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洁1017 · 2024年07月17日


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(2) Recommend a new investment approach based for the Whatsit’s pension plan that is most likely to outperform the market. Justify your response and identify one advantage and one disadvantage of this approach.



Whatsit should use the endowment model.

Justification (either two of these is acceptable):

Ÿ Long time horizon

Ÿ High risk tolerance

Ÿ Relatively small liquidity needs

Ÿ Stuart’s experience with external managers to help with investment


Ÿ Ability to capture alpha and outperform the market over a long-time horizon, that is, high value-added potential.

Disadvantages (either one of these is acceptable):

Ÿ The endowment model is costly because of high alternative exposure, active management and outsourcing compared to a passive approach.

Difficult to implement if fund has large asset size.


The new approach advised may be the LDI model. 

Because there is 5% legal spending need for the benefit payments for the retired employees, the firm indeed needs to invest in some of fixed income securities in the reserve portfolio. Although the plan is underfunded now, the firm remains the market leader and has a strong financial situation, allowing to contribute the plan in time.

Meanwhile, the company hires many young workers in order to make the average age of the workforce remain low, leading to a less mature pension plan. So there is low liquidity needs and high risk tolerance. As the recent declining sales, the firm should consider making the growth of assets higher than growth of liabilities, so it is urgent to invest in alternatives or riskier securities in return seeking portfolio in pursuit of above-market returns.

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2024年07月18日



Liability-Driven investing,以负债为目标的投资策略。LDI的具体方法就是:免疫策略(Immunization策略)特别是针对养老金计划等长期负债的投资组合。虽然LDI可以帮助养老金计划降低风险,但由于其主要目标是匹配或超额满足负债,因此可能会限制投资组合的回报。

这道题的问题就是,要outperform the market,也就是要有一个高增长的潜力,所以显然不符合LDI的特征,LDI最大的作用是cover liability, 但是这道题里,pension 处于underfunded的状态下,这个时候employer有能力contribution,那么pension可以继续维持被动投资的策略,但是如果employer没有能力contribution,那pension就要投资的主动一些,已达到更高的收益率,从而弥补资产小于负债的部分。LDI并不适用。


排除了LDI,我们就要在 Norway 和 Endowment 、canada之间进行选择了。

Norway 和 Endowment 、canada 相比,就是Norway 几乎不投alternative,而Endowment 、canada 都会大量的投资alternative;

而Endowment 和canada 相比,Canada model是Internally managed,就是内部管理的。

Endowment和Canada model整体类似,但是Endowment model是Outsourced,也就是外包管理的。

开头的这句话:“Stuart has significant experience with pension plans and an extensive knowledge of external managers”,意思是Stuart 在养老金管理中,如何挑选合适的外部经理方面,有丰富的经验和知识。并不是说他适合自己内部管理养老金。



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NO.PZ202301040900001002 问题如下 (2) Recommena new investment approabasefor the Whatsit’s pension plthatis most likely to outperform the market. Justify your response anintifyone aantage anone saantage of this approach. Whatsit shouluse the enwment mol.Justification (either two of these is acceptable):Ÿ Long time horizonŸ High risk toleranceŸ Relatively small liquity neeŸ Stuart’s experienwith externmanagers to help with investmentAantage:Ÿ Ability to capture alpha anoutperform the market over a long-time horizon, this, high value-aepotential.saantages (either one of these is acceptable):Ÿ The enwment mol is costly because of high alternative exposure, active management anoutsourcing compareto a passive approach.fficult to implement if funhlarge asset size. 老师您好,我在这个题中选了L,看了以前的回答,是因为L不太会给出高回报所以才不选吗?以及一般来说跟Norway对比的一定是Enwment?

2024-06-29 10:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202301040900001002 问题如下 (2) Recommena new investment approabasefor the Whatsit’s pension plthatis most likely to outperform the market. Justify your response anintifyone aantage anone saantage of this approach. Whatsit shouluse the enwment mol.Justification (either two of these is acceptable):Ÿ Long time horizonŸ High risk toleranceŸ Relatively small liquity neeŸ Stuart’s experienwith externmanagers to help with investmentAantage:Ÿ Ability to capture alpha anoutperform the market over a long-time horizon, this, high value-aepotential.saantages (either one of these is acceptable):Ÿ The enwment mol is costly because of high alternative exposure, active management anoutsourcing compareto a passive approach.fficult to implement if funhlarge asset size. 请问一下老师,为什么不能这么理解呢因为case中提到,这个单位on the verge of becoming unrfun我理解应该避免管理费用高的approach,同时case开头提到Stuart hsignificant experienwith pension plans anextensive knowlee of externmanagers,说明internal的方式是可行的,所以相比于enwment mol,Canamol更合适

2024-05-22 23:55 3 · 回答

NO.PZ202301040900001002 问题如下 (2) Recommena new investment approabasefor the Whatsit’s pension plthatis most likely to outperform the market. Justify your response anintifyone aantage anone saantage of this approach. Whatsit shouluse the enwment mol.Justification (either two of these is acceptable):Ÿ Long time horizonŸ High risk toleranceŸ Relatively small liquity neeŸ Stuart’s experienwith externmanagers to help with investmentAantage:Ÿ Ability to capture alpha anoutperform the market over a long-time horizon, this, high value-aepotential.saantages (either one of these is acceptable):Ÿ The enwment mol is costly because of high alternative exposure, active management anoutsourcing compareto a passive approach.fficult to implement if funhlarge asset size. the new apprarecommenis Enwment Mol. the reasons are following:1.Enwment approais outsoucing.Stuart hextensive knowlee of externmanagers, whimeet the Enwment approach's character.2.Enwment approais active management. Whatsit’s boarasks Stuart to look into a new investment approathcoulpotentially outperform the market. Enwment approahave high value-aes potencial.3.Enwment approais characterizehigh alternative exposure. anaverage age of the workforremains low anthe firm’s balansheet hlow to equity ratios, so the pension funhlow liquity nee anhigh risk tolerananlong investment horizon, so cinvest alternative.aantage:have a high value-aepotentialavatange:costly annot transparantis fficult to unrstanimplement

2024-02-09 07:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202301040900001002 问题如下 (2) Recommena new investment approabasefor the Whatsit’s pension plthatis most likely to outperform the market. Justify your response anintifyone aantage anone saantage of this approach. Whatsit shouluse the enwment mol.Justification (either two of these is acceptable):Ÿ Long time horizonŸ High risk toleranceŸ Relatively small liquity neeŸ Stuart’s experienwith externmanagers to help with investmentAantage:Ÿ Ability to capture alpha anoutperform the market over a long-time horizon, this, high value-aepotential.saantages (either one of these is acceptable):Ÿ The enwment mol is costly because of high alternative exposure, active management anoutsourcing compareto a passive approach.fficult to implement if funhlarge asset size. why the L mol is not the recommenmol?

2023-06-23 09:43 1 · 回答