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Xiaochong · 2024年07月28日

Change in belief



Emma Young, a 47-year-old single mother of two daughters, ages 7 and 10, recently sold a business for $5.5 million net of taxes and put the proceeds into a money market account. Her other assets include a tax-deferred retirement account worth $3.0 million, a $500,000 after-tax account designated for her daughters’ education, a $400,000 after-tax account for unexpected needs, and her home, which she owns outright.

Her living expenses are fully covered by her job. Young wants to retire in 15 years and to fund her retirement from existing assets. An orphan at eight who experienced childhood financial hardships, she places a high priority on retirement security and wants to avoid losing money in any of her three accounts.

Ten years later, Young is considering an early-retirement package offer. The package would provide continuing salary and benefits for three years. The broker recommends a special review of Young’s financial plan to assess potential changes to the existing allocation strategy.

Identify the primary reason for the broker’s reassessment of Young’s circumstances. Justify your response. (新增课后题)



hello 那请问就这题来说,可以举一些具体的例子来说明change in belief, change in goal?? eg.这个人现在想提高退休后的pension income决定对投资资产的allocation做调整,这种可以理解为change in goal对吧?

如果说现在经济大环境变了,比较接下来这个国家要加大退休后的tax, 这个人认为未来pension 无法Maintain living, 对投资资产的allocation做调整,这种可以理解为change in belief吗?谢谢

1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2024年07月28日


1、环境的变化影响的是constraints,我们在意的是“环境”发生了变化, time horizon, asset size

2、投资者的风险承受能力或风险偏好是与change in goals相关,而goal更偏向于某个行业条件和个人状况的变化。





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NO.PZ2022122801000055 问题如下 Emma Young, a 47-year-olingle mother of two ughters, ages 7 an10, recently sola business for$5.5 million net of taxes anput the procee into a money market account. Herother assets inclu a tax-ferreretirement account worth $3.0 million, a $500,000after-taccount signatefor her ughters’ ecation, a $400,000 after-taxaccount for unexpectenee, anher home, whishe owns outright.Her living expenses are fully covereher joYoung wants toretire in 15 years anto funher retirement from existing assets. orphaneight who experiencechiloofinanciharhips, she places a highpriority on retirement security anwants to avoilosing money in any of herthree accounts.Ten years later, Young is consiring early-retirement packageoffer. The package woulprovi continuing salary anbenefits for threeyears. The broker recommen a specireview of Young’s financipltoassess potentichanges to the existing allocation strategy.Intify the primary reason for thebroker’s reassessment of Young’s circumstances. Justify your response. (新增课后题) 答案中到time horizon属于constraint,但也与goals有关,所以goals可不可以选?

2024-01-08 16:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022122801000055 问题如下 Emma Young, a 47-year-olingle mother of two ughters, ages 7 an10, recently sola business for$5.5 million net of taxes anput the procee into a money market account. Herother assets inclu a tax-ferreretirement account worth $3.0 million, a $500,000after-taccount signatefor her ughters’ ecation, a $400,000 after-taxaccount for unexpectenee, anher home, whishe owns outright.Her living expenses are fully covereher joYoung wants toretire in 15 years anto funher retirement from existing assets. orphaneight who experiencechiloofinanciharhips, she places a highpriority on retirement security anwants to avoilosing money in any of herthree accounts.Ten years later, Young is consiring early-retirement packageoffer. The package woulprovi continuing salary anbenefits for threeyears. The broker recommen a specireview of Young’s financipltoassess potentichanges to the existing allocation strategy.Intify the primary reason for thebroker’s reassessment of Young’s circumstances. Justify your response. (新增课后题) 看下我的答案change in constraints:1.the asset liquity is change,before 10 years ago ,she cpermit a long-term investment ,but now she nee more liquity for her retirement ,so some investment nee change to short-term.2.the risk toleranwill go wn ,so it nee some asset volatility creasing.这里我强调了风险容忍度下降,我看答案写的不变?下降可以吗?change in beliefs:the primary gois to retire requirement, before 10 years ago , earning more money is more important ,but now the retirement quality is more important.这里答案也说没变,我写的退休更重要了,会不会得分?

2023-08-24 11:12 1 · 回答