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wukefu · 2024年07月11日

A选项没有duration neutral

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An investor observes the following current CDS market information:

Which of the following is the most appropriate credit portfolio positioning strategy to capitalize on an expected economic contraction?



Buy protection on the 5-year CDX HY index and sell protection on the 5-year CDX IG index in approximately equal notional amounts.


Buy protection on the 10-year CDX IG index and sell protection on the 5-year CDX IG index using a contract with a notional amount equal to 1.82 times that of the 10-year contract.


Buy protection on the 10-year CDX HY index and sell protection on the 5-year CDX HY index using a contract with a notional amount equal to 1.85 times that of the 10-year contract.


A is correct. Because an economic contraction is often associated with a sharp rise in shorter-term high-yield spreads and spread curve flattening in investment grade and inversion in high yield, the most appropriate choice is to take a short risk (purchase protection) in five-year high-yield spreads and a long position (sell protection) in five-year investment-grade spreads.

Answers B and C position the investor to benefit from a steeper investment-grade and high-yield spread curve, respectively.

1.这个题目的的A选项没有duration neutral ,为什么还可以选呢?

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年07月12日


Buy protection on the 5-year CDX HY index,这个标的资产是HY index;sell protection on the 5-year CDX IG index,这个标的资产是IG index,这是2个产品的credit spread,他们俩不再同一条credit curve上哈。不会受到同一条curve平行移动的影响,所以A就没有让money duration neutral

有一些策略之所以要做duration-neutral,就是因为这个策略的2个头寸在同一条Yield curve上,例如,buy 5-year CDS on HY,sell10-year CDS on HY,这个5-year和10-year的Credit spread在同一条curve上,我们不想让这样的long/short策略受到Curve平行移动的影响,我们是专门针对5-year和10-year这两个点利率的相对改变做出的策略。


但选项A不是在同一个curve上做不同期限的策略,选项A是针对不同的产品做long/short,两个产品的credit spread不在同一条curve上哈,天然就不会受到同一条curve平行移动的影响,Long/short策略可以专门针对2个产品的value相对改变。

注意选项B是10-year CDS on IG与5-year on IG,这两个期限在同一条curve上,为了避免策略受到curve平行移动的影响,为了让long/short策略专注于5-year与10-year之间的相对改变,选项B刻意设置了NP的比例,使得2个头寸的money duration实现duration-neutral,由于10年期的duraiton是5年期的1.8163倍,为了实现money duration neutral,所以近似让5年期的NP是10年期NP的1.82倍。

选项C的标的资产也是在同一条curve上,为了实现money duration-neutral,所以刻意设置了合适的比例。

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NO.PZ202112010200002902 问题如下 investor observes the following current C marketinformation: Whiof the following is the most appropriate cret portfoliopositioning strategy to capitalize on expecteeconomic contraction? A.Buy protection on the 5-yeC HY inx ansell protection onthe 5-yeC IG inx in approximately equnotionamounts. B.Buy protection on the 10-yeC IG inx ansell protection on the 5-yeC IG inx using a contrawith a notionamount equto 1.82 times thof the 10-yecontract. C.Buy protection on the 10-yeC HY inx ansell protection on the 5-yeC HY inx using a contrawith a notionamount equto 1.85 times thof the 10-yecontract. A is correct. Because economic contraction is oftenassociatewith a sharp rise in shorter-term high-yielsprea ansprecurveflattening in investment gra aninversion in high yiel the mostappropriate choiis to take a short risk(purchase protection) in five-yehigh-yielsprea ana long position (sellprotection) in five-yeinvestment-gra sprea. Answers B anC position the investor to benefit from a steeperinvestment-gra anhigh-yielsprecurve,respectively. 请问预期经济收缩时,针对C进行买短期卖长期是否也可获利?在进行不同期限的C买卖操作时,是否一般需为同一种C(同为HY或同为IG)

2023-05-09 21:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200002902 问题如下 Whiof the following is the most appropriate cret portfoliopositioning strategy to capitalize on expecteeconomic contraction? A.Buy protection on the 5-yeC HY inx ansell protection onthe 5-yeC IG inx in approximately equnotionamounts. B.Buy protection on the 10-yeC IG inx ansell protection on the 5-yeC IG inx using a contrawith a notionamount equto 1.82 times thof the 10-yecontract. C.Buy protection on the 10-yeC HY inx ansell protection on the 5-yeC HY inx using a contrawith a notionamount equto 1.85 times thof the 10-yecontract. A is correct. Because economic contraction is oftenassociatewith a sharp rise in shorter-term high-yielsprea ansprecurveflattening in investment gra aninversion in high yiel the mostappropriate choiis to take a short risk(purchase protection) in five-yehigh-yielsprea ana long position (sellprotection) in five-yeinvestment-gra sprea. Answers B anC position the investor to benefit from a steeperinvestment-gra anhigh-yielsprecurve,respectively. 老师请问,5y C sprea,10y C sprea,就是long 5y (sell protection), short (buy protection) 10y对吧?记得和保险一样,buy其实是short保险的一方,sell是long保险的一方Buy protection on the 10-yeC IG inx ansell protection on the 5-yeC IG inx using a contrawith a notionamount equto 1.82 times thof the 10-yecontract

2022-12-16 22:45 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200002902 问题如下 Whiof the following is the most appropriate cret portfoliopositioning strategy to capitalize on expecteeconomic contraction? A.Buy protection on the 5-yeC HY inx ansell protection onthe 5-yeC IG inx in approximately equnotionamounts. B.Buy protection on the 10-yeC IG inx ansell protection on the 5-yeC IG inx using a contrawith a notionamount equto 1.82 times thof the 10-yecontract. C.Buy protection on the 10-yeC HY inx ansell protection on the 5-yeC HY inx using a contrawith a notionamount equto 1.85 times thof the 10-yecontract. A is correct. Because economic contraction is oftenassociatewith a sharp rise in shorter-term high-yielsprea ansprecurveflattening in investment gra aninversion in high yiel the mostappropriate choiis to take a short risk(purchase protection) in five-yehigh-yielsprea ana long position (sellprotection) in five-yeinvestment-gra sprea. Answers B anC position the investor to benefit from a steeperinvestment-gra anhigh-yielsprecurve,respectively. equamount 和 1.82是什么? 怎么算出来的?

2022-05-25 05:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202112010200002902问题如下 Whiof the following is the most appropriate cret portfoliopositioning strategy to capitalize on expecteeconomic contraction? A.Buy protection on the 5-yeC HY inx ansell protection onthe 5-yeC IG inx in approximately equnotionamounts.B.Buy protection on the 10-yeC IG inx ansell protection on the 5-yeC IG inx using a contrawith a notionamount equto 1.82 times thof the 10-yecontract.C.Buy protection on the 10-yeC HY inx ansell protection on the 5-yeC HY inx using a contrawith a notionamount equto 1.85 times thof the 10-yecontract. A is correct. Because economic contraction is oftenassociatewith a sharp rise in shorter-term high-yielsprea ansprecurveflattening in investment gra aninversion in high yiel the mostappropriate choiis to take a short risk(purchase protection) in five-yehigh-yielsprea ana long position (sellprotection) in five-yeinvestment-gra sprea. Answers B anC position the investor to benefit from a steeperinvestment-gra anhigh-yielsprecurve,respectively. 在经济危机时,信用利差不是整体向上的嘛?为啥b和c不对呢?

2022-04-03 10:35 1 · 回答