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Terry1988 · 2024年07月26日

A的pretax income是$43,257.31对吗



Assume U.S. GAAP applies unless otherwise noted. At the beginning of the year, a lessee company enters into a new lease agreement that is correctly classified as a finance lease, with the following terms:

With respect to the effect of the lease on the company’s financial statements in the first year of the lease, which of the following is most accurate? The reduction in the company’s:


A.Pretax income is $72,096. B.Cash flow from financing is $56,742. C.Cash flow from operations is $72,096.


The present value of the lease is $360,477.62. (n = 5, I = 12%, PMT = $100,000) 12% of the original PV is $43,257.31 and represents the interest component of the payment in the first year. The difference between the annual payment and the interest is the amortization of the lease obligation included in cash flow from financing. $100,000 – 43,257.31 = $56,742.69. Depreciation is $360,477.62 / 5 or $72,095.52 so the total reduction in pretax income would be interest plus depreciation or $115,352.83. Cash flow from operations would be reduced by the amount of the interest only because the depreciation would be added back to determine cash flow from operations.


1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2024年07月28日



融资租赁相当于贷款买设备,对于lessee来说,融资租赁负债账面价值的摊销和债券是一样的,也存在实际的payment和I/S中interest expense不相等的情况,简单来说就是lessee付的现金payment包含还本和付息两部分,但是只有付息这部分是会计入I/S中的,还本部分会摊销负债账面价值。

站在flow的角度,即利息部分作为CFO流出, 另一部分(减少负债的部分)作为CFF流出。

按照表格数据,先计算出融资租赁租约现值为360 477.62美元。

n = 5,I = 12%,PMT = $100000



100000 美元 – 43257.31 = 56742.69 美元。

The reduction in the company’s:选项:A.Pretax income is $72,096.

题目说on a straight-line basis 直线法摊销,那么每一年都是一样的, 折旧为 360477.62 / 5 =72095.52 美元,

因此A选项税前收入的总减少额将是利息加折旧=为43,257.31+72,095.52=115,352.83 美元。

CFF是(减少负债的部分)即56742.69, CFO则是减少利息金额43257.31。


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NO.PZ2024011002000102 问题如下 Assume U.S. GAapplies unless otherwise note the beginning of the year, a lessee company enters into a new lease agreement this correctly classifiea finanlease, with the following terms:With respetothe effeof the lease on the company’s financistatements in the first yearof the lease, whiof the following is most accurate? The rection in thecompany’s: A.Pretincome is $72,096. B.Cash flow from financing is $56,742. C.Cash flow from operations is $72,096. The present value of the lease is $360,477.62. (n = 5, I = 12%, PMT = $100,000) 12% of the originPV is $43,257.31 anrepresents the interest component of the payment in the first year. The fferenbetween the annupayment anthe interest is the amortization of the lease obligation incluin cash flow from financing. $100,000 – 43,257.31 = $56,742.69. preciation is $360,477.62 / 5 or $72,095.52 so the totrection in pretincome woulinterest plus preciation or $115,352.83. Cash flow from operations woulrecethe amount of the interest only because the preciation woulaebato termine cash flow from operations. 这个计算机怎么按?需要按pv吗?The present value of the lease is $360,477.62. (n = 5, I = 12%, PMT = $100,000)

2024-05-05 22:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024011002000102 问题如下 Assume U.S. GAapplies unless otherwise note the beginning of the year, a lessee company enters into a new lease agreement this correctly classifiea finanlease, with the following terms:With respetothe effeof the lease on the company’s financistatements in the first yearof the lease, whiof the following is most accurate? The rection in thecompany’s: A.Pretincome is $72,096. B.Cash flow from financing is $56,742. C.Cash flow from operations is $72,096. The present value of the lease is $360,477.62. (n = 5, I = 12%, PMT = $100,000) 12% of the originPV is $43,257.31 anrepresents the interest component of the payment in the first year. The fferenbetween the annupayment anthe interest is the amortization of the lease obligation incluin cash flow from financing. $100,000 – 43,257.31 = $56,742.69. preciation is $360,477.62 / 5 or $72,095.52 so the totrection in pretincome woulinterest plus preciation or $115,352.83. Cash flow from operations woulrecethe amount of the interest only because the preciation woulaebato termine cash flow from operations. 题目中说这是一个Finanlease, I/S 中不是应该确认 1. amortization/5年 2. interest expense: pv lease payment 369478 x interest rate 12% 吗。 我觉得下面的原题中是operating lease 对 现金流量表的处理The fferenbetween the annupayment anthe interest is the amortization of the lease obligation incluin cash flow from financing. $100,000 – 43,257.31 = $56,742.69.

2024-04-18 02:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024011002000102 问题如下 Assume U.S. GAapplies unless otherwise note the beginning of the year, a lessee company enters into a new lease agreement this correctly classifiea finanlease, with the following terms:With respetothe effeof the lease on the company’s financistatements in the first yearof the lease, whiof the following is most accurate? The rection in thecompany’s: A.Pretincome is $72,096. B.Cash flow from financing is $56,742. C.Cash flow from operations is $72,096. The present value of the lease is $360,477.62. (n = 5, I = 12%, PMT = $100,000) 12% of the originPV is $43,257.31 anrepresents the interest component of the payment in the first year. The fferenbetween the annupayment anthe interest is the amortization of the lease obligation incluin cash flow from financing. $100,000 – 43,257.31 = $56,742.69. preciation is $360,477.62 / 5 or $72,095.52 so the totrection in pretincome woulinterest plus preciation or $115,352.83. Cash flow from operations woulrecethe amount of the interest only because the preciation woulaebato termine cash flow from operations. 咋还能混用呢

2024-04-05 17:05 1 · 回答