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Stella · 2024年06月25日


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Of the additional file notes from Pool 3 that Gentry reviews, which is the least accurate? The note regarding:


A.margin buying.

B.taxable events.

C.disadvantages of ETFs.



B is correct. The note on taxable events is inaccurate. ETFs have smaller taxable events than mutual funds because of the in-kind transfer of securities between an authorized participant and the fund when redemptions occur.

A is incorrect. Unlike traditional open-end mutual funds, ETF shares can be bought by investors using margin borrowing; moreover, investors can take short positions in an ETF.

C is incorrect. These are indeed the disadvantages of using an ETF instead of a mutual fund.

记得听课的时候在alternative(貌似)那一章,老师提过etf和close-end fund流动性是比较好的,当时还专门强调了closed-end fund流动性,这个地方似乎矛盾了,请解答

2 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年06月27日


助教老师,我在复习fixed income这一章的时候,第22页还写的是etf流动性比mutual fund更好。对于流动性的对比还需要区分资产进行记忆么




遇到固收的题目,ETF流动性比mutual fund好。

遇到equity的题目,ETF流动性比mutual fund差。


笛子_品职助教 · 2024年06月26日


记得听课的时候在alternative(貌似)那一章,老师提过etf和close-end fund流动性是比较好的,当时还专门强调了closed-end fund流动性,这个地方似乎矛盾了,请解答

equity里比较的是ETF与mutual fund。

ETF的流动性,要比mutual fund差。同学记忆一下这个结论。

同学注意:这个mutual fund专门指的是开放式共同基金。不包括封闭式基金。


𝒜𝒩𝒥𝒜 安雅🎃 · 2024年06月27日


Stella · 2024年06月27日

助教老师,我在复习fixed income这一章的时候,第22页还写的是etf流动性比mutual fund更好。对于流动性的对比还需要区分资产进行记忆么

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NO.PZ202207040100000705问题如下 SeebliCemetery Fountion Case ScenarioWith a view overlooking one of the GreLakes, SeebliCemetery is outor homage to over 100,000 interreresints in the US Miest, with the groun covering over 300 acres. The SeebliCemetery Fountion Investment Committee controls the $200 million enwment funthsupports operations. Committee members inclu representatives of many of the olst, wealthiest, anmost influentifamilies in the area compromise to ffering philosophicviews of the members, the funis viinto three separate investment pools, eawith its own stateequity investment mante. Moncrief Gentry is the equity rector for all pools. He oversees the selection of investment managers antermines benchmarks to use to evaluate performance.The investment mante for Pool 1 inclus two primary goals:A goto cost conscious with a preferenfor inx investing A goto ESG (environmental, social, angovernance) sensitive preferring investments thfocus on companies thhelp the environment with respeto cleenergy anclimate change The mante of Pool 2 also consists of two primary goals: A goththe overall stoportfolio shoulconsist of mature companies thhave stable net incomes anhigh vinyiel A goof expressing strong views on many major corporate issues through proxy votingGentry interviews a potentiinvestment manager, who explains thhis expertise lies in being able to enhanreturn or recost using three techniques:vincaptureSecurity lenng Coverecall writing Gentry then consirs the mante for Pool 3: Sinequity markets are believeto efficient, the pool shouluse inx approaches. The portfolio shoultrackeon the basis of large cversus small cap, well mestivelope anemerging markets. The most important benchmark feature is the liquity of the component stocks. Gentry reviews aitionfile notes from Pool 3 relateto investing in exchange-trafun (ETFs) anmutufun:Mutufun tento have smaller taxable events thsimilarly manageETFs. The fountion es not benefit from this characteristic because it is texempt. saantages of using ETFs inclu the neeto buy the offer ansell the biprice, paying commissions, anpossibly facing illiquimarkets either purchase or sale.Margin buying anbeing able to short sell apply to ETFs, not mutufun. Question Of the aitionfile notes from Pool 3 thGentry reviews, whiis the least accurate? The note regarng:A.margin buying.B.taxable events.C.saantages of ETFs.SolutionB is correct. The note on taxable events is inaccurate. ETFs have smaller taxable events thmutufun because of the in-kintransfer of securities between authorizeparticipant anthe funwhen remptions occur. A is incorrect. Unlike trationopen-enmutufun, ETF shares cbought investors using margin borrowing; moreover, investors ctake short positions in ETF.C is incorrect. These are inethe saantages of using ETF insteof a mutufun ETF流动性不足是站在一级市场角度分析点吗?

2023-08-03 18:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202207040100000705问题如下Of the aitionfile notes from Pool 3 thGentry reviews, whiis the least accurate? The note regarng:A.margin buying.B.taxable events.C.saantages of ETFs.SolutionB is correct. The note on taxable events is inaccurate. ETFs have smaller taxable events thmutufun because of the in-kintransfer of securities between authorizeparticipant anthe funwhen remptions occur. A is incorrect. Unlike trationopen-enmutufun, ETF shares cbought investors using margin borrowing; moreover, investors ctake short positions in ETF.C is incorrect. These are inethe saantages of using ETF insteof a mutufun 问题如上。。。。。。

2023-06-16 13:26 1 · 回答