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mino酱是个小破货 · 2024年07月11日


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Based on the data in Exhibit 2, will the client discussed most likely be able to immunize its DB plan given the interest rate scenario described by Silver?



B.No, because of the differences in money duration

C.No, because of the differences in convexity and dispersion



C is correct. The money duration of the assets and liabilities are equal: 517,342,000 × 12.66 = 6,548,381,000, and 500,000,000 × 13.10 = 6,548,381,000. For parallel changes, the equal money durations and PV01 imply that assets and liabilities would move in tandem. Silver expects a bear steepener; that is, long rates will rise faster than short rates. In a bear steepener, long rates rise faster than short rates in a non-parallel fashion. Given that the assets have lower convexity and dispersion than the liabilities, they will underperform; that is, the liabilities would change by a greater amount than the assets.

A is incorrect because Silver expects a bear steepener; that is, long rates will rise faster than short rates. In a bear steepener, long rates rise faster than short rates in a non-parallel fashion. Given that the assets have lower convexity and dispersion than the liabilities, they will underperform.

B is incorrect because the differences in convexity and dispersion are unfavorable; that is, they are lower for the assets than for the liabilities. If the opposite were the case, then the liabilities would be immunized.

麻烦问下老师,PV01(asset)不等于PV01(lia),BPV=PV01的概念吗?按理来说,Money duration*0.01%不就是BPV吗?好奇怪,谢谢老师

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年07月11日


PV01和BPV的数据应该是统一的,虽然差100倍,但是本源都是用money duration算的。

这道题不要管PV01这一行数据。需要利用表格的Market value×modified duration×0.0001算一下资产、负债的BPV。算下来之后会发现两者基本一致。所以仅仅从BPV的角度看,是满足Multiple liability duration-matching

这道题的问题是在于,资产的convexity 21.40小于负债的convexity 22.51,从这点上看不满足duration-matching,所以duration-matching失效。哪怕是利率曲线的平行移动,资产与负债都无法实现duration-matching。更何况本题是非平行移动的利率假设,那就更不可能实现duration-matching了。

由于convexity不满足匹配条件,所以本题没有满足duraiton-matching,本题的非平行移动(a bear steepening)不会实现duration-matching。

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NO.PZ202209060200004703 问题如下 Baseon the ta in Exhibit 2, will the client scussemost likely able to immunize its plgiven the interest rate scenario scribeSilver? A.Yes B.No, because of the fferences in money ration C.No, because of the fferences in convexity anspersion SolutionC is correct. The money ration of the assets anliabilities are equal: 517,342,000 × 12.66 = 6,548,381,000, an500,000,000 × 13.10 = 6,548,381,000. For parallel changes, the equmoney rations anPV01 imply thassets anliabilities woulmove in tanm. Silver expects a besteepener; this, long rates will rise faster thshort rates. In a besteepener, long rates rise faster thshort rates in a non-parallel fashion. Given ththe assets have lower convexity anspersion ththe liabilities, they will unrperform; this, the liabilities woulchange a greater amount ththe assets. A is incorrebecause Silver expects a besteepener; this, long rates will rise faster thshort rates. In a besteepener, long rates rise faster thshort rates in a non-parallel fashion. Given ththe assets have lower convexity anspersion ththe liabilities, they will unrperform.B is incorrebecause the fferences in convexity anspersion are unfavorable; this, they are lower for the assets thfor the liabilities. If the opposite were the case, then the liabilities woulimmunize 我以为PV01本质上和BPV是一样的,Asset的PV01比liability小,所以利率上升的时候,Asset价值下降的比Liability少,所以就免疫住了。为什么不能这么考虑?

2024-06-03 21:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004703 问题如下 Baseon the ta in Exhibit 2, will the client scussemost likely able to immunize its plgiven the interest rate scenario scribeSilver? A.Yes B.No, because of the fferences in money ration C.No, because of the fferences in convexity anspersion SolutionC is correct. The money ration of the assets anliabilities are equal: 517,342,000 × 12.66 = 6,548,381,000, an500,000,000 × 13.10 = 6,548,381,000. For parallel changes, the equmoney rations anPV01 imply thassets anliabilities woulmove in tanm. Silver expects a besteepener; this, long rates will rise faster thshort rates. In a besteepener, long rates rise faster thshort rates in a non-parallel fashion. Given ththe assets have lower convexity anspersion ththe liabilities, they will unrperform; this, the liabilities woulchange a greater amount ththe assets. A is incorrebecause Silver expects a besteepener; this, long rates will rise faster thshort rates. In a besteepener, long rates rise faster thshort rates in a non-parallel fashion. Given ththe assets have lower convexity anspersion ththe liabilities, they will unrperform.B is incorrebecause the fferences in convexity anspersion are unfavorable; this, they are lower for the assets thfor the liabilities. If the opposite were the case, then the liabilities woulimmunize 老师好,这道题我理解了,但是针对convexity的性质我突然有一点问题。我记得上课的时候何老师讲过,针对multiple liability的immunization,我们要在asset的convexity大于liability的convexity的组合当中找convexity最小的那个,但是convexity不是越大越好么?因为convexity有涨多跌少的优点——那么这里为什么是要在大的convexity里面找投资组合最小的portfolio呢?对应的知识点是基础班的这一页

2024-05-27 16:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004703 问题如下 Baseon the ta in Exhibit 2, will the client scussemost likely able to immunize its plgiven the interest rate scenario scribeSilver? A.Yes B.No, because of the fferences in money ration C.No, because of the fferences in convexity anspersion SolutionC is correct. The money ration of the assets anliabilities are equal: 517,342,000 × 12.66 = 6,548,381,000, an500,000,000 × 13.10 = 6,548,381,000. For parallel changes, the equmoney rations anPV01 imply thassets anliabilities woulmove in tanm. Silver expects a besteepener; this, long rates will rise faster thshort rates. In a besteepener, long rates rise faster thshort rates in a non-parallel fashion. Given ththe assets have lower convexity anspersion ththe liabilities, they will unrperform; this, the liabilities woulchange a greater amount ththe assets. A is incorrebecause Silver expects a besteepener; this, long rates will rise faster thshort rates. In a besteepener, long rates rise faster thshort rates in a non-parallel fashion. Given ththe assets have lower convexity anspersion ththe liabilities, they will unrperform.B is incorrebecause the fferences in convexity anspersion are unfavorable; this, they are lower for the assets thfor the liabilities. If the opposite were the case, then the liabilities woulimmunize 如题

2023-11-28 01:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004703 问题如下 Baseon the ta in Exhibit 2, will the client scussemost likely able to immunize its plgiven the interest rate scenario scribeSilver? A.Yes B.No, because of the fferences in money ration C.No, because of the fferences in convexity anspersion SolutionC is correct. The money ration of the assets anliabilities are equal: 517,342,000 × 12.66 = 6,548,381,000, an500,000,000 × 13.10 = 6,548,381,000. For parallel changes, the equmoney rations anPV01 imply thassets anliabilities woulmove in tanm. Silver expects a besteepener; this, long rates will rise faster thshort rates. In a besteepener, long rates rise faster thshort rates in a non-parallel fashion. Given ththe assets have lower convexity anspersion ththe liabilities, they will unrperform; this, the liabilities woulchange a greater amount ththe assets. A is incorrebecause Silver expects a besteepener; this, long rates will rise faster thshort rates. In a besteepener, long rates rise faster thshort rates in a non-parallel fashion. Given ththe assets have lower convexity anspersion ththe liabilities, they will unrperform.B is incorrebecause the fferences in convexity anspersion are unfavorable; this, they are lower for the assets thfor the liabilities. If the opposite were the case, then the liabilities woulimmunize 这道题跟是不是besteepening是不是没什么关系?其实就是只要知道这里是非平行移动的意思,免疫失效,对吧?

2023-07-14 17:42 1 · 回答