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lilymousse · 2024年07月05日

protective put



Huanca recently received 3.2 million common stock shares of UrubambaCopper, Ltd. in partial payment for a mining equipment company he sold toUrubamba. The terms of the sale require him to hold this stock for at least 18months before selling it. Although Huanca believes Urubamba is a well-runcompany, its share price is closely tied to commodity prices, which he believesmight decline. He tells Mamani, "I know I can use options on Urubamba tomanage the risk of my concentrated stock position. Either a covered callstrategy or a protective put strategy will reduce the volatility of my positionand establish a minimum value for it, but the covered call strategy will alsoenhance my return if Urubamba's price remains stable, and the protective putstrategy will not."

Huanca'scomment about using options to manage the risk of his Urubamba common stockposition is least likely correct regarding:



establishinga minimum value


reductionof volatility




Correct Answer: A

Although aprotective put establishes a minimum value for the position when the price ofthe underlying stock declines, a covered call does not. Therefore, Huanca'sstatement is incorrect.

题目这里写到了合同约定18个月之内必须持有不能卖出,那protective put策略,如果股价下跌了put option行权卖出股票也会违约啊,所以这个策略执行起来会不会有问题

1 个答案

pzqa27 · 2024年07月05日


那protective put策略,如果股价下跌了put option行权卖出股票也会违约啊,所以这个策略执行起来会不会有问题

不会,不一定要实物结算,现金结算也可以,或者在put option到期前一天卖掉也是可以的。


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NO.PZ2022123002000050问题如下 Huanrecently receive3.2 million common stoshares of UrubambaCopper, Lt in partipayment for a mining equipment company he soltoUrubambThe terms of the sale require him to holthis stofor least 18months before selling it. Although Huanbelieves Urubamis a well-runcompany, its share priis closely tieto commoty prices, whihe believesmight cline. He tells Mamani, \"I know I cuse options on Urubamtomanage the risk of my concentratestoposition. Either a coverecallstrategy or a protective put strategy will rethe volatility of my positionanestablish a minimum value for it, but the coverecall strategy will alsoenhanmy return if Urubamba's priremains stable, anthe protective putstrategy will not.\"Huanca'scomment about using options to manage the risk of his Urubamcommon stockposition is least likely correregarng: A.establishinga minimum valueB.rectionof volatilityC.returnenhancements CorreAnswer: AAlthough aprotective put establishes a minimum value for the position when the priofthe unrlying stoclines, a coverecall es not. Therefore, Huanca'sstatement is incorrect. 但是,从图形上看,coverecall也有minimum value呀,股价最多跌到0,那loss也不会更低了,如图。而且return enhancement, 原文说价格变化不大,但我们不知道St,S0和K谁大谁小,至少从题目的表述中看不出来,那这样的话未必short call收到的期权费能覆盖-max(St-K, 0)吧,如果现在以及未来股价都远高于执行价的话

2024-05-21 04:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000050 问题如下 Huanrecently receive3.2 million common stoshares of UrubambaCopper, Lt in partipayment for a mining equipment company he soltoUrubambThe terms of the sale require him to holthis stofor least 18months before selling it. Although Huanbelieves Urubamis a well-runcompany, its share priis closely tieto commoty prices, whihe believesmight cline. He tells Mamani, \"I know I cuse options on Urubamtomanage the risk of my concentratestoposition. Either a coverecallstrategy or a protective put strategy will rethe volatility of my positionanestablish a minimum value for it, but the coverecall strategy will alsoenhanmy return if Urubamba's priremains stable, anthe protective putstrategy will not.\"Huanca'scomment about using options to manage the risk of his Urubamcommon stockposition is least likely correregarng: A.establishinga minimum value B.rectionof volatility C.returnenhancements CorreAnswer: AAlthough aprotective put establishes a minimum value for the position when the priofthe unrlying stoclines, a coverecall es not. Therefore, Huanca'sstatement is incorrect. protective put 有个主要功能是buy insurance. 而coverecall 有三个功能 return enhance; rea position; sell stotarget price. 在本题目中体现ruction of a volatility 是从哪个方向考虑?

2023-12-14 00:24 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000050问题如下 Huanrecently receive3.2 million common stoshares of UrubambaCopper, Lt in partipayment for a mining equipment company he soltoUrubambThe terms of the sale require him to holthis stofor least 18months before selling it. Although Huanbelieves Urubamis a well-runcompany, its share priis closely tieto commoty prices, whihe believesmight cline. He tells Mamani, \"I know I cuse options on Urubamtomanage the risk of my concentratestoposition. Either a coverecallstrategy or a protective put strategy will rethe volatility of my positionanestablish a minimum value for it, but the coverecall strategy will alsoenhanmy return if Urubamba's priremains stable, anthe protective putstrategy will not.\"Huanca'scomment about using options to manage the risk of his Urubamcommon stockposition is least likely correregarng: A.establishinga minimum valueB.rectionof volatilityC.returnenhancements CorreAnswer: AAlthough aprotective put establishes a minimum value for the position when the priofthe unrlying stoclines, a coverecall es not. Therefore, Huanca'sstatement is incorrect. return enhancement就是指收期权费对吗 还有别的需要考量吗

2023-07-30 16:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022123002000050 问题如下 Huanrecently receive3.2 million common stoshares of UrubambaCopper, Lt in partipayment for a mining equipment company he soltoUrubambThe terms of the sale require him to holthis stofor least 18months before selling it. Although Huanbelieves Urubamis a well-runcompany, its share priis closely tieto commoty prices, whihe believesmight cline. He tells Mamani, \"I know I cuse options on Urubamtomanage the risk of my concentratestoposition. Either a coverecallstrategy or a protective put strategy will rethe volatility of my positionanestablish a minimum value for it, but the coverecall strategy will alsoenhanmy return if Urubamba's priremains stable, anthe protective putstrategy will not.\"Huanca'scomment about using options to manage the risk of his Urubamcommon stockposition is least likely correregarng: A.establishinga minimum value B.rectionof volatility C.returnenhancements CorreAnswer: AAlthough aprotective put establishes a minimum value for the position when the priofthe unrlying stoclines, a coverecall es not. Therefore, Huanca'sstatement is incorrect. 就是我看到这道题的时候,关于volatility我想到的是如果是long,无论是call还是put,那就都是正的vega。那这里coverecall是short call,是负的vega,所以volatility变小了。但是protective put是long put,是正的vega,所以volatility变大了?就我听懂了何老师的,就是和原来的long stock比这样,但是我这个想法,错在哪里呢?

2023-07-26 00:10 1 · 回答