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宇宙球求 · 2024年07月01日


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Bert, who prefers to keep family financial affairs private, wants to provide a secure financial future for Emma, their three children, and potential future grandchildren. He worries about disputes among his wife and children and potential legal claims from outside the family. Bert consults with the investment advisor, who recommends that Bert establish an irrevocable trust.

Discuss two benefits, specific to the Gondos’ circumstances, of establishing an irrevocable trust.



A trust is an arrangement created by a settlor or grantor, in this case, the Gondos, who transfers assets to a trustee. The trustee holds and manages the assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries (Emma and the three children). In a revocable trust arrangement, the settlor retains the right to rescind the trust relationship and regain title to the trust assets. Under these circumstances, the settlor’s revocation power makes the trust assets vulnerable to the reach of creditors having claims against the settlor. An irrevocable trust structure generally provides greater asset protection from claims coming from outside of the family against a settlor than a revocable trust.

The establishment of an irrevocable trust would provide the Gondos with the following three benefits:

Protection of the assets within the trust from claims outside the family, such as potential creditors. Bert wants to secure a financial future for Emma and their three children and worries about claims coming from outside of the family.

Avoids disputes within the family (among his wife and three children).

    • Transfer of assets to his wife and children without the potential publicity associated with probate. Bert prefers to keep family’s financial affairs private.

    regarding to "在不涉及遗嘱认证相关的潜在公开性的情况下,将资产转移给他的妻子和孩子。Bert更喜欢保持家族财务事务的私密性" 这里能不能再解释下?

    1 个答案

    王暄_品职助教 · 2024年07月02日




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