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西红柿面 · 2024年06月23日




Sunjet Airlines Ltd. (Sunjet), a US-based “no frills” carrier. Nanuk Air Inc. (Nanuk) is a Canadian carrier that Sunjet purchased several years ago. Nanuk, which prepares its translated statements using the current rate method. Napier also asks Cameron what effect Nanuk’s translated statements will have on Sunjet’s other comprehensive income for the current year.

Cameron pulls out some exchange rate data (Exhibit 2).

The best answer to Napier’s question about the effect of Nanuk on Sunjet’s other comprehensive income is that Nanuk’s:



net asset exposure will generate a re-measurement gain.


net liability exposure will generate a re-measurement gain.


net asset exposure will generate a re-measurement loss.


C is correct. Nanuk is translated under the current rate method, so its translational exposure is its net asset position. The weakening CAD (see Exhibit 2) will generate a re-measurement loss in Sunjet’s other comprehensive income.

A is incorrect. It is the net asset position that is exposed to exchange fluctuations under the current rate method. Per Exhibit 2, the CAD is depreciating vs. the USD so would generate a loss. Candidates may think the CAD is strengthening.

B is incorrect. Nanuk’s net monetary liability position would generate a re-measurement gain under the temporal method, but it is the net asset position that is exposed to exchange fluctuations under the current rate method.

Translation G/L都是因为并表所产生的G/L,都是Unrealized G/L,temporal method下的translation G/L确实是计入了I/S表,但由于它只是由于并表产生的,未来还会依然随汇率变化而持续变化,所以它也确实是一个unrealized G/L。那为啥说是计入I/S呢?

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年06月23日

同学你好,计入I/S表还是计入OCI,并不是由这个损益 是否是未确认损益 来决定的,而是由“这个损益如果计入了I/S表,是否会误导投资者,导致投资者对公司的盈利能力的理解产生扭曲”所决定的

而temporal method的本质是子公司高度依附母公司,那子公司由于在海外,所以产生得汇率损失收益就是真实的会影响子公司的利润的——这种损益就应该计入I/S表,真实的让投资者理解公司利润就是因为汇率而增加或减少了多少

而current rate method的本质是子公司独立经营,此时其汇率损益完全是由于合并报表导致的,并不会真实的影响其在本地运营的收益损失,此时的translation G/L就应该计入Equity里面而不能放在I/S表里误导投资者

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NO.PZ2023040501000079 问题如下 Sunjet Airlines Lt (Sunjet), a US-base“no frills” carrier. Nanuk Air In(Nanuk) is a Canacarrier thSunjet purchaseseveryears ago. Nanuk, whiprepares its translatestatements using the current rate metho Napier also asks Cameron wheffeNanuk’s translatestatements will have on Sunjet’s other comprehensive income for the current year.Cameron pulls out some exchange rate ta (Exhibit 2).The best answer to Napier’s question about the effeof Nanuk on Sunjet’s other comprehensive income is thNanuk’s: A.net asset exposure will generate a re-measurement gain. B.net liability exposure will generate a re-measurement gain. C.net asset exposure will generate a re-measurement loss. C is correct. Nanuk is translateunr the current rate metho so its translationexposure is its net asset position. The weakening C(see Exhibit 2) will generate a re-measurement loss in Sunjet’s other comprehensive income.A is incorrect. It is the net asset position this exposeto exchange fluctuations unr the current rate metho Per Exhibit 2, the Cis preciating vs. the USso woulgenerate a loss. Cantes mthink the Cis strengthening.B is incorrect. Nanuk’s net monetary liability position woulgenerate a re-measurement gain unr the tempormetho but it is the net asset position this exposeto exchange fluctuations unr the current rate metho 如果是CurrentMetholiability不也是用最新汇率来转换么,最新汇率下跌,欠钱少了,net liability应该是一个gain啊。

2023-08-25 12:01 1 · 回答