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Betty · 2024年06月27日




An active investor enters a duration-neutral yield curve flattening trade that combines 2-year and 10-year Treasury positions. Under which of the following yield curve scenarios would you expect the investor to realize the greatest portfolio gain?



Bear steepening


bull flattening


Yield curve inversion


C is correct.

A duration-neutral flattening trade involves a short 2-year Bond position and a long 10-year bond position, which have a matched duration or portfolio duration of zero. This portfolio will realize a gain if the slope of the yield curvethat is, the difference between short-term and long-term yieldsdeclines. Yield curve inversion is an extreme version of flattening in which the spread between long-term and short-term yields-to-maturity falls below zero.

The bear steepening in A involves an unchanged 2-year yield-to-maturity with a rise in the 10-year yield-to-maturity, causing a portfolio loss. The bull flattening in B combines a constant 2-year yield-to-maturity with lower 10-year rates, resulting in a gain on the 10-year bond position and an unchanged 2-year bond position.

这道题做对了,只是好奇,好像官方题库的选项C改了,是Yields unchanged. 这个跟这道题里的选项C,从理解上有什么不同?

2 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2024年06月28日


另外,现在改完选项c(yield curve unchanged)之后,题目问的是greatest portfolio loss, 那么就只能选bear steepening了对吧?

是的,选loss的话,本题就只能选bear Steepening。

但需要注意,更进一步讨论的话,是不是bear都无所谓,对于Bear steepening和bull steepening,题干构建的duration-netural yield flattening策略都会有亏损,且亏损一样。

因为duration-netural不受曲线平行移动的影响,Bear和bull代表平行移动,对于本题的duration-neutral策略,不受Bear or bull的平行移动影响。剩下题干构建的是flattening策略,这是专门针对曲线flattening盈利的策略,如果出现steepening的曲线改变,那说明策略构建反了,会产生亏损。

这道题这样理解行不行:bear的都是net short duration, bull都是net long duration, 因为题目里说的是duration neutral, 所以就是排除法,只能选择剩下的那个。



如果是bear的曲线移动(曲线整体上移),我们应该构建一个net short duration的组合来盈利;

如果是bull的曲线移动(曲线整体下移),我们应该构建一个net long duration的组合来盈利。


但题干构建的组合另外一个条件是,他还是一个yield flattening组合,这是专门针对曲线flattening的盈利组合,所以只有出现flattening的曲线改变时才能盈利。那我们就得在三个选项里找属于yield curve flattening的改变。

选项B的bull flattening属于yield curve flattening的改变,旧题目的选项C的yield curve inversion属于yield curve flattening的极端情况,所以选项B和C的利率曲线改变下,题干的组合都可以盈利,一定要找一个盈利最大的,就是C的yield curve invesion。

但以前会有学员反应明明选项B的bull flattening也可以盈利为什么不选,那现在题目改了,把C改成了yield curve unchanged,则可以判断盈利的策略只有B的bull flattening。

但题目如果要找greatest loss的话,一定是选项A的steepening,因为他yield flattening策略刚好是相反的。


发亮_品职助教 · 2024年06月27日


是的,现在25年官方教材把C改了。但分析上没影响。以前B/C都能盈利,可能存在一定歧义,现在把选项C改成了不盈利的策略, 那选项B就一定是正确答案。

原因是题干构建好了策略,是duration-neutral yield curve flattening(long长期、Short短期)的组合策略。这样的组合策略在选项B的Bull flattening利率预期下是可以盈利的。

因为首先是duration-neutral策略,选项B bull flattening里面的bull代表利率曲线整体向下平移,这对于duration-neutral的组合(Duration=0)来讲没有任何影响。

然后还是Flattening策略(Long长期债券、Short短期债券),题干构建好的duration-neutral yield curve flattening就是专门针对这种选项B的yield flattening曲线改变的。

对于yield flattening这种短期利率相对上升,长期利率相对下降的情境,该策略可以盈利。

所以选项B的Bull flattening在本题的的利率预期下是可以盈利的。

同时选项C的yield curve inversion,倒挂的利率曲线,这种利率预期下,构建好的duration-neutral yield curve flattening(long长期、short短期)也可以盈利。因为inversion也是短期利率相对上升,长期利率相对下降,他是yield curve flattening的极端情况。

所以BC都可以盈利,这道题感觉就有一定的歧义,虽然可以判断yield curve inversion的盈利更大。

现在把C改成了yield curve unchanged,那在C的背景下,duration-neutral yield curve flattening肯定是没有盈利的,可以分析出选项B肯定是最优的情景。这道题就没啥歧义了。


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NO.PZ2021120102000009问题如下 active investor enters a ration-neutryielcurve flattening tra thcombines 2-yean10-yeTreasury positions. Unr whiof the following yielcurve scenarios woulyou expethe investor to realize the greatest portfolio gain? A.BesteepeningB.bull flatteningC.Yielcurve inversion C is correct.A ration-neutrflattening tra involves a short 2-yeBonpositionana long 10-yebonposition, whihave a “matcheration or portfolio ration of zero. This portfolio will realize a gain ifthe slope of the yielcurve—this, the fferencebetween short-term anlong-term yiel— clines.Yielcurve inversion is extreme version of flattening in whithe spreaetween long-term anshort-term yiel-to-maturity falls below zero.The besteepening in A involves unchange2-yeyielto-maturity witha rise in the 10-yeyielto-maturity, causing a portfolio loss. The bullflattening in B combines a constant 2-yeyielto-maturity with lower 10-yearrates, resulting in a gain on the 10-yebonposition anunchange2-yearbonposition. 是只能选flatterning的样子吗,也就是bull和bear二选一,所以invert不符合?

2024-08-06 09:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000009 问题如下 active investor enters a ration-neutryielcurve flattening tra thcombines 2-yean10-yeTreasury positions. Unr whiof the following yielcurve scenarios woulyou expethe investor to realize the greatest portfolio gain? A.Besteepening B.bull flattening C.Yielcurve inversion C is correct.A ration-neutrflattening tra involves a short 2-yeBonpositionana long 10-yebonposition, whihave a “matcheration or portfolio ration of zero. This portfolio will realize a gain ifthe slope of the yielcurve—this, the fferencebetween short-term anlong-term yiel— clines.Yielcurve inversion is extreme version of flattening in whithe spreaetween long-term anshort-term yiel-to-maturity falls below zero.The besteepening in A involves unchange2-yeyielto-maturity witha rise in the 10-yeyielto-maturity, causing a portfolio loss. The bullflattening in B combines a constant 2-yeyielto-maturity with lower 10-yearrates, resulting in a gain on the 10-yebonposition anunchange2-yearbonposition. 老师好,可以麻烦再给我讲讲yielcurve inversion吗?我不记得何老师讲过,可能一二级学过,但我忘记了。谢谢。还有这道题为什么不能选B呢,是因为达不到ration neutral对吗?

2024-05-27 17:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000009 问题如下 active investor enters a ration-neutryielcurve flattening tra thcombines 2-yean10-yeTreasury positions. Unr whiof the following yielcurve scenarios woulyou expethe investor to realize the greatest portfolio gain? A.Besteepening B.bull flattening C.Yielcurve inversion C is correct.A ration-neutrflattening tra involves a short 2-yeBonpositionana long 10-yebonposition, whihave a “matcheration or portfolio ration of zero. This portfolio will realize a gain ifthe slope of the yielcurve—this, the fferencebetween short-term anlong-term yiel— clines.Yielcurve inversion is extreme version of flattening in whithe spreaetween long-term anshort-term yiel-to-maturity falls below zero.The besteepening in A involves unchange2-yeyielto-maturity witha rise in the 10-yeyielto-maturity, causing a portfolio loss. The bullflattening in B combines a constant 2-yeyielto-maturity with lower 10-yearrates, resulting in a gain on the 10-yebonposition anunchange2-yearbonposition. 答案是这么说的【这道题说的是要用2年期与10年期债券构建一个ration neutral的策略,这种策略在收益率曲线flatten下获得最大收益,然后让选出合适的flatten情形。我们先分析ration neutral。要想ration neutral,2年期债与10年期债肯定是相反头寸,即一个是Long,一个是short。】读到这里,我是明白的,因为ration neutr也就是组合的ration为0,那么两年期债券和十年期债券肯定是相反的头寸,通过一定比例调整后,组合的ration 是0。接下来,答案说【如果想在收益率曲线flatten下有利可图,可以判断2年期是short头寸,10年期是Long头寸(假设收益率曲线下降,2年期利率下降的少,10年期利率下降的多,也就是bull flatten,显然,只有long 10年期,short 2年期,才会在ration neutral的条件下有收益,若long 1年期,short 10年期,是有亏损的)】读到这里我就不明白了,为啥收益率曲线flatten下,一定是short 2年期债券,long 10年期债券呢。short 10年期 long 2年期债券,也可以实现ration neutral啊?

2024-05-25 13:34 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000009 问题如下 active investor enters a ration-neutryielcurve flattening tra thcombines 2-yean10-yeTreasury positions. Unr whiof the following yielcurve scenarios woulyou expethe investor to realize the greatest portfolio gain? A.Besteepening B.bull flattening C.Yielcurve inversion C is correct.A ration-neutrflattening tra involves a short 2-yeBonpositionana long 10-yebonposition, whihave a “matcheration or portfolio ration of zero. This portfolio will realize a gain ifthe slope of the yielcurve—this, the fferencebetween short-term anlong-term yiel— clines.Yielcurve inversion is extreme version of flattening in whithe spreaetween long-term anshort-term yiel-to-maturity falls below zero.The besteepening in A involves unchange2-yeyielto-maturity witha rise in the 10-yeyielto-maturity, causing a portfolio loss. The bullflattening in B combines a constant 2-yeyielto-maturity with lower 10-yearrates, resulting in a gain on the 10-yebonposition anunchange2-yearbonposition. 可以一下这道题吗?没有看懂

2024-04-26 08:40 2 · 回答