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mino酱是个小破货 · 2024年07月10日


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In Larent’s discussion about the top-down approach to portfolio construction, she is most likely correct about:


A.assessing the impact of yield curve reshaping.

B.maturity weighting related to a change in spread curve.

C.the allocation of lower-quality bonds in a credit portfolio.



C is correct. Larent’s comment about credit portfolios that are overweight lower-quality bonds likely outperforming a global benchmark whenever global economic conditions improve is correct.

A is incorrect. Effective duration is used to measure the impact of a parallel change in the yield curve, not a steepening in the yield curve.

B is incorrect. With respect to the spread curve, overweighting shorter-maturity bonds and underweighting longer-maturity bonds is not optimal whenever there is an expectation that a relatively wide spread curve will flatten. When a wide spread curve flattens, the yields of longer-maturity bonds decline by a magnitude that is greater than the magnitude of changes (up or down) in the yields of shorter-maturity bonds. Accordingly, the optimal portfolio construction strategy is to be underweight shorter-maturity bonds and overweight longer-maturity bonds.

effective duration不是P1-Po/y吗?事后和事前,含option都可以,为啥现在情况不可以。这题正确说法是不是empirical duration,谢谢老师

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年07月11日

effective duration不是P1-Po/y吗?

Effective duration是下面这个计算公式:




则,以初始价格PV0为基数,债券价格的改变幅度是:【(PV-) - PV(+)】/PV0



由于(PV-) - PV(+)这里面的价格变动是因为利率变动了2个△curve。所以计算Effective duration时需要注意债券价格与利率的变动幅度是针对2×△curve的。

债券价格改变幅度【(PV-) - PV(+)】/PV0再除以利率改变幅度2×△curve就是ED


这题正确说法是不是empirical duration


提问里面说的effective duration应用场景没什么问题。但是effective duration和modified duration一样,是一个整体指标,衡量的是整条利率曲线平行改变带来的债券价格波动。

但题干的说法是利率曲线发生非平行移动,是steepening in the yield curve,这种非平行移动就不能用平行移动的指标effective duration来衡量,所以下面这个题干的说法就是错误的:

We can use effective duration to assess the impact of a likely steepening in the yield curve.

非平行移动的影响就只能看key rate duration。

题干上句关于Effective duration的描述是和选项A相关的(assessing the impact of yield curve reshaping)。我们不能用ED平行移动的指标来assessing非平行移动的impact。所以本题A错误。

本题的B选项和下面题干这句相关:we can underweight longer-maturity bonds given my expectation that the relatively wide spread curve will flatten

他预测未来的spread curve将会变得更加平坦(flatten),于是他要underweight长期债券。

这个说法错了,spread curve变得平坦,意思就是相对于短期spread,长期spread会大幅下降,既然长期spread大幅下降,说明长期债对应的折现率YTM会大幅下降,我们应该overweight长期债券,享受spread下降带来的债券价格上升。

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NO.PZ202209060200004204 问题如下 In Larent’s scussion about the top-wn approato portfolio construction, she is most likely correabout: A.assessing the impaof yielcurve reshaping. B.maturity weighting relateto a change in sprecurve. C.the allocation of lower-quality bon in a cret portfolio. SolutionC is correct. Larent’s comment about cret portfolios thare overweight lower-quality bon likely outperforming a globbenchmark whenever globeconomic contions improve is correct. A is incorrect. Effective ration is useto measure the impaof a parallel change in the yielcurve, not a steepening in the yielcurve.B is incorrect. With respeto the sprecurve, overweighting shorter-maturity bon anunrweighting longer-maturity bon is not optimwhenever there is expectation tha relatively wi sprecurve will flatten. When a wi sprecurve flattens, the yiel of longer-maturity bon cline a magnitu this greater ththe magnitu of changes (up or wn) in the yiel of shorter-maturity bon. Accorngly, the optimportfolio construction strategy is to unrweight shorter-maturity bon anoverweight longer-maturity bon. 怎么从wi sprecurve flattens 看出长期yiel下降幅度比短期yiel的?

2024-01-24 22:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004204 问题如下 In Larent’s scussion about the top-wn approato portfolio construction, she is most likely correabout: A.assessing the impaof yielcurve reshaping. B.maturity weighting relateto a change in sprecurve. C.the allocation of lower-quality bon in a cret portfolio. SolutionC is correct. Larent’s comment about cret portfolios thare overweight lower-quality bon likely outperforming a globbenchmark whenever globeconomic contions improve is correct. A is incorrect. Effective ration is useto measure the impaof a parallel change in the yielcurve, not a steepening in the yielcurve.B is incorrect. With respeto the sprecurve, overweighting shorter-maturity bon anunrweighting longer-maturity bon is not optimwhenever there is expectation tha relatively wi sprecurve will flatten. When a wi sprecurve flattens, the yiel of longer-maturity bon cline a magnitu this greater ththe magnitu of changes (up or wn) in the yiel of shorter-maturity bon. Accorngly, the optimportfolio construction strategy is to unrweight shorter-maturity bon anoverweight longer-maturity bon. 解析中说When a wi sprecurve flattens, the yiel of longer-maturity bon cline a magnitu this greater ththe magnitu of changes (up or wn) in the yiel of shorter-maturity bon. Accorngly, the optimportfolio construction strategy is to unrweight shorter-maturity bon anoverweight longer-maturity bon.原文不是说预计经济变好么?那么短期信用状况会变好,短期sprea该下降更多,长期sprea对下降少些,那么wi sprea应该flatten,应该steepening 呀?

2024-01-24 00:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004204 问题如下 In Larent’s scussion about the top-wn approato portfolio construction, she is most likely correabout: A.assessing the impaof yielcurve reshaping. B.maturity weighting relateto a change in sprecurve. C.the allocation of lower-quality bon in a cret portfolio. SolutionC is correct. Larent’s comment about cret portfolios thare overweight lower-quality bon likely outperforming a globbenchmark whenever globeconomic contions improve is correct. A is incorrect. Effective ration is useto measure the impaof a parallel change in the yielcurve, not a steepening in the yielcurve.B is incorrect. With respeto the sprecurve, overweighting shorter-maturity bon anunrweighting longer-maturity bon is not optimwhenever there is expectation tha relatively wi sprecurve will flatten. When a wi sprecurve flattens, the yiel of longer-maturity bon cline a magnitu this greater ththe magnitu of changes (up or wn) in the yiel of shorter-maturity bon. Accorngly, the optimportfolio construction strategy is to unrweight shorter-maturity bon anoverweight longer-maturity bon. B is incorrect. With respeto the sprecurve, overweighting shorter-maturity bon anunrweighting longer-maturity bon is not optimwhenever there is expectation tha relatively wi sprecurve will flatten. When a wi sprecurve flattens, the yiel of longer-maturity bon cline a magnitu this greater ththe magnitu of changes (up or wn) in the yiel of shorter-maturity bon. Accorngly, the optimportfolio construction strategy is to unrweight shorter-maturity bon anoverweight longer-maturity bon.如题

2023-07-02 17:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004204 问题如下 In Larent’s scussion about the top-wn approato portfolio construction, she is most likely correabout: A.assessing the impaof yielcurve reshaping. B.maturity weighting relateto a change in sprecurve. C.the allocation of lower-quality bon in a cret portfolio. SolutionC is correct. Larent’s comment about cret portfolios thare overweight lower-quality bon likely outperforming a globbenchmark whenever globeconomic contions improve is correct. A is incorrect. Effective ration is useto measure the impaof a parallel change in the yielcurve, not a steepening in the yielcurve.B is incorrect. With respeto the sprecurve, overweighting shorter-maturity bon anunrweighting longer-maturity bon is not optimwhenever there is expectation tha relatively wi sprecurve will flatten. When a wi sprecurve flattens, the yiel of longer-maturity bon cline a magnitu this greater ththe magnitu of changes (up or wn) in the yiel of shorter-maturity bon. Accorngly, the optimportfolio construction strategy is to unrweight shorter-maturity bon anoverweight longer-maturity bon. 请老师分析下C

2023-06-04 17:58 1 · 回答