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Stella · 2024年06月22日


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Windsong Wealth Management Case Scenario

Exhibit 1

Case Study of Jane Lennon

Fox told the candidates to assume that Lennon would use sub-portfolios to achieve her aspirational goals and asked them to identify which of the sub-portfolios is in the best position to tolerate the greatest risk exposure.

In reviewing Lennon’s risk tolerance, Fox pointed out that Lennon’s prior investment experience clearly indicates some behavioral biases that would influence her reaction to any asset allocation proposals.

Fox reminded the candidates that in addition to high-net-worth individuals, the firm’s client base also includes various institutional investors. The candidates made the following statements:

  • Trainor: A goals-based approach to asset allocation is appropriate for individual investors, but institutions need to focus either on the asset or liability side of the balance sheet, depending on the nature of their business.

  • Kelly: A typical objective of some institutions is to maximize their Sharpe ratio for an acceptable level of volatility, and they rely on the law of large numbers to assist them in modeling their liabilities. Other institutions behave much like individuals by segmenting general account assets into sub-portfolios associated with specific lines of business with their individual return objectives.

Fox mentioned to the candidates that when dealing with strategic asset allocation, investors often had difficulty understanding the relevant characteristics of asset classes. They responded:

  • Kelly: I like to stress to clients that asset classes should have high within-group correlations but low correlations with other classes. In addition, because investors need to rebalance to a strategic asset allocation, asset classes need to have both sufficient liquidity and low transaction costs.

  • Trainor: It is important that asset classes should be diversifying. I always look for low pairwise correlations with other asset classes.

Other general comments were noted about asset classes, but Fox could not recall their sources:

  • Emerging market equities should not be considered a separate asset class from global equities.

  • Asset classes differ from strategies in offering a non–skill-based ex ante expected return premium.

  • Asset classes should be defined in such a way that there is no overlap in sources of risk.


In the general comments about asset classes that Fox noted, the most accurate comment is the one regarding:


A.the overlap of sources of risk. B.emerging markets. C.the return premiums from asset classes.


SolutionC is correct. Asset classes should have a return premium based on an underlying market risk factor (e.g., beta) and not any underlying skill of the investor. Strategies, on the other hand, involve combinations of asset classes with the objective of earning a return based on investment skill.

C is correct. Asset classes should have a return premium based on an underlying market risk factor (e.g., beta) and not any underlying skill of the investor. Strategies, on the other hand, involve combinations of asset classes with the objective of earning a return based on investment skill.

A is incorrect. There will be overlap of sources of risk when asset classes are defined, e.g., US and non-US equities, or even US small and large cap equities will have some risks in common, but there should be as few common risk factors as possible, and they should have only modest correlations.

B is incorrect. Emerging markets equities should be considered a distinct asset class as they differ from other equities in terms of diversification potential, informational efficiency, corporate governance, taxation, and currency convertibility.

看了助教们的解释,大概理解了文中asset class想表达的是对资产类别选择所获得的是β,所以是non-skilled。那么句子里说的strategies(即基于技术的大概是哪些呢)

Stella · 2024年06月22日

不需要解答了,重新看了基础班讲义asset class相关分类,strategies为hedge funds或者mutual fund一类的投资策略,和按照股票债券等进行的资产分类是不一样的

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2024年06月24日



你的评论:“strategies为hedge funds或者mutual fund一类的投资策略,和按照股票债券等进行的资产分类是不一样的”是没有问题的,我也可以给一些进一步的解释,供你参考。


这其中,SAA(strategic Asset allocation)战略资产配置,主要的就是指的大类的资产类别之间进行配置,而配置的基础就要根据客户对收益和风险,投资期,特殊偏好等特征来进行,在这一步能够获得的expected return premium,是一个事前的收益,和投资经理的个人投资技能无关,大多数通过Excel就能够得出最优的配置,所以它是non-skilled的。

TAA(Tactical Asset allocation)战术资产配置,在已经配置好的SAA基础上,如果投资经理能够抓到短期机会,就会对SAA的配置权重做出短期的变化,从而获得α,这一步就属于skilled。

SS(security selection)选股,这个很简单,就是需要通过投资经理的个人分析和判断,从已经选定的大类资产中,去进一步选择具体投资的证券。

所以,总结一下,选择asset class这一步,就是SAA,是不需要投资经理个人能力的,是non-skilled。而后面的两步,TAA和SS是需要通过投资经理个人skill,来获取α。


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NO.PZ202206210100000505 问题如下 In the genercomments about asset classes thFox note the most accurate comment is the one regarng: A.the overlof sources of risk. B.emerging markets. C.the return premiums from asset classes. SolutionC is correct. Asset classes shoulhave a return premium baseon unrlying market risk factor (e.g., betannot any unrlying skill of the investor. Strategies, on the other han involve combinations of asset classes with the objective of earning a return baseon investment skill.C is correct. Asset classes shoulhave a return premium baseon unrlying market risk factor (e.g., betannot any unrlying skill of the investor. Strategies, on the other han involve combinations of asset classes with the objective of earning a return baseon investment skill.A is incorrect. There will overlof sources of risk when asset classes are fine e.g., US annon-US equities, or even US small anlarge cequities will have some risks in common, but there shoulfew common risk factors possible, anthey shoulhave only most correlations.B is incorrect. Emerging markets equities shoulconsirea stinasset class they ffer from other equities in terms of versification potential, informationefficiency, corporate governance, taxation, ancurrenconvertibility. 什么是non-skill-baseex ante?和解析之间有啥关系?没看明白

2024-09-25 15:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210100000505 问题如下 In the genercomments about asset classes thFox note the most accurate comment is the one regarng: A.the overlof sources of risk. B.emerging markets. C.the return premiums from asset classes. SolutionC is correct. Asset classes shoulhave a return premium baseon unrlying market risk factor (e.g., betannot any unrlying skill of the investor. Strategies, on the other han involve combinations of asset classes with the objective of earning a return baseon investment skill.C is correct. Asset classes shoulhave a return premium baseon unrlying market risk factor (e.g., betannot any unrlying skill of the investor. Strategies, on the other han involve combinations of asset classes with the objective of earning a return baseon investment skill.A is incorrect. There will overlof sources of risk when asset classes are fine e.g., US annon-US equities, or even US small anlarge cequities will have some risks in common, but there shoulfew common risk factors possible, anthey shoulhave only most correlations.B is incorrect. Emerging markets equities shoulconsirea stinasset class they ffer from other equities in terms of versification potential, informationefficiency, corporate governance, taxation, ancurrenconvertibility. Asset classes ffer from strategies in offering a non–skill-baseex ante expectereturn premium.请问老师这句话什么意思?

2023-04-26 18:04 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210100000505问题如下 In the genercomments about asset classes thFox note the most accurate comment is the one regarng: A.the overlof sources of risk.B.emerging markets.C.the return premiums from asset classes. SolutionC is correct. Asset classes shoulhave a return premium baseon unrlying market risk factor (e.g., betannot any unrlying skill of the investor. Strategies, on the other han involve combinations of asset classes with the objective of earning a return baseon investment skill.C is correct. Asset classes shoulhave a return premium baseon unrlying market risk factor (e.g., betannot any unrlying skill of the investor. Strategies, on the other han involve combinations of asset classes with the objective of earning a return baseon investment skill.A is incorrect. There will overlof sources of risk when asset classes are fine e.g., US annon-US equities, or even US small anlarge cequities will have some risks in common, but there shoulfew common risk factors possible, anthey shoulhave only most correlations.B is incorrect. Emerging markets equities shoulconsirea stinasset class they ffer from other equities in terms of versification potential, informationefficiency, corporate governance, taxation, ancurrenconvertibility. 我理解B翻译过来意思是emerging markt equity 不能作为单独的Asset class 用以区别globmaket equity,也就是说,Emerging maket equity 和globmaket 应该属于一类按题目提供的答案,globmkt 可以分成三个小类,emerging market equity 属于其中的一小类,意思也是emeging maket equity 和globmaket 属于一类上面两个角度看,B都应该说的对

2022-12-16 00:07 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202206210100000505问题如下 In the genercomments about asset classes thFox note the most accurate comment is the one regarng: A.the overlof sources of risk.B.emerging markets.C.the return premiums from asset classes. SolutionC is correct. Asset classes shoulhave a return premium baseon unrlying market risk factor (e.g., betannot any unrlying skill of the investor. Strategies, on the other han involve combinations of asset classes with the objective of earning a return baseon investment skill.C is correct. Asset classes shoulhave a return premium baseon unrlying market risk factor (e.g., betannot any unrlying skill of the investor. Strategies, on the other han involve combinations of asset classes with the objective of earning a return baseon investment skill.A is incorrect. There will overlof sources of risk when asset classes are fine e.g., US annon-US equities, or even US small anlarge cequities will have some risks in common, but there shoulfew common risk factors possible, anthey shoulhave only most correlations.B is incorrect. Emerging markets equities shoulconsirea stinasset class they ffer from other equities in terms of versification potential, informationefficiency, corporate governance, taxation, ancurrenconvertibility. C答案是什么意思,没看懂

2022-12-03 14:41 2 · 回答