the management of Azure Mines to publicize Greer's health condition.


Option C is correct as Marley should seek to ensure public dissemination of significant, nonpublic information, adhering to Standard II(A) - Material Nonpublic Information. This typically involves prompting the issuer to disclose such information. If Greer's diagnosis is accurate and not just a rumor, it constitutes material information that ought to be disclosed. Option A is incorrect because acting on material nonpublic information directly violates Standard II(A). Option B is also incorrect, as it suggests the potential use of insider information for public recommendations, breaching the same standard.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年08月07日

B选项提出“在发布分析之前验证Greer的医疗状况”。这个选项的问题在于,它暗示了可能使用非公开的重大信息来做出公开推荐或分析。根据CFA协会的道德和专业标准,特别是标准II(A) - 重大非公开信息,分析师不得利用或基于非公开的重大信息进行交易或提供投资建议。验证Greer的医疗状况本质上就是获取并使用这种非公开的重大信息,这违反了道德和专业标准。

因此,B选项不正确,因为它涉及到可能利用内幕信息来做出公共推荐,这违反了同样的标准。正确的做法是,如C选项所述,促使发行人(即Azure Mines的管理层)披露此类信息,而不是自己先去验证并使用该信息。