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Ivy · 2024年06月16日


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Strategy 2 is most likely preferred to Strategy 1 for meeting the objective of:



protecting inflation.


funding future liabilities.


minimizing the correlation of the fund’s domestic bond portfolio and equity portfolio.


A is correct.

Floating-coupon bonds provide inflation protection for the interest income because the reference rate should adjust for inflation. The purchase of fixed-coupon bonds as outlined in Strategy 1 provides no protection against inflation for either interest or principal. Strategy 1 would instead be superior to Strategy 2 in funding future liabilities (better predictability as to the amount of cash flows) and reducing the correlation between the fund’s domestic bond portfolio and equity portfolio (better diversification).

应该选 c吧  strategy 1不是浮动coupon怎么protect inflation呢

1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年06月17日


浮动利率相对于固定利率是能protect inflation的。浮动利率是指根据市场利率的变动而定期调整的利率,通货膨胀与浮动利率之间存在紧密的联系。央行的货币政策是影响浮动利率和通货膨胀的关键因素。央行通过调整基准利率、公开市场操作等手段来影响市场利率和通货膨胀率。通常情况下,当通货膨胀上升时,央行可能会提高基准利率以抑制物价上涨;反之,当通货膨胀率较低或下降时,央行可能会降低基准利率以刺激经济增长。整体经济状况、就业、产出等因素也会对浮动利率和通货膨胀产生影响。在经济繁荣时期,通货膨胀率可能会上升,央行可能会提高基准利率以抑制物价上涨;而在经济衰退时期,央行可能会降低基准利率以刺激经济增长。



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NO.PZ201812020100000202 问题如下 Strategy 2 is most likely preferreto Strategy 1 for meeting the objective of: A.protecting inflation. B.funng future liabilities. C.minimizing the correlation of the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio. A is correct.Floating-coupon bon provi inflation protection for the interest income because the referenrate shoulaust for inflation. The purchase of fixecoupon bon outlinein Strategy 1 provis no protection against inflation for either interest or principal. Strategy 1 woulinstesuperior to Strategy 2 in funng future liabilities (better prectability to the amount of cash flows) anrecing the correlation between the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio (better versification). 看到有问必答有个同学提的关于策略1的问题,正好想确认下Strategy 1 woulinstesuperior to Strategy 2 in funng future liabilities (better prectability to the amount of cash flows),这句话是否可以理解为购买久期2年的公司债相对于1个月的国债来说,未来的现金流收入更有确定性(久期更长的公司债coupon收益是更加确定的~,而1个月后国债就到期了,所以我们还需要继续做其他策略,来满足funng future liabilitieis)?如果是的话,这里的前提假设应该是持有到期的策略?

2023-01-06 16:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000202 问题如下 Strategy 2 is most likely preferreto Strategy 1 for meeting the objective of: A.protecting inflation. B.funng future liabilities. C.minimizing the correlation of the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio. A is correct.Floating-coupon bon provi inflation protection for the interest income because the referenrate shoulaust for inflation. The purchase of fixecoupon bon outlinein Strategy 1 provis no protection against inflation for either interest or principal. Strategy 1 woulinstesuperior to Strategy 2 in funng future liabilities (better prectability to the amount of cash flows) anrecing the correlation between the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio (better versification). 为什么Strategy 1能够更好满足目标1未来的负债

2022-05-06 20:31 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000202 funng future liabilities. minimizing the correlation of the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio. A is correct. Floating-coupon bon provi inflation protection for the interest income because the referenrate shoulaust for inflation. The purchase of fixecoupon bon outlinein Strategy 1 provis no protection against inflation for either interest or principal. Strategy 1 woulinstesuperior to Strategy 2 in funng future liabilities (better prectability to the amount of cash flows) anrecing the correlation between the funs mestic bonportfolio anequity portfolio (better versification).correlation大小我记得是看绝对值的呀?所以我认为是strategy2的correlation更小。因为0.1小于0.15

2022-03-07 17:23 3 · 回答

NO.PZ201812020100000202 请问B为什么不对,是因为期限长短的原因吗?

2021-05-15 15:05 2 · 回答