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SHAO · 2024年07月25日




Ambleu complies with IFRS, and its presentation currency is the Norvoltian krone (NVK). Ambleu’s two subsidiaries, Ngcorp and Cendaró, have different functional currencies: Ngcorp uses the Bindiar franc (₣B) and Cendaró uses the Crenland guinea (CRG).

Yu first analyzes the following transactions:

Transaction 2: Ngcorp obtains a loan in Bindiar francs on 1 June 2016 from a European bank with the Norvoltian krone as its presentation currency.

She determines the method that Ambleu would use to translate Transaction 2 into its 31 December 2016 consolidated financial statements.

Yu’s determination regarding Transaction 2 should be based on the currency of the:









The currency of Ngcorp as the borrowing foreign subsidiary, relative to that of Ambleu, determines Ambleu’s choice of translation method for Transaction 2. Because Ngcorp’s functional currency is the Bindiar franc and Ambleu’s presentation currency is the Norvoltian krone, the current rate method rather than the temporal method should be used. Regardless of the currency in which the loan is denominated, the loan is first recorded in Ngcorp’s financial statements. Then, Ngcorp’s financial statements, which include the bank loan, are translated into Ambleu’s consolidated financial statements.

老师,Transaction 2: Ngcorp obtains a loan in Bindiar francs on 1 June 2016 from a European bank with the Norvoltian krone as its presentation currency.这句话就看不懂,“Ngcorp obtains a loan in Bindiar francs”这个不就是指loan的币种是BF吗,他记账基于BF,为什么不对呢?这道题目怎么理解呢

2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年07月26日


首先,题目最开始一段已经明确说了,Ngcrop的functional currency就是 Bindiar franc (₣B)

接着题目描述了transaction 2(也就是这里呼应了,Ngcrop这笔贷款确实是以Bindiar franc (₣B)记账的)

然后题目说分析师决定了应该用哪种合并报表方法(temporal还是current rate)来对transaction 2进行报表的转换(而不是基于transaction 2来决定使用哪种合并报表方法)

最后题目问对transaction 2 的这种转换是基于谁的币种的?

这道题真正重要的是子公司自己到底用了什么币种,替换成transaction 2信息中的一方也就是borrower的币种决定了合并报表的方式


王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年07月25日

同学你好,with the Norvoltian krone as its presentation currency修饰的是European bank,而不是Ngcorp

所以这句话是说,在2016年6月1日,Nogcorp获得了一个欧洲银行的以Bindiar franc (₣B) 币种的贷款。而这个欧洲银行自己本身的报告币种是Norvoltian krone——银行本身的报告币种,正好对应的是选项B

SHAO · 2024年07月26日

老师,还是没明白,再请教下:2016年6月1日,Nogcorp获得了一个欧洲银行的以Bindiar franc (₣B) 币种的贷款。问Ambleu应该用哪种货币在Nogcorp的合并报表上记这笔贷款? 那Nogcorp记账货币是啥,就应该用啥记吧,那应该是用NVK,选C?这个和银行用什么货币记账没有关系吧

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NO.PZ2023040501000080 问题如下 Ambleu complies with IFRS, anits presentation currenis the Norvoltikrone (NVK). Ambleu’s two subsiaries, Ngcorp anCenró, have fferent functioncurrencies: Ngcorp uses the Binfranc (₣anCenró uses the Crenlanguinea (CRG).Yu first analyzes the following transactions:Transaction 2: Ngcorp obtains a loin Binfranon 1 June 2016 from a Europebank with the Norvoltikrone its presentation currency.She termines the methothAmbleu wouluse to translate Transaction 2 into its 31 cember 2016 consolitefinancistatements.Yu’s termination regarng Transaction 2 shoulbaseon the currenof the: A.lo B.bank C.borrower The currenof Ngcorp the borrowing foreign subsiary, relative to thof Ambleu, termines Ambleu’s choiof translation methofor Transaction 2. Because Ngcorp’s functioncurrenis the Binfranc anAmbleu’s presentation currenis the Norvoltikrone, the current rate methorather ththe tempormethoshouluse Regaress of the currenin whithe lois nominate the lois first recorin Ngcorp’s financistatements. Then, Ngcorp’s financistatements, whiinclu the bank loan, are translateinto Ambleu’s consolitefinancistatements. Why isn't this A?Isn't option the loalso nominatein FB so same answer borrower

2023-09-07 08:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000080 问题如下 Ambleu complies with IFRS, anits presentation currenis the Norvoltikrone (NVK). Ambleu’s two subsiaries, Ngcorp anCenró, have fferent functioncurrencies: Ngcorp uses the Binfranc (₣anCenró uses the Crenlanguinea (CRG).Yu first analyzes the following transactions:Transaction 2: Ngcorp obtains a loin Binfranon 1 June 2016 from a Europebank with the Norvoltikrone its presentation currency.She termines the methothAmbleu wouluse to translate Transaction 2 into its 31 cember 2016 consolitefinancistatements.Yu’s termination regarng Transaction 2 shoulbaseon the currenof the: A.lo B.bank C.borrower The currenof Ngcorp the borrowing foreign subsiary, relative to thof Ambleu, termines Ambleu’s choiof translation methofor Transaction 2. Because Ngcorp’s functioncurrenis the Binfranc anAmbleu’s presentation currenis the Norvoltikrone, the current rate methorather ththe tempormethoshouluse Regaress of the currenin whithe lois nominate the lois first recorin Ngcorp’s financistatements. Then, Ngcorp’s financistatements, whiinclu the bank loan, are translateinto Ambleu’s consolitefinancistatements. 什么叫Yu’s termination regarng Transaction 2 shoulbaseon the currenof the?是说Yu要决定有那种方法转化吗?这个难道不是取决于母公司和子公司的function currency吗?那跟这次loan的贷款银行、借款人、loan本身有什么关系?还是说这道题就是偷换了个概念,想说的就是要比较母公司和子公司,只不过这道题里借款人borrower就是母公司?

2023-04-28 00:34 1 · 回答