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执瑞 Zhirui · 2024年07月10日

pairs trading是啥



Baker mentions that he has heard that Wadgett Manufacturing Inc. projects rapid growth of what it calls “smart mirrors.” Baker states that Wadgett’s stock price had been decreasing recently and that he was not certain of an appropriate valuation for Wadgett. The analysts make the following statements:

Covey: The decline in price was the result of a recent failed acquisition of Wadgett; Wadgett’s price is moving back to an appropriate value as it no longer appears to be a takeover target.

Paschel: We could compare the value to that of the value of a subsidiary of a large technology conglomerate that also works on “smart mirrors.” However, the value of a subsidiary tends to be higher than if it were a stand-alone entity.

Baker: Pairs trading analysis would help determine whether Wadgett’s market price seemed to be below its intrinsic value

Who makes the most accurate statement in regard to Wadgett’s current valuation?









Covey’s statement is based on the idea that a firm’s stock price increases if it is the target of an acquisition (i.e., a control premium). Consequently, when the acquisition

failed with no apparent future threat of a takeover, the stock price decreases as the control premium vanishes.

B is incorrect. The subsidiary of a conglomerate generally has a value that is below its stand-alone value due to a conglomerate discount.

A is incorrect. Pairs trading is a relative value strategy that does not consider the actual intrinsic value of a given firm.

这题做对了 但是不理解这个选项

2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年07月10日

同学你好,必须是同行业且业务,规模,收入结构等都尽量接近的公司才可以哦,不是随便两个公司都可以做pair trading 的

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年07月10日

同学你好,这里的pairs trading analysis就是说的比较同类的公司,如果一个公司的价格更高,而另一个公司的价格更低,就可以做空高价公司,买入低价公司,从而实现几乎0成本套利——这个策略是不需要研究这两个公司的内在价值的,只需要发现两者有价差即可实现,所以Baker说的不对

执瑞 Zhirui · 2024年07月10日

这两个公司是体量上 类型上完全类似吗?两个不同的公司怎么去比较价格呢 另外万一都高估或者都低估了价格怎么办呀

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NO.PZ2023032701000010 问题如下 Baker mentions thhe hhearthWaett Manufacturing Inprojects rapigrowth of whit calls “smart mirrors.” Baker states thWaett’s stoprihbeen creasing recently anthhe wnot certain of appropriate valuation for Waett. The analysts make the following statements:Covey: The cline in priwthe result of a recent faileacquisition of Waett; Waett’s priis moving bato appropriate value it no longer appears to a takeover target.Paschel: We coulcompare the value to thof the value of a subsiary of a large technology conglomerate thalso works on “smart mirrors.” However, the value of a subsiary ten to higher thif it were a stanalone entity.Baker: Pairs trang analysis woulhelp termine whether Waett’s market priseemeto below its intrinsic valueWho makes the most accurate statement in regarto Waett’s current valuation? A.Baker B.Paschel C.Covey Covey’s statement is baseon the ia tha firm’s stopriincreases if it is the target of acquisition (i.e., a control premium). Consequently, when the acquisitionfailewith no apparent future threof a takeover, the stopricreases the control premium vanishes.B is incorrect. The subsiary of a conglomerate generally ha value this below its stanalone value e to a conglomerate scount.A is incorrect. Pairs trang is a relative value strategy thes not consir the actuintrinsic value of a given firm. 按道理说集团折价是说一起算的价格相较于拆开计算是有折价的,所以这样的话subsiary(拆开计算)是大于集中的呀

2024-05-18 15:09 1 · 回答