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Brocolli · 2024年07月28日




A US bond portfolio manager wants to hedge a long position in a 10-year Treasury bond against a potential rise in domestic interest rates. He would most likely:



sell fixed-income (bond) futures


enter a receive-fixed 10-year interest rate swap


sell a strip of 90-day Eurodollar futures contracts


Correct Answer: A

A is correct. The portfolio manager would most likely use a longer-dated fixed-income (bond) futures contract to hedge his interest rate risk exposure. The choice of the hedging instrument, in fact, will depend on the maturity of the bond being hedged. Interest rate futures, like 90-day Eurodollar futures, have a limited number of maturities and can be used to hedge short-term bonds. The mark-to-market value of a receive-fixed 10-year interest rate swap will become negative if interest rates rises, and thus the swap cannot be used as a hedge in this case.

eurodollar futures的底层资产是债券,利率下降,债券价格上升,short方赚钱。对冲风险的角度,这个头寸没问题。但不选C,仅仅是因为期限不匹配,对吗?

1 个答案

pzqa27 · 2024年07月28日




可以看到一是非常的麻烦,二是在滚仓的时候会产生现金流,无论是cash inflow还是outflow,都需要进行现金管理,这会造成成本。



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NO.PZ2022123002000039问题如下 A US bonportfolio manager wants to hee a longposition in a 10-yeTreasury bonagainst a potentirise in mesticinterest rates. He woulmost likely: A.sell fixeincome(bon futuresB.enter a receive-fixe0-yeinterest rate swapC.sell a strip of90-y Eurollfutures contracts CorreAnswer: is correct. The portfolio manager woulmost likely use alonger-tefixeincome (bon futures contrato hee his interest raterisk exposure. The choiof the heing instrument, in fact, will penonthe maturity of the bonbeing hee Interest rate futures, like 90-yEurollfutures, have a limitenumber of maturities ancusetohee short-term bon. The mark-to-market value of a receive-fixe10-yearinterest rate swwill become negative if interest rates rises, anthus theswcannot usea hee in this case. long 10y bon担心利率上涨,价格下跌。那B,变成固定的话,可以避免这个问题吗?

2024-07-29 08:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000039 问题如下 A US bonportfolio manager wants to hee a longposition in a 10-yeTreasury bonagainst a potentirise in mesticinterest rates. He woulmost likely: A.sell fixeincome(bon futures B.enter a receive-fixe0-yeinterest rate sw C.sell a strip of90-y Eurollfutures contracts CorreAnswer: is correct. The portfolio manager woulmost likely use alonger-tefixeincome (bon futures contrato hee his interest raterisk exposure. The choiof the heing instrument, in fact, will penonthe maturity of the bonbeing hee Interest rate futures, like 90-yEurollfutures, have a limitenumber of maturities ancusetohee short-term bon. The mark-to-market value of a receive-fixe10-yearinterest rate swwill become negative if interest rates rises, anthus theswcannot usea hee in this case. 为何B不对?手中有bon担心利率上涨 那就来个sw收fixerate 付pflorate

2024-05-29 17:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000039 问题如下 A US bonportfolio manager wants to hee a longposition in a 10-yeTreasury bonagainst a potentirise in mesticinterest rates. He woulmost likely: A.sell fixeincome(bon futures B.enter a receive-fixe0-yeinterest rate sw C.sell a strip of90-y Eurollfutures contracts CorreAnswer: is correct. The portfolio manager woulmost likely use alonger-tefixeincome (bon futures contrato hee his interest raterisk exposure. The choiof the heing instrument, in fact, will penonthe maturity of the bonbeing hee Interest rate futures, like 90-yEurollfutures, have a limitenumber of maturities ancusetohee short-term bon. The mark-to-market value of a receive-fixe10-yearinterest rate swwill become negative if interest rates rises, anthus theswcannot usea hee in this case. RT

2024-02-05 17:16 2 · 回答