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小黑龙 · 2018年09月12日

为什么这道题不能用直接法求呢问一道题:NO.PZ2016012102000063 [ CFA I ]








3 个答案

孙艺铭 · 2020年03月10日

收到,direct indirect也有勾机关系,谢谢!

孙艺铭 · 2020年03月08日


品职辅导员_小明 · 2018年09月13日



如果题干中有类似于cash received from customers或者cash paid to supplier这种,就是用直接法,否则就是用间接法,要根据题干提供的信息来判断。


孙艺铭 · 2020年03月08日


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NO.PZ2016012102000063 问题如下 Given the following:Cash flow from operations is: A.$375,000. B.$410,000. C.$430,000. B is correct.Net income = $2,600,000 x 0.35 = $910,000, ancash flow from operations = net income - gain on sale of equipment + preciation - increase in accounts receivable - increase in inventory+( - crease in accounts payable) = 910,000 - 20,000 + 180,000 - 90,000 - 500,000 + (- 70,000) = $410,000.考点 CFO的计算 计算CFO有直接法和间接法两种方法。根据题目数据,可以判断应该用间接法计算。从NI出发,需要调整①损益表中的Non-cash items和non-operating items②资产负债表中net changes in working capital(AR、inventory、AP)题目表格中的数据有损益表数据,有资产负债表的数据,也有现金流量表中的数据等,我们要从中挑选我们所需要的的调整项目。 Net income = $2,600,000 x 0.35 = $910,000, ancash flow from operations = net income - gain on sale of equipment + preciation - increase in accounts receivable - increase in inventory+( - crease in accounts payable) = 910,000 - 20,000 + 180,000 - 90,000 - 500,000 + (- 70,000) = $410,000. 由于销售设备产品的收益属于投资活动,因此要在NI中剔除。 老师好 - 问一下比较irrlevant这道题的 - Net Sales VS Revenue - 这两个是相同意思吗,是相同concept 吗? 知道 两个大概在不同表上, e.g.Revnue 在I/s 上, Net sales 大概在CF/s 上但是从数学恒等式上, 两者是否等量? i.e. Net Sales amount = Revenue Amount? OR Cash recievefrom customer (net sales - change in + change in unearerevenue) = Revenue Amount?还是根本没有可比性? 因为 这几个concept 会严重影响 CFO calculation, 如何选择 reor inremetho 所以想uble confirm 谢谢

2024-07-08 13:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000063 问题如下 Given the following:Cash flow from operations is: A.$375,000. B.$410,000. C.$430,000. B is correct.Net income = $2,600,000 x 0.35 = $910,000, ancash flow from operations = net income - gain on sale of equipment + preciation - increase in accounts receivable - increase in inventory+( - crease in accounts payable) = 910,000 - 20,000 + 180,000 - 90,000 - 500,000 + (- 70,000) = $410,000.考点 CFO的计算 计算CFO有直接法和间接法两种方法。根据题目数据,可以判断应该用间接法计算。从NI出发,需要调整①损益表中的Non-cash items和non-operating items②资产负债表中net changes in working capital(AR、inventory、AP)题目表格中的数据有损益表数据,有资产负债表的数据,也有现金流量表中的数据等,我们要从中挑选我们所需要的的调整项目。 Net income = $2,600,000 x 0.35 = $910,000, ancash flow from operations = net income - gain on sale of equipment + preciation - increase in accounts receivable - increase in inventory+( - crease in accounts payable) = 910,000 - 20,000 + 180,000 - 90,000 - 500,000 + (- 70,000) = $410,000. 由于销售设备产品的收益属于投资活动,因此要在NI中剔除。 1,求出Net profit margin= Net income/RevenueNI= 2,600,000*0.35=910,000 2,CFO=NI+ none cash + none opearting( -gain + loss) +( 四项) =910,000+180,000-20,000-500,000+70,000-90,000=550,000我反复算了四遍,我为什么计算出来是550,000? 请老师火眼睛睛帮我看看,我到底是哪里计算错误了呢? 谢谢。

2024-05-10 11:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000063问题如下Given the following:Cash flow from operations is:A.$375,000.B.$410,000.C.$430,000. B is correct.Net income = $2,600,000 x 0.35 = $910,000, ancash flow from operations = net income - gain on sale of equipment + preciation - increase in accounts receivable - increase in inventory+( - crease in accounts payable) = 910,000 - 20,000 + 180,000 - 90,000 - 500,000 + (- 70,000) = $410,000.考点 CFO的计算 计算CFO有直接法和间接法两种方法。根据题目数据,可以判断应该用间接法计算。从NI出发,需要调整①损益表中的Non-cash items和non-operating items②资产负债表中net changes in working capital(AR、inventory、AP)题目表格中的数据有损益表数据,有资产负债表的数据,也有现金流量表中的数据等,我们要从中挑选我们所需要的的调整项目。 Net income = $2,600,000 x 0.35 = $910,000, ancash flow from operations = net income - gain on sale of equipment + preciation - increase in accounts receivable - increase in inventory+( - crease in accounts payable) = 910,000 - 20,000 + 180,000 - 90,000 - 500,000 + (- 70,000) = $410,000. 由于销售设备产品的收益属于投资活动,因此要在NI中剔除。 为什么 要net income ✖️net profit margin。不直接用net income?

2023-07-27 10:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000063 问题如下 Given the following:Cash flow from operations is: A.$375,000. B.$410,000. C.$430,000. B is correct.Net income = $2,600,000 x 0.35 = $910,000, ancash flow from operations = net income - gain on sale of equipment + preciation - increase in accounts receivable - increase in inventory+( - crease in accounts payable) = 910,000 - 20,000 + 180,000 - 90,000 - 500,000 + (- 70,000) = $410,000.考点 CFO的计算 计算CFO有直接法和间接法两种方法。根据题目数据,可以判断应该用间接法计算。从NI出发,需要调整①损益表中的Non-cash items和non-operating items②资产负债表中net changes in working capital(AR、inventory、AP)题目表格中的数据有损益表数据,有资产负债表的数据,也有现金流量表中的数据等,我们要从中挑选我们所需要的的调整项目。 Net income = $2,600,000 x 0.35 = $910,000, ancash flow from operations = net income - gain on sale of equipment + preciation - increase in accounts receivable - increase in inventory+( - crease in accounts payable) = 910,000 - 20,000 + 180,000 - 90,000 - 500,000 + (- 70,000) = $410,000. 由于销售设备产品的收益属于投资活动,因此要在NI中剔除。 我记得公式中CFO = NI + A - gain + loss + + unearnerevenue - - Inv。但是 gain on sale of equipment——这是CFI的gain,为什么要扣除,又不是CFO产生的gain or loss

2022-09-18 18:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000063问题如下Given the following:Cash flow from operations is: A.$375,000. B.$410,000. C.$430,000. B is correct.Net income = $2,600,000 x 0.35 = $910,000, ancash flow from operations = net income - gain on sale of equipment + preciation - increase in accounts receivable - increase in inventory+( - crease in accounts payable) = 910,000 - 20,000 + 180,000 - 90,000 - 500,000 + (- 70,000) = $410,000.考点 CFO的计算 计算CFO有直接法和间接法两种方法。根据题目数据,可以判断应该用间接法计算。从NI出发,需要调整①损益表中的Non-cash items和non-operating items②资产负债表中net changes in working capital(AR、inventory、AP)题目表格中的数据有损益表数据,有资产负债表的数据,也有现金流量表中的数据等,我们要从中挑选我们所需要的的调整项目。 Net income = $2,600,000 x 0.35 = $910,000, ancash flow from operations = net income - gain on sale of equipment + preciation - increase in accounts receivable - increase in inventory+( - crease in accounts payable) = 910,000 - 20,000 + 180,000 - 90,000 - 500,000 + (- 70,000) = $410,000. 由于销售设备产品的收益属于投资活动,因此要在NI中剔除。 这道题不是从revenue出发的么?怎么又变成了间接法?不是应该用直接法么?直接法为什么要加上gain of sale of equipment

2022-03-30 21:43 1 · 回答