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粉红豹 · 2018年09月11日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016031201000010 [ CFA I ]









1 个答案

菲菲_品职助教 · 2018年09月11日


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NO.PZ2016031201000010问题如下A cret rivative is a rivative contrain whithe: A.clearinghouse provis a cret guarantee to both the buyer anthe seller. B.seller provis protection to the buyer against the cret risk of a thirparty. C.the buyer anseller provi a performanboninitiation of the contract. B is correct.A cret rivative is a rivative contrain whithe cret protection seller provis protection to the cret protection buyer against the cret risk of a thirparty. A is incorrebecause the clearinghouse provis a cret guarantee to both the buyer anthe seller of a futures contract, wherea cret rivative is between two parties, in whithe cret protection seller provis a cret guarantee to the cret protection buyer. C is incorrebecause futures contracts require thboth the buyer anthe seller of the futures contraprovi a cash posit for a portion of the futures transaction into a margin account, often referreto a performanbonor goofaith posit. 中文解析信用衍生品是信用保护卖方向信用保护买方提供防范第三方信用风险的衍生品合同。B正确。A是错误的,因为清算所为期货合同的买方和卖方提供信用担保,而信用衍生品是在双方之间,信用保护卖方向信用保护买方提供信用担保。C是不正确的,因为期货合同要求买卖双方提供一笔保证金,将期货交易的一部分存入保证金账户,通常称为履约保证金保证金。 按照债券来理解,AB之间,A是卖方,B是买方,但是B给A提供保险,不是A给B提供保险,所以怎么理解卖方给买方提供保护呢?

2022-04-14 15:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031201000010 seller provis protection to the buyer against the cret risk of a thirparty. the buyer anseller provi a performanboninitiation of the contract. B is correct. A cret rivative is a rivative contrain whithe cret protection seller provis protection to the cret protection buyer against the cret risk of a thirparty. A is incorrebecause the clearinghouse provis a cret guarantee to both the buyer anthe seller of a futures contract, wherea cret rivative is between two parties, in whithe cret protection seller provis a cret guarantee to the cret protection buyer. C is incorrebecause futures contracts require thboth the buyer anthe seller of the futures contraprovi a cash posit for a portion of the futures transaction into a margin account, often referreto a performanbonor goofaith posit. 请问c算在里面吗?他这里的信用衍生工具具体指那些?

2021-02-09 09:25 1 · 回答


2020-03-17 12:12 1 · 回答


2019-09-24 15:39 1 · 回答