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139****0989 · 2024年06月20日




When using standardized frameworks to assess materiality, analysts are most likely to:


A.include factors that are not financially material. B.stop using proprietary materiality assessments. C.consider different ESG factors for companies in the same sector.


A. Incorrect because materiality is typically measured in terms of both the likelihood and magnitude of impact. Many practitioners focus exclusively on material ESG factors. Determining which ESG issues are most material involves judgment and is not an exact science. Frameworks such as the materiality maps provided by SASB (now part of the ISSB) provide guidance, but investment professionals often develop their own view on what is most material.

B. Incorrect because various stakeholders do not agree on how to define or report materiality, so developing proprietary materiality assessments alongside standardized frameworks continues to be an important competency for investors.

C. Correct because material ESG factors differ by companies in different sub-sectors of the same sector. Companies in the same sector might be judged to have different material ESG factors. For instance, in the health care industry, a medical insurer will have different material factors than a pharmaceutical company. And even in the same industry, individual companies can have different material factors.


1 个答案

王岑 · 2024年06月21日


A选项说“ Include factors that are not financially material”,包含对财务不重要的因素,这个说法是不正确的。大多数分析师和投资者主要关注财务上重要的ESG因素,因为这些因素直接影响公司的风险和回报。虽然确定哪些ESG问题最重要需要判断,但这些判断通常基于财务影响的大小和可能性。
