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wukefu · 2024年07月04日

借这个题目问一个外汇中的Put spread 和short risk reversal 的OTM

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Is Campos most likely correct that Strategy 1 and Strategy 2 will accomplish the goals of exploiting market views and reducing hedging costs?



No, she is incorrect about reducing hedging costs.


No, she is incorrect about exploiting market views.




B is correct. Campos suggests that both strategies help reduce hedging costs and allow the manager to exploit a market view. While it is true that both strategies help reduce hedging costs through premiums collected on short calls and puts, they both do not exploit the market view on the currencies, specifically, Strategy 1 does not. Exhibit 3 indicates that the expectation is for the AUD to depreciate to BRL/AUD 2.0355 and for the CHF to appreciate to BRL/CHF 2.5642. Strategy 1, the short seagull on the AUD, only provides downside protection to BRL/AUD 2.1006 (when the short put kicks in and neutralizes the hedge), not BRL/AUD 2.0355. Under Strategy 2, the expectation is for an appreciation to BRL/CHF 2.5642; here the option premium is pocketed and because the option is written with a strike of BRL/CHF 2.5669, it will expire worthless if the rate never gets to BRL/CHF 2.5669

A is incorrect. It is true that both strategies help reduce hedging costs through premiums collected on short call and put.

C is incorrect. It is true that both strategies help reduce hedging costs through premiums collected on short call and put, but they both do not accommodate the market view on the currencies.






1. 分析策略1

该策略是long ATM put(执行价格为2.1046),然后short OTM put(执行价格是2.1006),又short OTM call(执行价格是2.1456)。

1 其中short putshort call是可以获得期权费的,因此可以对冲一部分的成本,满足目标

2 首先预测AUD贬值,long put是很对的,但是由于我们预测AUD贬值到2.0355,但是却short了一个执行价格为2.1006put,也就是当股价一路往下跌,跌破2.1006的时候,shortput就会被行权,会造成损失。正确的是应该根据市场预测,short执行价格为2.0355put才对,所以策略1没有满足利用市场观点的目标。

2. 分析策略2

该策略的构成仍然是long ATM put(执行价格为2.5309),然后short OTM put(执行价格是2.5049),又short OTM call(执行价格是2.5669)。

1 和策略1一样的,其中short putshort call是可以获得期权费的,因此可以对冲一部分的成本,满足目标

2 但是市场预测CHF会升值,因此应该long call才对,才可以在市场真正上涨的时候获利,但是该策略long put,因为我们预测CHF会升值,所以买put相当于白白花了期权费,这一点没有满足目标,即没有利用市场观点。

综上,两个策略都满足了降低hedging cost,但是都没满足利用利用市场观点的目标。


Long 外币 + long put (OTM) + short put (OTM) :long put 头寸用OTM我理解,因为我们需要支付premium给对方,但是为什么short put 也最好使用OTM呢?如果使用了 OTM put而且我们是short, 那么收到的premium就少了,为了最大化减少建仓的成本,我们不是应该short ITM put 么?

Long 外币 + long put (OTM) + short call (OTM) 同理,如果使用了 OTM call 而且我们是short 那么收到的premium就少了,为了最大化减少建仓的成本,我们不是应该short ITM call么?

1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年07月05日


short ITM option虽然能获得更高的期权费,但是存在一个风险就是一旦对手方行权,short方还要支付payoff,如果payoff超过期权费,那就得不偿失了。


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NO.PZ202208100100000506 问题如下 Is Campos most likely correthStrategy 1 anStrategy 2 will accomplish the goals of exploiting market views anrecing heing costs? A.No, she is incorreabout recing heing costs. B.No, she is incorreabout exploiting market views. C.Yes. B is correct. Campos suggests thboth strategies help reheing costs anallow the manager to exploit a market view. While it is true thboth strategies help reheing costs through premiums collecteon short calls anputs, they both not exploit the market view on the currencies, specifically, Strategy 1 es not. Exhibit 3 incates ththe expectation is for the AUto preciate to BRL/AU2.0355 anfor the CHF to appreciate to BRL/CHF 2.5642. Strategy 1, the short seagull on the AU only provis wnsi protection to BRL/AU2.1006 (when the short put kicks in anneutralizes the hee), not BRL/AU2.0355. Unr Strategy 2, the expectation is for appreciation to BRL/CHF 2.5642; here the option premium is pocketeanbecause the option is written with a strike of BRL/CHF 2.5669, it will expire worthless if the rate never gets to BRL/CHF 2.5669A is incorrect. It is true thboth strategies help reheing costs through premiums collecteon short call anput.C is incorrect. It is true thboth strategies help reheing costs through premiums collecteon short call anput, but they both not accommote the market view on the currencies. 中文解析题目问的是策略1和策略2是否可以达到①利用市场观点②降低对冲成本,这样两个目标。本币是BRL,外币是AUCHF。由表格的第二列和第四列的数据可知AU场预测是会贬值的,并且是由2.1046贬值到2.0355;CHF市场预测是会升值的,并且是由2.5309升值到2.5642.1. 分析策略1该策略是long ATM put(执行价格为2.1046),然后short OTM put(执行价格是2.1006),又short OTM call(执行价格是2.1456)。(1) 其中short put和short call是可以获得期权费的,因此可以对冲一部分的成本,满足目标②;(2) 首先预测AU值,long put是很对的,但是由于我们预测AU值到2.0355,但是却short了一个执行价格为2.1006的put,也就是当股价一路往下跌,跌破2.1006的时候,short的put就会被行权,会造成损失。正确的是应该根据市场预测,short执行价格为2.0355的put才对,所以策略1没有满足①利用市场观点的目标。2.分析策略2该策略的构成仍然是long ATM put(执行价格为2.5309),然后short OTM put(执行价格是2.5049),又short OTM call(执行价格是2.5669)。(1) 和策略1一样的,其中short put和shortcall是可以获得期权费的,因此可以对冲一部分的成本,满足目标②;(2) 但是市场预测CHF会升值,因此应该long call才对,才可以在市场真正上涨的时候获利,但是该策略long put,因为我们预测CHF会升值,所以买put相当于白白花了期权费,这一点没有满足目标①,即没有利用市场观点。综上,两个策略都满足了降低heing cost,但是都没满足利用利用市场观点的目标。 策略1是seagull策略,PH-PL-CLL,在PL的左边部分都提供了protection,题目里面选的是2.1006,从图形上面来看,2.1006左边的payoff都是平行线,也就是只要汇率低于这个值,收益都是恒定的了,而投资者预期是未来汇率会降到2.0355,为什么这个策略不行

2024-07-30 13:36 1 · 回答