开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


yj2640 · 2024年06月28日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



(1) The broker suggests that Young rebalance her $5.5 million money market account and the $3.0 million tax-deferred retirement account periodically in order to maintain their targeted allocations. The broker proposes the same risk profile for the equity positions with two potential target equity allocations and rebalancing ranges for the two accounts as follows:

· Alternative 1: 80% equities +/– 8.0% rebalancing range

· Alternative 2: 75% equities +/– 10.7% rebalancing range

Determine which alternative best fits each account.



老师你好,题目中的net of tax账户是after-tax的,我理解这是一个新的说法,说的是进来的钱已经扣税了?

我记得个人IPS里面讲到的1) taxable, 2) TDA, 3) TEA都假设钱进来是pre-tax的?

1 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2024年06月30日


1、net of tax是除掉税的意思,不过不一定是要收税的把税收掉了,也可能是不用收税的,其实就是净额





步骤①涉及的税种是个人所得税income tax。

步骤②涉及的税种是投资相关的capital gain tax、income tax。

步骤③涉及的税种是从投资账户里取出资金所要征的税,是wealth tax的概念。


对于TDA账户,步骤①的钱是不征税的,这就是before tax想表达的含义,原版书上对这里的描述是:contribution tax exempt。步骤②也不征税。步骤③取出投资账户资金时,一次性征税。

对于taxable账户。步骤①的资金是税后的,税后收入进入②投资账户,投资账户征收return tax,步骤③取出账户资金时不征税。



  • 1

  • 0

  • 529


NO.PZ202212280100005201 问题如下 (1) The brokersuggests thYoung rebalanher $5.5 million money market account anthe$3.0 million tax-ferreretirement account periocally in orr to maintaintheir targeteallocations. The broker proposes the same risk profile for theequity positions with two potentitarget equity allocations anrebalancingranges for the two accounts follows:· Alternative 1: 80% equities +/–8.0% rebalancing range· Alternative 2: 75% equities +/–10.7% rebalancing rangeterminewhialternative bestfits eaaccount. 根据个人IPS中的内容,tefficient asset应该放在tinefficient account中,因为Alternative 1中的权益比例高,所以Alternative1 应该放在taxable account中,就是5.5million accountrebalanrange越窄,equity rebalance越频繁,越容易出发tloss harvesting。Alternative 1中的rebalanrange窄,所以Alternative 1应该放在taxable account中,就是5.5million account麻烦老师看一下,为什么这两个理由在这里不能成立呢?另外想请教一下老师,在这种案例分析题目中,我应该怎么确定,是从tefficient的角度分析还是从risk tolerance的角度分析呢?

2024-07-18 19:56 4 · 回答

NO.PZ202212280100005201 问题如下 (1) The brokersuggests thYoung rebalanher $5.5 million money market account anthe$3.0 million tax-ferreretirement account periocally in orr to maintaintheir targeteallocations. The broker proposes the same risk profile for theequity positions with two potentitarget equity allocations anrebalancingranges for the two accounts follows:· Alternative 1: 80% equities +/–8.0% rebalancing range· Alternative 2: 75% equities +/–10.7% rebalancing rangeterminewhialternative bestfits eaaccount. alternative 2 fits $5.5 million money market account. this account is a money market account, we shoulconsir the tissue when temine the alternative. e to the wir rebalanrange of alternative 2, it will make the tmore efficient anprovi a higher return after-tax. so alternative 2 fits $5.5 million money market account. alternative 1 fits $3.0 million tax-ferreretirement account.young will retire in 15 years anher living expense are fully covereher joit is more important to fouon the growth of the account. the equity allocation of alternative is higher ththe allocation of alternative 2. it mightl provi a higher return unr the same risk. this retirement account is a tax-ferreaccount, the alternative coulhave a narrower rebalancing range. so alternative 1 will fits $3.0 million tax-ferreretirement account.

2024-01-08 15:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202212280100005201问题如下 (1) The brokersuggests thYoung rebalanher $5.5 million money market account anthe$3.0 million tax-ferreretirement account periocally in orr to maintaintheir targeteallocations. The broker proposes the same risk profile for theequity positions with two potentitarget equity allocations anrebalancingranges for the two accounts follows:· Alternative 1: 80% equities +/–8.0% rebalancing range· Alternative 2: 75% equities +/–10.7% rebalancing rangeterminewhialternative bestfits eaaccount. 如题,答案中关于5.5million的这个账户可以再详细一下吗?谢谢

2023-11-24 09:29 1 · 回答