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SHAO · 2024年07月24日




Suburban purchased HiQ Printers, which had high speed production printing presses in all of Suburban’s distribution areas. Suburban purchased 60% of the company’s shares in exchange for its own shares. At the time of the purchase, there were 8 million shares of HiQ Printers outstanding trading at $14 per share. The fair value of HiQ Printers’ net identifiable assets at that time was $99 million. Exhibit 4 shows the shareholders’ equity of both companies prior to the business combination.

Suburban, which reports under US GAAP, has a history of purchasing community news groups from around the country.

Exhibit 4 Shareholders’ Equity for Suburban Publishers and HiQ Printers

Prior to the Combination in January 2013

Immediately following its business combination with HiQ Printers, the total shareholder’s equity (in thousands) on Suburban’s consolidated financial statements is closest to:









The shareholders’ equity section of the post-acquisition consolidated balance sheet will consist of the capital stock and retained earnings account of the parent and the non-controlling interest of the minority shareholders. Under US GAAP, the value of the non-controlling interest is equal to the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the subsidiary’s fair value.

请问S公司并H公司表,为什么equity中不加H公司的100%retained earning呢?

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年07月24日

同学你好,首先,acquisition method下如果用现金购买子公司(假设购买60%。没有Goodwill),会计处理是 母公司 asset下现金-60%子公司净资产公允价, 同时母公司的所有资产和负债统统 + 100%子公司的资产和负债,也就相当于 + 100%子公司的净资产公允价——发现了吗?这里出现不平衡了,差了40%子公司净资产(也就是子公司Equity),所以需要在合并报表里 Equity下+ Minority interest = 40%子公司Equity ,至此B/S表实现平衡

如果合并报表的Equity+ 100%的子公司净资产也就是子公司Equity),就乱套了,这个报表根本轧不平


本题也是同样的原理,本质上合并报表的Equity下应该retained earnings,capital stock都不变,只是新增40%的子公司equity的Minority interest


1. 发新股:母公司 asset下+ cash:60%子公司净资产的价值,同时equity下 + capital stock:60%子公司净资产的价值

2. 合并子公司报表到母公司下面,也就是重复上面”acquisition method下如果用现金购买子公司(假设购买60%。没有Goodwill),会计处理“的过程

所以本题你才会特别的看到合并报表的capital stock好像+60%子公司的净资产,但其实正常的现金收购的话,根本不可能看到合并报表的Equity有任何除了Minority interest以外的增加的

这也就是为什么本题只有retained earnigns没有加任何的子公司equity的原因了

SHAO · 2024年07月24日


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NO.PZ2023040501000017 问题如下 SuburbpurchaseHiQ Printers, whihhigh speeproction printing presses in all of Suburban’s stribution areas. Suburbpurchase60% of the company’s shares in exchange for its own shares. the time of the purchase, there were 8 million shares of HiQ Printers outstanng trang $14 per share. The fair value of HiQ Printers’ net intifiable assets thtime w$99 million. Exhibit 4 shows the shareholrs’ equity of both companies prior to the business combination.Suburban, whireports unr US GAAP, ha history of purchasing community news groups from arounthe country.Exhibit 4 Shareholrs’ Equity for SuburbPublishers anHiQ PrintersPrior to the Combination in January 2013Immeately following its business combination with HiQ Printers, the totshareholr’s equity (in thousan) on Suburban’s consolitefinancistatements is closest to: A.$577,000. B.$571,800. C.$532,200. The shareholrs’ equity section of the post-acquisition consolitebalansheet will consist of the capitstoanretaineearnings account of the parent anthe non-controlling interest of the minority shareholrs. Unr US GAAP, the value of the non-controlling interest is equto the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the subsiary’s fair value. 这道题其实不用管H公司的capitstock和RE吗?如果用现金收购的话需要用到capitstock和RE吗?

2024-08-07 21:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000017 问题如下 SuburbpurchaseHiQ Printers, whihhigh speeproction printing presses in all of Suburban’s stribution areas. Suburbpurchase60% of the company’s shares in exchange for its own shares. the time of the purchase, there were 8 million shares of HiQ Printers outstanng trang $14 per share. The fair value of HiQ Printers’ net intifiable assets thtime w$99 million. Exhibit 4 shows the shareholrs’ equity of both companies prior to the business combination.Suburban, whireports unr US GAAP, ha history of purchasing community news groups from arounthe country.Exhibit 4 Shareholrs’ Equity for SuburbPublishers anHiQ PrintersPrior to the Combination in January 2013Immeately following its business combination with HiQ Printers, the totshareholr’s equity (in thousan) on Suburban’s consolitefinancistatements is closest to: A.$577,000. B.$571,800. C.$532,200. The shareholrs’ equity section of the post-acquisition consolitebalansheet will consist of the capitstoanretaineearnings account of the parent anthe non-controlling interest of the minority shareholrs. Unr US GAAP, the value of the non-controlling interest is equto the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the subsiary’s fair value. 在计算母公司Equity的时候,正常是母公司的Equity+MI,这里还加上了购买成本,是因为母公司是发行新股来购买,所以要加上购买成本?“Suburbpurchase60% of the company’s shares in exchange for its own shares. ”

2023-08-24 19:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000017 问题如下 SuburbpurchaseHiQ Printers, whihhigh speeproction printing presses in all of Suburban’s stribution areas. Suburbpurchase60% of the company’s shares in exchange for its own shares. the time of the purchase, there were 8 million shares of HiQ Printers outstanng trang $14 per share. The fair value of HiQ Printers’ net intifiable assets thtime w$99 million. Exhibit 4 shows the shareholrs’ equity of both companies prior to the business combination.Suburban, whireports unr US GAAP, ha history of purchasing community news groups from arounthe country.Exhibit 4 Shareholrs’ Equity for SuburbPublishers anHiQ PrintersPrior to the Combination in January 2013Immeately following its business combination with HiQ Printers, the totshareholr’s equity (in thousan) on Suburban’s consolitefinancistatements is closest to: A.$577,000. B.$571,800. C.$532,200. The shareholrs’ equity section of the post-acquisition consolitebalansheet will consist of the capitstoanretaineearnings account of the parent anthe non-controlling interest of the minority shareholrs. Unr US GAAP, the value of the non-controlling interest is equto the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the subsiary’s fair value. 题目中说服从GAAP,计算MI的时候应该是=consiration/收购比例 * (1-收购比例)consiration = 8million *14 *60%(1-60%)=74.7?

2023-08-12 16:58 1 · 回答