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Lich · 2024年06月19日


Jacaranda Asset Management Case Scenario


The new risk-based regulations also require companies to gather client information as part of know-your-client and anti-money-laundering processes. Bukenya creates a confidentiality policy restricting access to existing and prospective client information. The information is only available to personnel who are authorized by the existing or prospective client. The one exception is if the client or prospective client is thought to be conducting illegal activities. In this circumstance, the information can be released without authorization if the information is demanded through a court order or other legal requirement.


Does Jacaranda’s performance presentation policy most likely meet required procedures for complying with CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct?

A.No, because of the structure of the composite.


C.No, because it is not in compliance with GIPS standards.


A is correct. Standard III(D)–Performance Presentation requires firms to provide credible performance information to clients and prospective clients as well as to avoid misstating or misleading clients and prospective clients about the investment performance of firms. A single composite that includes all client portfolios, regardless of investment objectives (which would likely be different for the retail and institutional clients) could be considered to be misleading. The standard does not require firms to be GIPS compliant. Firms not in compliance with the GIPS standards, however, should present the performance of a weighted composite of similar portfolios, rather than using a single representative account or all accounts with different non-similar portfolios.

B is incorrect because by having a single composite including all client portfolios, regardless of investment objectives (that would likely be different for the retail and institutional clients) could be considered to be misleading.

C is incorrect because firms can still meet Standard III(D) requirements without being in compliance with GIPS.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年06月19日


A. 正确。这个选项指出,将所有客户投资组合纳入一个composite,而不考虑投资目标(零售客户和机构客户的投资目标可能不同),可能会被视为误导。这是因为不同的客户群体可能有不同的投资策略、风险和回报目标。将这些不同目标的投资组合混合在一起展示,可能会给出一个扭曲的业绩画面,从而误导投资者。

B. 不正确。这个选项认为政策符合标准,但根据标准III(D),不考虑投资目标而将所有客户投资组合混合在一起是不合适的,因此这个选项是错误的。

C. 不正确。这个选项认为政策不符合GIPS,因此不符合CFA标准。但CFA并不要求公司必须遵守GIPS标准。公司即使不符合GIPS,仍然可以通过其他方式满足CFA的Standard III(D)要求


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