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洁1017 · 2024年07月29日




Hood believes that bond yields will begin an upward trend and wants to adjust the duration of the balanced fund’s fixed income portfolio for the next two years. Bullseye’s head trader informs Hood that he can implement this duration adjustment using a pay-fixed, receive-floating interest rate swap.

Hood considers the selected swap contracts shown in Exhibit 2. He knows that he can obtain the required interest rate exposure using any one of these contracts, but his objective is to minimize the notional principal of the swap.

Exhibit 2 Selected Pay-Fixed, Receive-Floating Swap Contracts

Determine which counterparty’s swap contract will best achieve Hood’s objective. Justify your response.



Correct Answer:

The Canis swap contract will best achieve Hood’s objective because it is the alternative with the smallest required notional principal. The duration of a pay-fixed, receive-floating interest rate swap is equal to the duration of a floating-rate bond minus the duration of a fixed-rate bond, where the bonds have cash flows equivalent to the corresponding cash flows of the swap. The duration of the fixed leg is 75% of its maturity and the duration of the floating leg is 50% of its payment frequency period.

The swap duration for each swap in Exhibit 2 is calculated below:

Swap duration = Duration of floating leg – Duration of fixed leg

Duration of Orion contract (three-year maturity with quarterly payments) = 0.125 – 2.25 = –2.125

Duration of Ursa contract (three-year maturity with semiannual payments) = 0.25 – 2.25 = –2.00

Duration of Canis contract (five-year maturity with quarterly payments) = 0.125 – 3.75 = –3.625

Duration of Lupus contract (five-year maturity with semiannual payments) = 0.25 – 3.75 = –3.50

In this case, because the Canis contract has the longest maturity and the highest payment frequency, its duration is the most negative of the four alternatives.

The notional principal of a swap (with duration MDURS) needed to change the duration of a bond portfolio, with a market value of B, from its current duration of MDURB to a target duration of MDURT is calculated as: NP = B x [(MDURT – MDURB)/MDURS)

Therefore using a swap with a higher (negative) duration requires a lower notional principal (NP) for the same-sized adjustment to portfolio duration.


1 个答案

pzqa27 · 2024年07月30日


关于swap 的duration,其实主要是在固定收益那里讲到过,同学可以参考下固守的这个视频。


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NO.PZ2022123002000064 问题如下 Hoobelieves thbonyiel will begin upwartrenanwantsto aust the ration of the balancefuns fixeincome portfolio for thenext two years. Bullseye’s hetrar informs Hoothhe cimplement thisration austment using a pay-fixe receive-floating interest rate swap. Hooconsirs theselecteswcontracts shown in Exhibit 2. He knows thhe cobtain therequireinterest rate exposure using any one of these contracts, but hisobjective is to minimize the notionprincipof the swap. Exhibit 2 SelectePay-Fixe Receive-Floating SwContractsterminewhicounterparty’s swcontrawill best achieve Hoos objective. Justifyyour response. CorreAnswer: The Canis swcontrawill best achieve Hoos objective because itis the alternative with the smallest requirenotionprincipal. The rationof a pay-fixe receive-floating interest rate swis equto the ration ofa floating-rate bonminus the ration of a fixerate bon where the bonhave cash flows equivalent to the corresponng cash flows of the swap. Theration of the fixeleg is 75% of its maturity anthe ration of thefloating leg is 50% of its payment frequenperioThe swration for easwin Exhibit 2 is calculatebelow:Swration =ration of floating leg – ration of fixelegration of Orion contra(three-yematurity with quarterlypayments) = 0.125 – 2.25 = –2.125rationof Ursa contra(three-yematurity with semiannupayments) = 0.25 – 2.25 =–2.00rationof Canis contra(five-yematurity with quarterly payments) = 0.125 – 3.75 =–3.625rationof Lupus contra(five-yematurity with semiannupayments) = 0.25 – 3.75 =–3.50In this case, because the Canis contrahthe longest maturity anhe highest payment frequency, its ration is the most negative of the fouralternatives.The notionprincipof a sw(with ration MRS) neeto changethe ration of a bonportfolio, with a market value of from its currentration of MRB to a target ration of MRT is calculateas: NP = B x[(MRT – MRB)/MRS)Therefore using a swwith a higher (negative) ration requires alower notionprincip(NP) for the same-sizeaustment to portfolioration. The ration of the fixeleg is 75% of its maturity anthe ration of the floating leg is 50% of its payment frequenperio

2024-07-14 09:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000064 问题如下 Hoobelieves thbonyiel will begin upwartrenanwantsto aust the ration of the balancefuns fixeincome portfolio for thenext two years. Bullseye’s hetrar informs Hoothhe cimplement thisration austment using a pay-fixe receive-floating interest rate swap. Hooconsirs theselecteswcontracts shown in Exhibit 2. He knows thhe cobtain therequireinterest rate exposure using any one of these contracts, but hisobjective is to minimize the notionprincipof the swap. Exhibit 2 SelectePay-Fixe Receive-Floating SwContractsterminewhicounterparty’s swcontrawill best achieve Hoos objective. Justifyyour response. CorreAnswer: The Canis swcontrawill best achieve Hoos objective because itis the alternative with the smallest requirenotionprincipal. The rationof a pay-fixe receive-floating interest rate swis equto the ration ofa floating-rate bonminus the ration of a fixerate bon where the bonhave cash flows equivalent to the corresponng cash flows of the swap. Theration of the fixeleg is 75% of its maturity anthe ration of thefloating leg is 50% of its payment frequenperioThe swration for easwin Exhibit 2 is calculatebelow:Swration =ration of floating leg – ration of fixelegration of Orion contra(three-yematurity with quarterlypayments) = 0.125 – 2.25 = –2.125rationof Ursa contra(three-yematurity with semiannupayments) = 0.25 – 2.25 =–2.00rationof Canis contra(five-yematurity with quarterly payments) = 0.125 – 3.75 =–3.625rationof Lupus contra(five-yematurity with semiannupayments) = 0.25 – 3.75 =–3.50In this case, because the Canis contrahthe longest maturity anhe highest payment frequency, its ration is the most negative of the fouralternatives.The notionprincipof a sw(with ration MRS) neeto changethe ration of a bonportfolio, with a market value of from its currentration of MRB to a target ration of MRT is calculateas: NP = B x[(MRT – MRB)/MRS)Therefore using a swwith a higher (negative) ration requires alower notionprincip(NP) for the same-sizeaustment to portfolioration. The Canis swcontrawill best achieve Hoos objective because it is the alternative with the smallest requirenotionprincipal. The ration of a pay-fixe receive-floating interest rate swis equto the ration of a floating-rate bonminus the ration of a fixerate bon where the bon have cash flows equivalent to the corresponng cash flows of the swap. The ration of the fixeleg is 75% of its maturity anthe ration of the floating leg is 50% of its payment frequenperio这个75%和50%是从何而来?

2023-08-20 21:32 2 · 回答