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李晨昱 · 2024年07月31日




Q. A CFA Institute member would violate the standard for material nonpublic information by:



conducting price distortion practices.


inappropriately causing others to act.


inadequately maintaining investment records.


B is correct. Under Standard II.A Material Nonpublic Information, members having material nonpublic information that could affect the value of an investment must not cause others to act on the information.

A is incorrect because price distortion is mentioned in the Standard II.B Market Manipulation, not Standard II.A Material Nonpublic Information.

C is incorrect because the maintenance of appropriate records to support investment analyses is noted in Standard V.C Record Retention, not Standard II.A Material Nonpublic Information.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年07月31日

选择B选项的逻辑是基于“重大非公开信息”(Material Nonpublic Information)。


A选项提到“进行价格扭曲行为”。虽然价格扭曲行为可能是不合法的,但它更多地与标准II.B“市场操纵”(Market Manipulation)相关,而不是标准II.A“重大非公开信息”。市场操纵指的是通过欺诈、误导或其他操纵手段来影响证券价格,而不一定是基于重大非公开信息。


C选项提到“未能妥善保存投资记录”。这与标准II.A无关,而是与标准V.C“记录保留”(Record Retention)相关。记录保留标准要求会员保留足够的记录来支持他们的投资决策和分析。


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NO.PZ2018062009000069 问题如下 Q. A CFA Institute member woulviolate the stanrfor materinonpublic information by: A.concting pristortion practices. B.inappropriately causing others to act. C.inaquately maintaining investment recor. B is correct. Unr StanrII.A MateriNonpublic Information, members having materinonpublic information thcoulaffethe value of investment must not cause others to aon the information. A is incorrebecause pristortion is mentionein the StanrII.B Market Manipulation, not StanrII.A MateriNonpublic Information. C is incorrebecause the maintenanof appropriate recor to support investment analyses is notein StanrV.C RecorRetention, not StanrII.A MateriNonpublic Information. A为什么不对呢

2023-07-31 12:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062009000069 问题如下 Q. A CFA Institute member woulviolate the stanrfor materinonpublic information by: A.concting pristortion practices. B.inappropriately causing others to act. C.inaquately maintaining investment recor. B is correct. Unr StanrII.A MateriNonpublic Information, members having materinonpublic information thcoulaffethe value of investment must not cause others to aon the information. A is incorrebecause pristortion is mentionein the StanrII.B Market Manipulation, not StanrII.A MateriNonpublic Information. C is incorrebecause the maintenanof appropriate recor to support investment analyses is notein StanrV.C RecorRetention, not StanrII.A MateriNonpublic Information. 我的理解是说你获得重大非公开信息,如果没有做好头寸记录,可能会违反这条,所以为什么不选C?麻烦解答一下,谢谢

2023-01-22 22:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062009000069问题如下 Q. A CFA Institute member woulviolate the stanrfor materinonpublic information by: A.concting pristortion practices.B.inappropriately causing others to act.C.inaquately maintaining investment recor. B is correct. Unr StanrII.A MateriNonpublic Information, members having materinonpublic information thcoulaffethe value of investment must not cause others to aon the information. A is incorrebecause pristortion is mentionein the StanrII.B Market Manipulation, not StanrII.A MateriNonpublic Information. C is incorrebecause the maintenanof appropriate recor to support investment analyses is notein StanrV.C RecorRetention, not StanrII.A MateriNonpublic Information. 请问B是什么意思???

2023-01-03 22:23 2 · 回答