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181****9794 · 2024年08月02日


答案判断及提示不正确 A项正确
1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2024年08月02日




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NO.PZ2022072501000005 问题如下 Whiof these statements is NOT true? A.The ESG integration framework is not meant to illustrate the perfeESG-integrateinvestment process. B.The ESG integration techniques of one firm are not necessarily the right techniques for all firms. C.There is a consensus amongst firms on whitechniques to use to intify anassess ESG factors. Every firm is unique anwill use a selection of the techniques referencein the ESG Integration Framework. 解析C说法错误。每个企业使用的ESG整合方法都是不一样的,同样的方法不一定适用所有公司。every firm is unique, the ESG integrationtechniques of one firm are not necessarily the right techniques for all firms. Firms typically use various tools anechniques to intify materifactors. These tools cqualitative or quantitative,or a mix of both. 难道不是为了完美整合嘛

2024-03-12 21:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022072501000005问题如下 Whiof these statements is NOT true? A.The ESG integration framework is not meant to illustrate the perfeESG-integrateinvestment process.B.The ESG integration techniques of one firm are not necessarily the right techniques for all firms.C.There is a consensus amongst firms on whitechniques to use to intify anassess ESG factors. Every firm is unique anwill use a selection of the techniques referencein the ESG Integration Framework. 解析C说法错误。每个企业使用的ESG整合方法都是不一样的,同样的方法不一定适用所有公司。every firm is unique, the ESG integrationtechniques of one firm are not necessarily the right techniques for all firms. Firms typically use various tools anechniques to intify materifactors. These tools cqualitative or quantitative,or a mix of both. 这题老师讲义里是不是讲过啊,对于ESG整合是有共识的,就是integration framework,那这题C不就是正确的吗

2023-05-04 16:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022072501000005问题如下 Whiof these statements is NOT true? A.The ESG integration framework is not meant to illustrate the perfeESG-integrateinvestment process.B.The ESG integration techniques of one firm are not necessarily the right techniques for all firms.C.There is a consensus amongst firms on whitechniques to use to intify anassess ESG factors. Every firm is unique anwill use a selection of the techniques referencein the ESG Integration Framework. 解析C说法错误。每个企业使用的ESG整合方法都是不一样的,同样的方法不一定适用所有公司。every firm is unique, the ESG integrationtechniques of one firm are not necessarily the right techniques for all firms. Firms typically use various tools anechniques to intify materifactors. These tools cqualitative or quantitative,or a mix of both. 这道题的答案是不是应该选

2022-09-24 14:32 4 · 回答